
Overcome Fear & Build Intuitive Resilience

Overcome Fear

Build Intuitive Resilience by Checking your Fear-o-Meter

This third-dimensional reality is how most humans know of life as it is, without question. This dimension is predominantly driven by fear in a systematic global society which can make us very vulnerable. Many people accept it as it is and endure it. Many also don’t accept it and try to fight it.

The way to control people’s minds is first through fear, which promotes self-doubt and vulnerability. Then to offer them a solution in a loving manner, making them feel special and important. When you buy into this often-subtle manipulation, you are lost well in the illusion-driven third dimension. And once lost in this, your mind can take you places so far away from your soul that it is very concerning. 

In recent years with the changeable environment we have endured, people’s fear-o-meters were through the roof. With nowhere to turn, we literally saw people fighting over toilet paper while shopping and buying guns during the pandemic. I remember watching this with interest. Have these people got no concept of Spirituality? Why are they so very fearful? Toilet paper? Is this the way through? Guns won’t kill off a virus, threaten or hurt as many people as you think (all in the name of fear, fear of what? Not having enough supplies? Or just fear itself?) Neither toilet paper nor a gun will stop you from catching a virus. In the aftermath of the pandemic, we have watched many areas of society go into a vast nosedive, with significant increases in crime, add to that the more prevalent natural disasters and environmental challenges, the volatile housing market, and the rising cost of living . . . and more . . . all this is third dimension driven.

So why the considerable fear reaction? The pandemic was something not expected by most and denied by many. Health authorities wanted strategies in place so we would be prepared; sadly, this did not happen. So, we were left in a global scramble and mess to sort it all out. (We were living in a safe illusion, a bubble of misconception). And just like a house of cards, it only took one aspect to fail, and it all fell to pieces. Life has not challenged us to build an intuitive resilience.  

My own experience has made me feel that we, as humans, must absolutely become more in tune with our intuition, and therefore live more according to the internal guidance that this provides. So we can survive and thrive and evolve in a positive direction. We should build a solid resilience to fear by looking at it as fear itself, regardless of the circumstances. 

To stay balanced and on track intuitively, we must check what I term our fear-o-meter. The way to do this is through self-awareness. Seeing the self and becoming in tune with our emotions. To many, owning and admitting that you are scared and afraid is seen as rendering us powerless. However, it is not. On the contrary, it is very powerful because once we admit and surrender to the fact that we are fearful, we then open intuitively to the higher flow. I like to acknowledge the fear, then I visualize a fear-o-meter (mine looks very much like those signs you see near forests and in the country that rate the fire danger), but yours can be whatever works for you. The more intense the fear, the more likely you are to become irrational. Your thoughts may take off in a direction seeking power and control. Then you have completely lost touch intuitively. So if you rate your fear, this will indicate how out of balance you are.

Our fears are often linked to our conditioning and beliefs, previous life events, past lives, and worries about what may happen, so I also like to do a past, present, and potential future fear rating. That way, you have a good sense of navigation. The past and the potential future sits away from us energetically (it’s not in our energy field until it becomes reality in our present), so once those fears are acknowledged, they often just transcend into a neutral state. The present is where most of the fear exists.

Now I need to emphasize that we also must employ common sense. This should not be difficult because, in my view, common sense and intuition partner up together very well. Common sense keeps us grounded, and if we find ourselves being pulled in a direction that does not sit well with our intuition and common sense together, then we are heading off track. Nothing should pull you anywhere. You should feel relaxed and clear, not stressed, anxious, or even on a high. 

I was lucky. I was not fearful in the pandemic. The only time I felt my intuitive vibration lowering was when a relative of mine on Facebook posted about how afraid he was, and this is terrible, and if you say you are not afraid, you are lying, and so on and so forth. I began to doubt myself, then quickly recognized it was only his fear being projected onto me, and therefore was an illusion. So, I came back to center and intuition.

Self-awareness is, in my opinion, one of the most powerful tools in the universe. Of course, surrendering from fear to the higher flow takes time and practice, but as you build up your resilience, it will become easier and, in time, second nature.

