Energy in Motion: Feel It to Heal It

Energy in Motion: Feel It to Heal It

An excerpt from Divine Love Affair and Akashic Journey by Nancy Smith

The Energetics of Emotions

Emotions are energy in motion. Our emotions can be like flairs, rocketing up into our awareness to say “Pay Attention! This is important!”

The typical busy life is full of mental and physical jobs and tasks. Rarely have I heard anyone say “I have to spend more time feeling.” As a culture, we minimize our emotions. That is, until they snag us into feeling something we can’t avoid.

We subdue our feelings with judgments, criticism, and rationalization, or we ignore them hoping they will fade away. Feelings don’t fade away. Just like the principle of energy, emotions don’t stop they simply take another form, in another place in our consciousness. Energy is a never-ending cycle. And so are our emotions. Sometimes the new expressions can be physical ailment,  mental pressure, and psychological struggles. Unexpressed emotions can be projected onto other people places and things. Blame, shame, guilt, prejudice, jealousy are all forms of unexpressed emotions.

It’s all energy in motion.

The purest form of our internal energy is our emotion. Emotion speaks a language we understand the best. Across all cultures, humans recognize and understand emotions, even with a huge language barrier. Emotions are energy in motion. They have a message to deliver, they are designed to give us information.

Feelings, emotions, and emotional reactions are multi-layered. When we finally decide to connect with our feelings we often feel a sense of confusion. Logic tries to analyze and figure out a solution that leads to more confusion. Because we still don’t know how we really feel.

The whole communication process within our neurons and brain can break down into a hot mess. Your emotions and feelings may then go underground to your unconscious.  Your conscious self is then lulled into thinking your feelings are resolved. Truthfully, your emotions have only just begun to vibrate in your life. The resolution to this hot mess of emotions is not found in your analytical reasoning.

The Closed Circuit

A pure energy, from the Divine Creator, I call it the Akasha Energy, flows through us constantly. Like the beat of our heart, this energy pulses into our etheric and physical body.

Our entire body system, etheric, physical, emotional, and mental absorbs (or spends, or transforms) this energy as needed. This energy also is a continuous flow going throughout our body that connects us to the higher Akashic heaven. This energy is love and is the source of all wisdom, healing, and creation.

Our energy system aligns with this flow, for the most part, until something happens. Something could be a trauma, an unplanned influence, or something that stops us in our tracks emotionally, mentally, and or physically. If this event is not integrated or understood throughout our energy system, a disruption in our energy flow takes place. This disruption could cause what I call a closed circuit in our energy system. The energy continues to flow, but it no longer integrates with our consciousness.

The broken energy flows in a cycle from our root and lower chakras to the point of disruption and then back again to the root chakra. A closed circuit of energy can happen anywhere in our chakra system, since we need our lower root system to survive in life, at least one lower chakra is usually involved.

The energy flow is closed and no longer receives sustenance or guidance from other sources, including our Akashic soul source. These closed circuits can create misplaced belief systems. For instance, unresolved grief or anger that feeds off itself and perpetuates never-ending pain in our lives.

You can recognize a closed circuit when you have reoccurring themes in your life that don’t resolve. Anger without forgiveness is a closed circuit. Fear without courage, grief without resolution, or blame without compassion are all closed circuits.

It is possible to resolve a closed circuit through meditations and energy work in your Akashic Records.  Sometimes all you need to do is to dig down and feel the root emotion and listen to the message that emotion has for you. Feeling and acknowledging root emotions will open your closed circuit which will open your energy system to the divine flow of life.

Author: Nancy Smith

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March 17, 2024Comments Off, , , , , , , , , , , Akashic Records | best american psychics | Blog | chakra | Emotion | energy | feelings | nancy smith

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