Conflict Growth in December

Conflict Growth in December

Week 4 of the Fork in the Road December Series

Okay, if you’ve been following along, you now know what your conflict style is and what stretch is ‘on hand’ this month. If you need to catch up then you can do that HERE. () Now that you know a bit more about what’s required, let’s have some fun with how you do it. This December we have the meet up of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius which heralds a new 200 year cycle of expansion that highlights the element of Air, or the mind.

It helps to slow down this month and NOT react right away to what stirs us up. It’s too easy to be triggered into old habits instead of drawing from the growth you’ve achieved over your lifetime.  A slow approach allows room for new information to come into view and inform you about options your old reactions may not factor in when you jump to conclusions or actions.  

Pause, reflect, remember what your strengths are.  If your Head Line ends under an inside finger, you require time to find your backbone to pushback on what doesn’t fit who you are now. That’s not comfortable, since you underestimate yourself more often than not.  Add to the picture that you also overestimate the person opposite you, and you have a recipe for conflict avoidance.  

One step at a time, you have a better chance to see your gifts and strengths.  Instead of snapping closed like a sea anemone, you can reach for your talents and trust that your point of view is worthwhile and needed!  Especially since you understand what it feels like to be overwhelmed, you show others how to be generous when you practice speaking up for yourself while considering them, too.


If your Head Line makes it to an outside finger under that little finger, then it can be easier for you to be dismissive of the other’s inability to articulate their argument or stand up for themselves.  When you slow down, you can actually help bring about a better conversation by giving them the space to think, feel and come back to you on a slower pace than you operate normally.  

The ability to slow down can also give you added insight that may open their eyes to where they can see the whole picture more clearly when you aren’t doing it from a place of being right and making them wrong.  Instead of dominating a moment or an exchange, you can help light the way for a longer lasting win that includes others in that victory. 

As I mentioned the first week of December, January dials up the pressure to change. So do take what helps and apply it to a slower, kinder pace right now. You’ll be very glad to reap the rewards of that for years to come.  With a 200 year cycle of Jupiter and Saturn meeting up in Air signs, we have to learn how to level the playing field better so that we all benefit.  

If you want to find out what that looks like for you this coming year, you can check out and sign up for the newsletter.  You get a special introductory reading at almost half off.  Or, you can request a Year Ahead Reading and find out just what preparations serve you best.  Thank you for tuning in and wishing you all the best, always.

Lisa Greenfield

December 22, 2020No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , Aquarius | BAP | best american psychics | Blog | december | Jupiter | Lisa Greenfield | Saturn

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