Author: Debra Sinclair

Debra Sinclair March Blogger

March 25, 2023No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | Blog | debra sinclair | Fear | fear-o-meter | Intuition | shay parker
The Energy of Cognitive Dissonance and the Link to Spirit

Cognitive dissonance is the occurrence of actions that do not marry up to the thoughts of the individual. The old “do as I say don’t do as I do” type of behavior, however the behavior is unconscious, because even though aware of it, the person cannot seem to stop themselves from this behavior. You can find this energy everywhere, it is found in generational beliefs, in different cultures, in our sexuality, our gender roles; it is pretty much everywhere in the human experience.  It is from learned or forced beliefs bestowed upon us about ourselves, how we should behave, and the world and people in it. It is heightened in those who have an illusionary view of themselves, and those who are not grounded.  (The majority of people are not grounded).

An illusionary self-view also contributes to this, and this may come from low self-esteem or delusions of grandeur, or a need to win, those are just a few examples. It is found where we play out our psychological control dramas, that of which we have learned to survive. When we become aware of what we are doing but cannot seem to stop it, then we are in cognitive dissonance.

Humans are naturally intuitive beings, and through generations of being taught what to believe, how to behave, being caught in family trauma and dynamics, we lose a large part of our intuition and find ourselves locked in the condition of cognitive and spiritual dissonance.

Once we lose ourselves to this, we find ourselves repeating patterns over and over and over, until such time that we wake up and break this cycle. When we wake up, we see what we are doing, our thoughts and actions, and there is a surge of lighter energy as this breakthrough is made and we are self-aware. Many people call this a light bulb moment, other people may experience a breakthrough, and others who have endured a particularly difficult path may even have a nervous breakdown.

In this moment of break through our consciousness is suspended in time and space (in the world of Spirit), as our minds process this new realization, and therefore find new ways of doing things. It is from here that we choose to create out new reality. This is not always easy, because in this physical reality, although we see things from a new Spiritual perspective, and we open more, which means our natural psychic abilities and empathetic abilities are heightened. The creation of our new reality can be limited, due to the everyday structure of the societies that our humanness has created. So even though we see what is real or not, we can be left to endure the old ways out of necessity to survive. This moment can also bring to consciousness a whole myriad of feelings, intuitions, good and bad, it can be confusing because it is condensing everything that has happened to a person into one energetic porthole, which is much like experiencing a lifetime in a moment.

For example, we may see through someone’s manipulative behavior, where others have not yet woken up to it, and may have to continue to tolerate this behavior and navigate our way around it until such time that it is safe to make the actual change that lines up with our new level of consciousness. We may also feel very different like we do not belong, yet we do not know why. Or we may have suffered abuse so painful that our mind has sheltered us form those memory by blocking it and suddenly it pops up.

Sometimes when we have a breakthrough, the answers do not always present themselves immediately and we may find ourselves falling back into dissonance and repeating the same pattern again. Sometimes the newfound awareness is scary, because in many ways it can be like letting a bird out of a cage that has only ever known life inside that cage. It can be overwhelming.

When we understand that these light bulb moments or breakthroughs and change of perspectives, are taking us through to the world of Spirit and Higher Consciousness then we can slow down and ask Spirit for guidance. We can understand that we are not losing our minds, we are actually finding our true Spiritual mind, and we can be comfortable in seeking help. It is wise to question everything as you go forth on this process.

This is where the support of top-level tested and approved psychics, such as those on BAP (Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics), healers and readers the unconscious as well as therapists are needed. In these troubled times, we can literally observe the patterns of others, however it is more important that we learn to observe our own patterns. Once we see what we are doing, we can ask Spirit to help us to grow and change.

To summarize, the world is Spirit is that place between Spiritual cognitive dissonance, and a new potential reality. This is like that place we go to as we are falling asleep, the place between our learned consciousness, and our dream state, as we travel over to the world of Spirt in our sleep. It is pure Spirit.

As a healer and transcendent psychic reader,  meaning that I read both the learned consciousness and the unconscious (the hidden thoughts, beliefs and patterns that bind us), I have helped many with these breakthroughs, as we link energies to connect with Spirit for guidance along the journey of our life path.

