Clairvoyant Readings

Are Entity Attachments Real?

How Do I Know If I Have One?

In the world of psychics, healers and metaphysics, inevitably the topic of “entities” or “attachments” will arise. It will come up in classes about healing and psychic development, in a discussion or when you visit your own reader or healer, and certainly if you are a working psychic or healer yourself. But what exactly IS an entity attachment, and why might it attach to you? I will begin by saying there are many beliefs on the subject and conflicting thoughts. For years I was taught by esteemed teachers of healing and psychic development how to clear and protect my energy field when doing this work because when you are empathic (as many people are) and working with, relating to, and in the presence of other humans, it’s important to clean out your energy field and space because you can pick up “stuff” and energies that don’t belong to you. This topic can get multi layered and branch off into all kinds of directions. I will keep it as concise as I can speaking from my own experience.

I have been trained in and I teach multiple techniques for clearing the human aura, and physical space. I have worked for 30 years in the healing arts, and have a thriving private practice as a psychic, medium, energy healer and spiritual counselor. I discovered that I had picked up a foreign energy (entity) that was attached to my energy field. I had been feeling rather “off” for quite a long time. I was experiencing low energy, was weepy a lot, and more negative and drained than I had ever felt for such a continued period of time. I was behaving in ways that weren’t usual, like desires to do things out of character for me, such as zoning out and escapism behavior. I was putting things off that I normally enjoyed, isolating from others, and feeling a big lack of motivation to do my work, which is my true passion in life! Admittedly, I had become remiss in managing my energy field carefully, both in my work and personal life. As the awareness of how “off” I was becoming intensified, I just “happened” (there are no accidents!) to come upon an article with a list of symptoms of an entity attachment. I found it hit me like a frying pan over the head and I realized that was what was probably going on. Me? A trained professional psychic healer? That same day, we had good friends over and one of them was a healer whom I came to find out cleared attachments through a technique using the akashic records (a topic for another day). I followed the protocol she gave me after doing her assessment and I truly experienced a total shift and reversal of the symptoms. It has been a reminder of the importance of taking care of my energy field.

What exactly IS an entity attachment? It’s an energy in another dimension that is of a low vibration and feeds on the energy of living animals/people. It can be a collective of negative thought forms but not with a soul. Like a bacteria or parasite on the astral (unseen) level. An entity can be a negative human soul who is vibrating on a lower level frequency and stays hanging around the Earth plane out of fear to move onward. These souls attach to people or animals to gain energy and to live vicariously through the incarnated being. There are many other types of entities such as dark force (demonic) and ETs who have a different energy to them and attach for different reasons.

The most important thing to know about this subject is how to prevent it and how to clear it if you find you have one. According to some research I did, a large percentage of people have attachments at some time in their lives and don’t know it, and some have them for their entire lifetime. They come from other people who have them, and go to other clear people who have an opening in their aura to allow them in. An opening can happen when a person is weak emotionally due to trauma, in fear or negativity, too open energetically and merging with another’s energy field, through sex with a person who has entity attached, or when using drugs or alcohol. To stay clear in the aura, a person has to be soul empowered and not in fear to remove and to keep the entity away. The assistance of the Angelic realm, (also known as High Entities) and the Divine (God/Goddess)-a higher vibration than the entity is needed to escort it out to another realm where it belongs.

Some things to be aware of to stay clear of entity attachment:
Stay healthy physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Clear negative people out of your life, check your thoughts and belief systems for low vibration (shame, fear, self-loathing, over giving, martyrdom, giving your power away,) and protect your home, office, car etc. with healing thoughts, cleanliness and high vibration music, light, sincere meditation and positive relationships. Burning white sage and incense clears space, and water and salt keeps the aura clear.

Author: Katherine Glass

August 13, 2018No comments, , , , , , , attachment | aura | energy | entity attachment | Medium | Psychic | vibration
Whole Health for the Lightworker

Whole health for our Spiritual Work:

Our true nature is that of total peace, joy and ultimate health and, therefore, there has to be a balance between the Mind, Body and the Spirit. The truth is, we are vibrant, joyful, glistening and divine, and our sacred power is Love and our Light that shimmers within.
We are cosmic energy. We have an intuitive voice and we can illuminate ourselves to perfect health.

