Angelic Healing

Angelic Healing

Many times, people come to me, broken, bent and hurt. They are looking to be healed. Not just physically, but mentally emotionally and spiritually. I send and perform healings as part of my work as a Psychic Medium and Animal Communicator. But did you know that you can also request healing and do healing on yourself? You can!

This may sound unbelievable, but it is true. We are made up of energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It only transmutes into other forms. So, if you are suffering in any way, you can call upon the energy from Angels, Guides and even from your own spirit to help heal you. This is what they talk about when people discuss self-healing.

Of course, there are many different ways that one can practice this but I wanted to offer a few tips on how you can help facilitate your own healing or the healing of your loved ones or pets. As a gentle reminder, this type of energy work may not eliminate the need for doctors or medicine but may be used in conjunction with medical or alternative treatment. If you feel like you’re suffering from a certain condition, please check in with your own physicians as they offer a different type of healing.

But if you would like to use this body-centered Healing along with traditional medicine, my first suggestion is you want to get to a quiet place within yourself. This may differ for various people. You may want to meditate, exercise, or even sit quietly and breathe deeply to find that quiet place within. Whatever way you can get out of your head and into your body/spirit will be helpful.

Once you feel centered, you want to do a few deep cleansing breaths and allow your energy to sink deep within your body. As you do this, you should feel some tingling emanating from your heart chakra towards the edges of your body. This is just your energy center awakening. By doing this, you’re sending the message to your cells that you want to open your energy centers, be healed and whole.

If you feel led to, allow yourself to use your hands over whatever part of your body that may be bothering you. This allows you to channel the energy more directly.

As you begin to feel the energy build in your hands and fingertips direct it into the parts of the body that need attention. Allow yourself to call in any angels or guides that would like to assist you now.

Archangel Raphael is particularly good at healing. I like to call upon him as well as Archangel Metatron, who is helpful in pushing away any unwanted energy that you may be holding onto.

These angels are honored to assist with healing and are merely waiting for us to ask. Allow the angels to send a direct cord of energy from Source into the part of the body that needs healing.

This energy is very strong and can feel like a warm pulsing sensation that is connecting to your body. Allow this to continue for as long as it feels good to you.

While you permit this energetic healing to continue, allow your spirit self to start a chat with the part of the body that is begging for your attention. Feel free to imagine yourself connecting directly with this part of your physical self. Ask questions as to what it needs.

For example, if your stomach is bothering you, allow your higher self to have an easy conversation with your stomach. Ask your stomach what is missing for it to be healed. The answer may come in a word, a sentence or even a color. But pay attention because your body always knows what it needs.

Allow this deep energy from the other side to continue to heal you. After you make the connection with the other side and allow that energy to run through you, be sure to thank the angels and any guides you have been working with. This helps complete the circuit. You will feel refreshed, relaxed and rejuvenated.

It is also at this time that you may ask for the healing to continue as you go through your day or week. Feel free to set the intention for what type of healing you would like and for how long you need the healing to continue.

For example, you may ask for healing from 2 to 4 PM every afternoon. By doing so, you will be cognizant of when to be aware of any changes in your energetics field as well as allowing these shifts to take place.

Don’t be surprised during these times if you feel movement in your energy. Then feel free to check back in with your body and see what type of shifts have been made.

This type of healing is subtle and you may only notice a small shift, like a warming of a certain area. That is perfectly fine. As long as you continue with the healing practice you will notice more positive changes.

While there are some people that notice more instantaneous changes in their physical issues, certainly long-term chronic conditions take longer to heal while short term flus and the like can heal more rapidly.

Be gentle with yourself and notice any type of healing taking place and always be sure to process and practice gratitude.

I usually advise my clients to either do this energy work as they are waking up in the morning or when they are going to bed in the evening. It is at these times we are more open to healing.

The more regularly you do this the more you start to feel the physical issues soften. Just remember our body has the ability to heal. It is indeed your right and your lineage to be able to harness these energetic healing abilities.

We have the potential to undertake the work of healing ourselves and once we connect with our beautiful guides, ancestors and our angelic companions, we are able to make great improvements in our energetic, spiritual and physical health.

Author – Mari Cartagenova 2023 featured blogger (14)

April 1, 2024Comments Off, angel | angelic | energy work | Healing | Spirituality

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