Author: Debra Sinclair


March 2, 2023No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | cognitive dissonance | debra sinclair | energy | Psychic | Spirit
Manifesting & Divine Timing

Dear spiritual friends, we have delved into deeper issues related to Manifesting our desires over the past month. We first addressed the ‘Year of the Rabbit’; and then focused on Omens/Signs; last week, we discussed self-imposed barriers to manifesting, and this week we are looking deeper into a controversial topic: Divine Timing.

Why is Divine Timing controversial?

Regarding this topic, there are two schools of thought. One school of thought says that sacred timing matters. The other school of thought says that Timing does not exist. And as long as we believe “it” and become “it”, Timing does not matter. For this blog, we will take a middle-ground approach. So, let’s talk more about Divine Timing, shall we?!

What is Divine Timing?

It is the belief that everything in your life happens at precisely the right moment. Although events may seem complicated, Divine Timing means that the Universe places people, things, challenges, and more into your life at the right moment. Not surprisingly, we tend to understand why things happen the way they do after the fact, and that’s why we are called to trust Divine Timing.

Why should we trust Divine Timing?

There is incredible peace when we accept that the Universe is always “conspiring on our behalf” and that our spirit team is always guiding us. It is a fantastic feeling when we genuinely accept that things happen for a reason. As co-creators of our life, it is up to us to co-create with the Universe by working with what is presented to us at this present moment in time, in Divine Timing.

When we think about our past and look at the challenges presented, we can assess how much we grew from those challenges. Divine Timing, the Universe, will never give you anything you are not ready for. If you were not prepared, you would not receive omens, and you would not be getting new ideas or suddenly feel inspired to do whatever you want or think you should do.

How can we trust Divine Timing?

When my clients ask me this question, they mean to ask: how can I trust that everything will work out? This question comes from our perceived need to feel in control. To know that action A will lead to outcome B. For example, we are used to placing an order online and knowing exactly when that order will be delivered. But as you all know by now, the Universe does not work this way.

We must ask for it, believe that we have it, or that it will happen, and then become one with the desire. As Neville Goddard teaches, we must assume the feeling of the wish is fulfilled. We must be confident that whatever we desire is already ours. We are not waiting for it to happen in the future; we already have it. By working under this strong, full-of-faith assumption, things/events/people will show up in our lives in Divine Timing. We need to let go of control. Let go of the need to know when.

Just assume the state of the wish is fulfilled, and you will have everything you want in Divine Timing.

To learn more about manifesting and assuming the state of the wish fulfilled, I encourage you to read “Your Word is Your Wand” by Florence Scovel-Schinn or the works by Neville Goddard.

Author: Mystic Shelley


February 21, 2023No comments, , , , , , , , , , , BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | divine timing | manifesting | mystic shelley | shelley robinson
Self-Imposed Barriers to Manifesting

Manifestation means we immerse ourselves in a visualized environment so we feel we are living in that environment until it becomes our reality. Some people believe and teach that manifesting does not involve action. Books like The Secret, for example, teach you to sit quietly and imagine what you want, and you will get it. I wish to tell you that things are just that simple.

Manifesting also involves action, but inspired action. We must follow the signs or omens so that we act inspired by the universe. There are many reasons why something we desire only manifests or takes a short time to display. Often, those reasons involve some self-imposed barriers or blockages. One self-imposed barrier is our beliefs. Unfortunately, our thoughts do not always align with our desires. Imagine, for
example, a person who has failed at manifesting a remote job. That person might have an unconscious belief that they do not deserve the job or that perhaps remote jobs are only given to “smarter, younger, or more tech-savvy candidates.” Ideas can also include fear of the responsibilities that may come with tremendous success, that minor roles are challenging, etc.

Whether the beliefs are conscious or subconscious, they can hold us back, so we must reflect on our thoughts and see if they create barriers to manifesting. To identify your beliefs, use your awareness and ask yourself, “What is my belief about success? What are my thoughts about money? What are my thoughts about love, relationships, etc.?”