Do you believe this?

Let’s talk about the struggles Spirit workers have balancing their own lives and their work. We cannot move away from the truth that we have drama and noise all around us – the challenge is – how do you not allow these factors to affect you and your work.

Here’s the reality of what we may be dealing with – negative comments from people and, yes, that includes family. We hear it one way or another…

I personally try to find humor in all of what is happening around me – because people are funny!

How do I deal with negative people? I imagine them on my funny cloud surrounding them with all the colors of the rainbow and send them off. You can’t take things seriously, not even yourself! This work is serious enough…

Our Responsibility as Spirit Workers ~

We have a huge responsibility to take care of ourselves and our integrity, as well as the integrity of our work.

That means to always separate our own personal struggles and to be sure that we start off our sessions with the clarity of an intention we’ve set out for ourselves and each one of our clients.

A lesson on Boundaries –

Keep it Simple –

In your sessions, lay down your rules so that your clients are aware. – (For instance – they can’t talk over me while messages are being delivered.) Make it clear that they can ask questions after.

Being clear about your business Hours and pacing yourself. – I set limits on how many clients ‘to see’ whether it is an In-Person Session or a Phone Session to 3 bookings per day, every other day. I do Events once or twice a month.

Don’t overbook yourself thinking you can do it all. – I’ve done this, there was a time when I saw 6 or 7 clients a day, sacrificing the quality of my Readings or Healing Sessions to mediocre. Previously, I thought I would see 14 clients and I did. This was when I worked at a metaphysical bookstore. I ended up being a total Crab Pot at the end of the day ~ not fun! Missing meals made me even crabbier! But, I have learned and – never again!

I was contemplating on how things have changed since I have chosen to do this work. The energetic shifts are enormous and I feel it. Premonitions come through frequently and the downloads from Masters and Light Codes come through especially in my healing sessions – this I cannot wait to tell you about sometime.

Keeping yourself together as a Spiritual Worker:

We are definitely being called to bring our talents to the forefront and as we up-level our work, we will face more and more challenges as we help clear the path for many.

As a Medium, I am welcoming all the shifts that come my way as a sign that my work is evolving and I am excited to see what’s to come…

July 6, 2018No comments, , , , , , , , boundaries | Lightworker | Medium | Psychic | whole health
The Akashic Principle of Love

…A modified excerpt from award winning book, Divine Love Affair: An Akashic Journey Written by Nancy Smith.

When I was a tiny girl I had a sense of being loved in a large way. It was as if everything and everyone around me was made of love. I returned excitement and love to everyone and everything.

My parents took us to church as a young family. I watched with interest as the prayers and songs glowed in colors around the sacred alter. Sometimes I saw colors around people’s heads. Sometimes I heard extra voices singing with us. I defined this joyful presence as God, the Holy Family, and my angels.

But, over time my life became complicated. My mom was always angry, my dad was aloof. By the age of seven I began to feel confused about my parent’s anger and sadness and the love I experienced from my angels. It made for one hot mess. My loving enthusiasm took a nosedive. I escorted it all, hearing angels, feeling love and a sense of happiness, to the back of my consciousness.

 Around my tenth birthday, my mom threw a big christening party for baby number eight, little Jackie. While my sibs and cousins played outside, I was sent upstairs to get baby Jackie up from her nap. With Jackie my arms, I started down the stairs. At the top of the landing I heard a commanding voice say “STOP.”

 “The angels,” I thought to myself. “I had better listen.” I stopped. I stood on the landing at the top of the stairs. I waited for what seemed like forever. I squeezed my eyes shut and asked, “When can I go?” In my mind’s eye I saw a traffic light.  The lights changed from red to yellow, and then to green. “Okay,” I said aloud, and continued down the stairs.

 I had to walk past a bank of large windows to lay Jackie down in her bassinet.  Just as I was about to step in front of the first window, a ball came crashing through it, shattering and spraying broken glass everywhere. The shards just missed hitting us. I knew that if I hadn’t listened to the voice telling me to stop, we would have been badly hurt.

 I whispered, “Thank you.” In my heart I knew my angels were keeping me safe. I promised I would try to listen better. From that moment on, my amazing journey with Spirit began to grow on purpose, by my choice. With that choice, at ten years old, I began my journey to return to the loving presence of the angels and the creator.

