First Aid for Freak Out

First Aid for Freak Out

It’s a near daily occurrence: You come across something that sets you off, in a conversation,
in a social media post, on the news. Emotions erupt. Words rise up in you, maybe so many
that you have trouble piecing them together coherently. You feel anxiety and panic. Worst-
case scenarios flood your mind. Your blood pressure rises. Your heart pounds. You find it hard
to let go of whatever’s triggered you.

You have been hit with a energetic virus. Unlikely with a physical virus, you can combat it. All
you need is a few shifts in attitude, the ability to visualize or imagine, and the willingness to

Keep this first aid checklist on hand for your next freak out:
1. Disengage with the trigger.
Do not respond. Leave the conversation or social media site. Turn off the news.

2. Breathe.
Breathe in. Breathe out. If you’re badly agitated, cover your mouth with your hand and
breathe into it until you feel your breath slow. Imagine that you’re breathing out tension,
anxiety, and panic. Imagine that you’re breathing in calm.

3. Clear your mind.
Acknowledge and then act on freaked out, irrational thoughts. Here are two easy ways to do

Physically: Write down everything that’s running through your mind. Everything, especially the
crazy. Write until your hand tires, then write more. Take as many pieces of paper as you need.
When you feel complete, put all the pieces of paper you’ve scribbled on into a box with a lid
on it. Put the lid on the box, and put the box out of your sight. Your choice whether to open it
later. If you like, treat this as handing the issue over to a higher power. (Tosha Silver
describes this technique as a God box in her book It’s Not Your Money.)

With visualization: Imagine a stack of paper, a pen with an unbreakable point, and a box with
a lid on it. Imagine writing down everything that’s running through your mind, using as many
pieces of paper as you need. When you feel complete, put the paper in the box and place the
lid on it. Put the lid on shelf in the back of your mind. Leave it there for as long as you like
(including forever). If you do ever return to the box, you can sort through the paper, keep
some, and throw some out. Or you can blow up the box and dispose of the debris.

4. Remove the virus from your energy field.
Visualize a horseshoe magnet. (It’s shaped like a horseshoe, only red with black tips). Point
the tips toward you.

Now imagine that you’re facing whatever set you off. If it’s a person, see that person. If it’s
not, imagine an image that represents the trigger to you – a group of people, a written
message, even a big blob.

Place the magnet in front of that, with the tips pointed at you. Instruct the magnet to pull the
energy of that person, or group, or situation, out of you and return it.

Sit with this. As the magnet works, you may feel a pulling sensation. As the clearing finishes,
you may feel a pop and then calm. This may happen in your solar plexus (your power center,
and frequently where attacks plug in) or in your root chakra (your survival center).
When you feel complete, drop the magnet.

5. Remove your energy from the trigger.
Visualize another horseshoe magnet. Place it at your solar plexus and point it at the person or
the image whose energy you just returned. Instruct the magnet to pull your energy out of that
person or image and return it to you.

When you feel complete, drop the magnet.

Any combination of these tactics will help bring you back to center. In a pinch, disengage and
apply the magnets. With practice, you can have them running simultaneously.

Then, and only then, decide whether to respond. Odds are you won’t want to waste the

More energy management tools are available in Reclaiming Your Energy, a one-hour talk
available for download at no charge.

Author: Kathy Biehl

First Aid for Freak Out


July 22, 2022No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , anxiety | BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | clearing | energy | energy clearing | first aid | freak out | Kathy Biehl | panic | psychic readings | Readings

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