Once you are clear about your beliefs, you can change them. But, of course, changing beliefs will take practice and dedication. First, you must question yourself and reflect on your feelings regarding a situation. But, with practice, you can change your beliefs, and your desires will manifest!

Another self-imposed barrier to manifesting is self-sabotage. Self-sabotaging can be present in many ways. For example, a person has a very successful YouTube channel, and to continue to grow the track, the person has to create more engaging videos. The person knows
that they should take a content creation course, but they start procrastinating. They don’t want to do it but don’t know why. They don’t feel motivated. Suddenly, they realize that they are afraid of tremendous success. Being fearful of greater success is a belief, so the person starts self-sabotaging. There is a book called “The Big Leap.” In this book, the author discusses how most of us operate in our comfort zone but never get to our site of genius. When you procrastinate about taking action, I want you to pause, reflect, and examine your underlying beliefs and why you might be self-sabotaging your potential manifestations!

Another crucial factor in manifesting is Divine Timing, and I added my vision board to my manifesting plan. The more I stay focused and keep myself free and clear of stress and anxiety, what I ask for comes back to me, and it is always better than what I asked. God has a plan for all of us. The key to this was turning to him, allowing him to help, and having faith and trust that will go a long way in your life.

I encourage you to join me on next week’s blog, where we will delve into this topic. Until next week!

Author: Mystic Shelley

Self-Imposed Barriers to Manifesting

February 15, 2023No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , , BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | Manifestation | manifesting | mystic shelley
Following Omens

I remember the first time I read the book The Alchemist. It was early in my spiritual journey and the book intrigued me. By the way, if you haven’t read the book yet, I encourage you to get yourself a copy or listen to the audiobook which is available for free on YouTube. 

One of the main points in The Alchemist is that we have to learn the language of the world/universe. The book says that the world communicates in Omens and that a path has been established for everyone to follow. We just must read the Omens that are left for us along the path. But what are Omens? Omens are messages that foretell the future. The universe can, and does, communicate in Omens/symbols but sometimes we are just too busy to pay attention. 

The energy of 2023 says that to manifest, we must be in the receiving mode and be patient. The year of the rabbit encourages us to align with the flow of the universe. We must get out of our head and get into our heart, and learn to speak the language of the world like the book The Alchemist tells us. So, in this blog I will share the meaning of some omens present in nature. The omens might be presented to you in dreams, pictures, when on a walk, etc. Just make sure that you are in the receiving mode and aligned with nature’s flow, so you don’t miss them! 

Rabbits: they appear on your path to bring you messages of abundance and/or fertility. 

Crows: when crows appear on our path, it means that the truth will be finally revealed to you.

Spiders: feared by many, disliked by more! But spiders are an omen that tells you that a friend will come to help you.

Ladybug: these cute little insects are omens of joy and good luck. 

Snake: although they carry a negative connotation due to the Adam & Eve story in the bible, snakes are a great omen that tell you that your passion will open doors of power.

Deer: When you see a deer, your spirit team is telling you that they know what you are going through. They’ve got your back, so you should have faith!

Lizard: lizards are great omens that remind us to pay attention to our dreams. They tell us that our dreams are, or will, be revealing something important.

Owl: these birds are considered enigmatic and mysterious. As omens, they bring a clear message that we need to proceed with caution because something BIG is coming our way. 

Cat: friends of many, but disliked by some, cats remind us that hidden forces and spiritual powers are with and near us.  

There are many other animals and object omens that the universe uses to communicate with us. When you notice “something” on your path, pay attention. Connect with your inner guidance to figure out the significance of it for you and your life. 

Author: Mystic Shelley,

Following Omens

February 7, 2023No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | best online psychics | mystic shelley | omens | Year of the Rabbit
Manifesting in 2023: The Year of the Rabbit

Early last Spring, I planted my garden. I was very proud of it because it had a ton of vegetables. I might finally become the vegetarian many spiritual practitioners recommend us to become. 