In the Presence of Akashic Love

The presence of God is Love. God is Love. Love is the energy used in all of the creator’s creations. The Akasha is the essence of the creator’s source and is the energy of Love.

We will always return to God, whether during life as we live it, or during our transitioning in death to Spirit, we return to Love. When we direct our minds, emotions, and Spirits to self-love, and accept a divine, loving, healing presence in our lives, miracles can happen. They aren’t really miracles—we’re meant to live our lives in Love—it’s the natural way of being that brings us back to health and a sense of well-being.

The miracle is our return to Love, to Source.

Our self-awareness and ability to recognize our needs and care for ourselves, is in direct proportion to our capacity to open up to God’s love and Akashic spiritual energy.

Akasha is the intelligent, compassionate life force from which all things are created and to which all things return. Akasha is one of the many names for the creator energy, the Divine Consciousness. Akasha is also an organizational principle that we can use to understand and connect to the Divine Consciousness and Love of the creator.

Akasha is an energy that can be accessed. This ability is embedded in your energy anatomy. The potential is within you and the training is available. We are created and born to access this energy. As we access Akashic energy, our lives as humans are enhanced; we deepen the journey to our soul. What has wounded your spirit and self in your lifetime can be reclaimed and healed as you access the Akashic field.

Within the Akashic field of energy is a library of information and the wisdom of all creation. The Akashic energy is sensitive, and all events are impressed and embedded within this Akashic library of records. The records contain the macrocosm and microcosm of your life; the big picture of your soul’s plan and the very personal information about you are all all retained in this Akashic field.

The healing within the Akashic field is a relationship of reciprocity and deep respect. To enter onto this healing path you must take ownership of the choices you make in your life. The entrance fee is your willingness to be completely present in the moment as best you can. Curiosity, imagination, creativity, forgiveness, intuition, and a willingness to blend with Spirit elevates your vibration. You will then access Akashic healing consciously and with purpose.

When you consider your life’s path and Soul purpose, think of Divine Love. Wherever you go, whatever you choose to do, the best path is the path that brings you to Divine Love.

June 17, 2018No comments, , , , , , , akasha | Akashic Records | angelscapes | best american psychics | contract | divine | divine love | Love | nancy smith | shay parker | Soul | soul path
Messages from Synchronicities

Synchronicity with Spirit and Soul

Every developing psychic is taught to ask for signs from spirit for guidance. I learned to ask for specific signs to tell me I was on the right path and show me that spirit guides were with me, helping me.

I commonly hear clients ask loved ones in spirit, “Show me a sign you are near me and around me.” The variety of signs clients describe to me is amazing.

Signs and synchronicities can let us know when we are on the right track or not. They can let us know when we are we aligned with Soul and Spirit, or when we are we falling off the rails.

So what is a synchronicity?

Our Sub-conscious mind is an amazing being. I’m talking about the conscious part of our self that connects us to our spirit, Soul, and the Universe – whether we know it or not! It is our Sub-conscious mind that helps us see the patterns and language (the Akashic records) of the universe.

The language of our Super Sub-conscious self is synchronicities. Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences. Synchronicity is the word Swiss psychologist Carl Jung used to describe the temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events. In other words, things that happen that have meaning, and maybe aren’t just random acts.

Jung describes synchronicity using a case study:
“A young woman I was treating had a dream in which she was given a golden scarab. While she was telling me her dream I heard a noise behind me. I turned round and saw a flying insect knocking against the window-pane. I opened the window and caught the creature in the air as it flew in. It was the nearest analogy to the golden scarab that one finds in our latitudes, a scarabaeid beetle, … which had evidently felt an urge to get inside at this particular moment.” The Scarab represented Self-Generation, Resurrection and Renewal.”

Some other examples of meaningful synchronicities can be:
• You are in a bookstore looking for a book that will help you, and the book you need falls off the shelf.
• You finally end a bad relationship and immediately another partner comes into your life as if by synchronicity.
• You are wondering what to do about a certain problem and someone calls you unexpectedly, without you ever asking them, and has information you need.
• You are suffering with financial difficulties, yet money for basic expenses always manifests.

SYNCHRONICITY is when intention meets energy through vibrational attraction.

