Hype is an energy, an addictive and emotive excitement that, increases our adrenalin and therefore results in action being taken. There is no doubting this.
Hype, however, should not be misunderstood for a higher vibration.
Hype can incite spectacular and wonderful things and a sense of pride and achievement. The hype created after your favorite sports team wins a world championship, is a feeling and energy that we all love to be in. It gives us such an uplifted feeling. We can all celebrate together.
Hype can also be created from a lower energy such as resentment, not taking responsibility and shifting blame, jealousy, wrong doings, greed, revenge, and the need to control. It is often created by those who have delusions of grandeur, such as a narcissist type of
personality. A Charismatic personality is often clever at inciting hype in people. Hype can incite riots, violence, hate, discrimination. It can convince people to act in ways that are out of character and do things in the moment that they may later regret.
Negative hype breeds speculation, and speculation is a like a wave that rushes through people who get dragged into it. It builds rumors, gossip without evidence, and creates a hypnotic state of false unity but really, its purpose is to cause division. Division is spread
through dis-information, no fact checking, and no regulations or ethical standards.
To divide and conquer, is a technique used by anyone wanting power over others. It is never obvious; it is always hidden within hype and the speculation created thereafter. Hype can make people blind to negative aspects of a person and therefore they lose their consciousness to this. Once hype has a hold of people, it is spread quickly, now more than ever through social media.
Negative hype is usually based on fear, however because most people lack self-awareness, and understanding of those who seem different, or hold different beliefs, they do not understand that fear is the cause. Their inner fear leads them to believe whatever is said, they forget to question anything. The energy of the hype and speculation is so powerful and therefore the feeling created takes a life of its own and people can become lost in it.
A true higher vibration brings a sense of belonging, calm, and balance. It brings clarity. This breeds empathy, compassion, understanding, and openness. It creates awareness and healthy boundaries and respect. It is the foundation for collaborating, and co-operation.
Togetherness and Oneness. It creates a safe space for people to uplift one another and to share resources and ideas. It is gentle, and energizing, yet it is balancing and grounding. It gives us the space to question, to be authentic and honest. It also allows us to remain
objective and view a person or situation in a holistic way, the whole picture, not just part of it. The Yin, and the Yang if you will, the dark and the light, the good and the evil. The ability to observe the whole and not part, without judgement allows us to work in truth to raise our vibration higher.
It allows the space needed for our intuition to come through clearly and accurately.
The call for us to live by our intuition is stronger than ever, lets unite in a true higher vibration, and become self-aware so that we do not lose ourselves to a false energy and entity created by hype.
To get to this higher vibration, the first step is to embrace self-awareness, because self-awareness creates emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence creates true empathy, which changes the entire outlook or perspective of a situation. Where there is empathy, there is intuition, and intuition is our direct connection to Spirit and to the truth.
As we transition through changes that are currently happening, we must practice this as much as we can so that we do not risk becoming lost in the false energy of hype and speculation. So that we can maintain a higher vibration and connect with other souls who
are doing the same thing.
Author: Deb Sinclair