Profile Photos

Many of you have great plans for promoting your work. We are here to help with the offerings, but we require the correct content. Any photos submitted for websites, video, social marketing, and our general promotion of you need to be high resolution. This means they need to be at least 300 dpi. Otherwise, they will pixilate and become blurry. We need a clean, high quality professional image. If any of you have seen the recent Instagram posts that have been going up of your profile shots, you can see that those that are high resolution are crisp and clear, those that aren’t are blurry. We did nothing to your photos but load them. This is a great example of how the low res photos will convert. So please be aware. If photography is not your strong suit, there are some youtube videos and articles that may help. I am posting one brief one here for those that are interested.

A note on profile photos: What do we mean by a high resolution photo? If you open your photo in Word or another program and try to enlarge it, what happens? Does it become pixelated or blurry? If so, you need a much higher resolution photo. One that can be resized (within reason) and it looks just as good as the original. This will help in all promotional materials. Also, make sure you have an updated photo. One that portrays what you look like in person.

Helpful links:

July 29, 2015No comments,
Class – Making the Most of Immediate Readings

Good day all! Many have asked, and we have answered! Our newest course is now complete! For those that need a bit of extra help on the Click4Advisor immediate readings services, we’ve created a course covering just that!
Presenting: Making the Most of Immediate Readings – the course is 83 minutes long and covers the techniques used by the top immediate call producers within BAP. It shares how they begin a call, their process during the call, after call care, and discusses running specials and offering free minutes or promotions.

The cost for this tele course is $25.00 and it is available for download online. It is mobile compatible.

Please note, this course DOES NOT cover any technical functions of the C4A call system. If you need help with the actual technical functions of the call system, you need to contact Click4Advisor directly at or 925 463 1822. Please do not purchase this course expecting to learn how to use the system in a technical manner, as that is not covered.

Here is the registration link –

July 29, 2015No comments,
Finer Minds Opportunity

Good day all! I have been contacted by another media outlet that is very recognized and they are interested in our team! The company is called FinerMinds and they are published by MindValley, one of the world’s top growth publishing companies. They are interested in written articles from the BAP team, as we are considered experts in our field! Here is the link and the information if you would like to write for them. Keep in mind, there is no guarantee that your work will be published, but it if is, what a great line on your resume! Good luck! Shay

July 29, 2015No comments,