You can access the power of synchronicities on purpose. As synchronistic energetic inputs come from a higher source to guide you, be curious! Choose to follow the “bread crumbs.” When you do that, more “bread crumbs” will follow. As you choose to listen and take action, you raise your awareness of universal life force and increase your personal vibration.

Tune into to synchronistic guidance by first asking a question. Then imagine that question being answered. Then relax and prepare to receive the answer you need in any form it may come.

Try these steps:
• Sit in silence Relax and feel serenity, peace and a sense of connection.
• Prayer: Clarify your desire in words.
• Meditation: As you sit in silence, imagine you are blending with the flow and power of the universe. Imagine it any way that feels good to you. I picture floating on my back in a beautiful river.
• Let go: Get up go about your life. Trust the answers will come in whatever form it will “in a way you can understand”.

Do these things to reinforce your intention:
• Visualize your desired outcome
• Use a positive voice.
• Be ready to receive.
• Be patient.
• Be flexible.

Continue to check in and monitor your awareness and connection to catch the synchronistic moments. Affirm to your self:
“I am in the flow of creativity and the highest vibration of Source.”

Nancy Smith of Angelscapes is a nationally known medium, spirit artist, author, teacher and illustrator. Please link here for more information on how to contact Nancy: Nancy Smith

June 11, 2018No comments, , , , , , , , best american psychics | carl jung | coincidence | messages | nancy smith | Signs | Soul | Spirit | Synchronicity
How to Avoid Spiritual Overdrive

When it came time to put my 16 year old behind the wheel, I was a bit surprised to find that she had no interest in driving whatsoever. I thought about my teen years and anxiously counting the days until I could get my license and roam the roads free as a bird and wondered why she did not feel the same way. I took a look back at my first driving experience and quickly realized why my teen might be apprehensive.

My teacher taught me to drive a land barge of a car by the ‘throw the baby in the pool’ method. Get behind the wheel and go…and for Pete’s sake, don’t hit anything! As we rolled forward in 2500 pounds of 1977 Cadillac all I remembered was hearing my dad scream, “Brake, brake braaaakkkke!” Needless to say, it was just a tad dramatic.

So typical me took a comprehensive look at why and where first time drivers have issues. I broke down the driving experience into sections and we began easily. I had my teen just sit in park and learn to control the accelerator. With her first try stepping on the gas, she revved right up to 3000 rpms and she got startled. Had she been in drive, she would have totally panicked.

We continued to practice, gently getting the accelerator to 1000 rpms, then to 1500, then briefly to 2000 and then smoothly back down again, until she could to it with ease. I said, “See, if you learn to control the accelerator in park then when you finally do put it in drive you’ll feel in control and you won’t need to panic and slam on the brakes.” We practiced for several days, then we moved on to rolling forward on the straight and putting on the brakes. Once we mastered that, THEN we started turns, and so on.

Spiritual development is very similar. You’ve got to break it down into manageable parts or you might get too overwhelmed and panic. Get a good grasp on each part BEFORE you throw that spirituality into overdrive! Learn to breathe, learn to mindfully focus, learn to move consciousness around before you jump into the concepts of time, space, the multi-verse and all things post-life and professional readings.

Waking up one day and saying, I’m going to learn all things spiritual today is like throwing a first time driver behind the wheel and just saying, “Hit the gas, you’ll figure it out as you go. Oh, and don’t hit anything.” – just a tad overwhelming and potentially frustrating. Oh I’m sure it can be done, it’s done all the time, but wading into the pool seems much less stressful than just diving in.

Break each area of your spiritual focus down to manageable parts. Study those parts with multiple teachers, and then move on. In the end you will be left with solid groundwork that will take you to much higher planes of understanding with a heck of a lot less stress.

Samantha Hall is a full time psychic, medium and spiritual mentor. Transplanted from her roots in Arizona, Samantha now makes her home in Northwest Georgia. Part philosopher, part psychic, student of quantum sciences and consciousness, Samantha is always searching for answers to what make humans so uniquely human. Click here to learn more: Samantha Hall

May 21, 2018No comments, , , , , , awake | best american psychics | education | get woke | Medium | Psychic | Spiritual | spiritual mentor | spiritual overdrive | Spirituality