I woke up one morning, and all my plants were gone! And there it was, that little rabbit with his belly complete! I ran to Home Depot and bought a fence and new seeds. Aha! I am smarter than you are, little fellow, or so I thought! A few days passed, and my garden looked green and beautiful until the little fellow found its way back inside, and everything was gone. All my vegetables were gone again, and so were my dreams of becoming a vegetarian, sigh. That little fellow had the patience of (as my very Catholic aunt would say) a Saint! 

I waited and waited for days to find another way. The rabbit was gentle in its approach, quiet, alert, skillful, and patient, but also quick when it found a way to enter my garden. And that’s how the energies of 2023 are, which it’s the year of the rabbit.

When I connected with the energies of 2020 and 2021, I remember they felt fast and furious. There were many rapid changes due to COVID-19 and its impact on everything we do. When connecting to 2023 energy, however, change is still coming, but the energy is gentler, quiet, and more patient. For many years the world operated on male energy. Now, in 2023, the power feels more female. We have experienced a lot of changes, and now we should be in our receiving mode, but just like the rabbit, we should remain alert and follow the omens left by our spirit team to make changes. When we follow signs/warnings, the changes happen quickly (just like the rabbit!) but will be more purposeful, intentional, and direct. 

Working from our female energy will allow us to be guided by our hearts, not our minds. It will enable us to listen more and stop acting mindlessly. We (humans) are coming from an era of “grinding,” “making things happen,” and taking control. In 2023, however, we are being told we should remain open to the signs of the universe, open to the omens, and follow them and act when we see them, while still following the natural flow of the universe. Control less and listen more is what the energy of 2023, the year of the rabbit, tells us to do. 

I hope, dear spiritual friend, you follow me on the next three blogs as we will delve into how to better align with the energies of 2023 to manifest our desires in career, finances, and, most importantly, in love. In the meantime, I would like to recommend a book (a biography) that changed the way I understand how the universe works. The book is titled “The Surrender Experiment” by Michael Singer. I am looking forward to seeing you in the next blog!

Author: Shelley Robinson

Manifesting in 2023

February 1, 2023No comments, , , , , , , , 2023 | BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | manifest | Manifestation | manifesting | mystic shelley | Year of the Rabbit
2023 Psychic of the Year – Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics

Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics is pleased to award our 2023 Psychic of the Year Award to Michelle Beltran. Michelle is no stranger to this award, as she held it in 2017 as well.

Michelle works as an expert in her field of psychic mediumship. She is also a highly trained remote viewer. She teaches courses in all of this, as well as psychic development.

Michelle has had years of experience providing psychic readings, globally. Since her acceptance into Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics, over 10 years ago, she has consistently received excellent feedback from her clients.

Her presence in this industry is significant, indeed. In addition to her plethora of media appearances and features, from the cover of OM Times Magazine, to Forbes, to Hay House Radio, to ET, to even a billboard in Times Square in New York City, Michelle has also been the producer of a popular podcast (The Intuitive Hour), amassing over one million downloads! She receives all of this recognition for a reason. She has spent a great portion of her life learning, growing, and ever evolving into the well-respected psychic professional she is today.
As an author, Michelle has published her own book: Take the Leap, What it Really Means to be Psychic as well as being a contributing author to best-selling books such as Women Gone Wild, Wealth Edition and Illuminate Your Feminessence, among others.

Best American Psychics is proud to call Michelle a member of our team. We are also extremely pleased to be able to offer her this award once again.

You can find Michelle on our Immediate Readings page, on her podcast, and you can book a session with her through her profile page on the site. All her links are below.

Links for Michelle Beltran:

Psychic of the Year

January 1, 2023No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , , 2023 | award | award winner | best american psychics | Michelle Beltran | Psychic | psychic medium | psychic of the year | remote viewer
2023 Fabulous Feedback Award – Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics

Boy, do they sing her praises! Lisa Greenfield’s clients are always highly impressed by her, and how she makes such an impact on them and their lives. They often note how, after a session with Lisa, they leave feeling positive and uplifted. This is why Lisa has been awarded Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics’ 2023 Fabulous Feedback Award.

As a palmist, astrologer, tarot reader, and intuitive, and more, she brings several modalities to her readings. She knows how these modalities work together and uses them to guide her clients to their best possible outcomes. Lisa has been reading for celebrity clients for years as well as the general public. All types of folks, from all walks of life, trust her to take a look at their individual truths mapped out in their hands, in the stars, and in the cards so that they may do the work that sets them on their desired courses.

Lisa’s reviews and testimonials are littered with the following words and phrases: real deal, beautiful energy, positive, uplifting, awesome, so amazing, accurate, on target, reassuring, so many details. Not one of her reviews lacks.

In addition, Lisa is an amazing asset to Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics. Her colleagues highly respect her, and she is a wealth of knowledge for clients and team members alike. She is everyone’s authentic cheerleader, and anyone that is lucky enough to interact with her is definitely touched by her lightworker “glow.”

If you are searching for something in your life, or feel you have blocks keeping you back, we highly recommend you consult with Lisa Greenfield. You will benefit from the many years she has invested in acquiring knowledge and practicing her intuitive abilities. Experience, authenticity, and ethics matter in this field. You meet all three in Lisa.

We are extremely proud to have her as a member of our team and to name her the Fabulous Feedback Award winner for 2023. See Lisa’s links below:

Links for Lisa:

Fabulous Feedback Award

January 1, 2023No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Astrology | award | award winner | best american psychics | fabulous feedback | Lisa Greenfield | palmist | Psychic | shay parker
2023 Awesome Accolades Award – Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics

The 2023 Recipient of Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics Awesome Accolades Award is Kelley Eckhardt. Kelley brings her gifts of psychic mediumship and animal communication to our team. She is based out of Sacramento, CA and is the creator of the Love and Light Center here.

At Best American Psychics, we pride ourselves on offering true professional psychic readers to the community, those that have, and continue to, invest their time, finances, and energy into becoming the best they can be in their field. Kelley has exhibited these ideals by investing in her training with some of the top teachers. We have noted her devotion to providing these professional services in several different forms.

Kelley is working life as a professional psychic and spiritual teacher! She offers classes and mentorship around intuitive development, both online and in-person. In addition to running her Love and Light Center and providing her normal booked readings, she also offers monthly group readings. In December, she offered readings for parents that had lost a child, totally free of charge. Kelley can also be found on her live internet radio show, Seeing Beyond Living Transformed.

Author and Speaker can also be added to Kelley’s list of accomplishments. Not to mention, her client feedback is amazing and proves that she brings healing and confirmation of life after death through her readings.

For these reasons, we have chosen Kelley as our Awesome Accolades Award Winner for 2023. Congrats!

Please see the links below for how to book a reading or learn more.

Links for Kelley Eckhardt:

Awesome Accolades Award

January 1, 2023No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , 2023 | award | award winner | awesome accolades | best american psychics | Kelley Eckhardt | shay parker
2023 Social Activism Award – Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics

Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics is proud to announce Nicole Bowman as our 2023 Social Activism Award Winner. There are people in life that are in tune with others, that feel for others, that care for others and the challenges they face. Those same people do whatever they can, within their own capacity, to assist others. Nicole Bowman is one of these people. Nicole consistently works to educate humanity on the common issues that we all face. She administrates a group called “Live the Light”. This is exactly what Nicole does – she lives the light.

Nicole uses her gifts as a psychic medium, intuitive artist, and writer, as well as her social media accounts to reach people and keep awareness alive. Those who experience hardships and struggles find an empowering and enlightened perspective through Nicole’s offerings. She has free eguides available and she has written a book entitled I AM SPIRIT – Positive Affirmations for a Soul-Filled Life, available as another source of light for her followers.

Nicole is often promoting requests for charitable donations for different groups and individuals in need. She feels it is important to bring awareness to causes and to give back and assist others in their times of need.

This is not the first time Nicole has been offered this award. She continues to be a light to us all and, therefore, we are awarding her again!

To learn more about Nicole and her services, please visit one of the links below.

Links for Nicole Bowman:
Social Activism Award Winner

January 1, 2023No comments, , , , , , , , , , , 2023 | award | award winner | best american psychics | nicole bowman | social activism | social activism award