
Vetting a Psychic

When it comes to using the services, gifts, and abilities of a psychic, one should look at it no differently than using the services of any other professional.

Care must be taken when seeking advice from a metaphysical professional. After all, you’re trusting them to give you meaningful advice from the spiritual world. So, it’s important to take the time to vet any psychic before you enter into a relationship with them. Here are some tips for vetting a psychic:

  1. Ask for references. Ask for references from friends, family, or other clients who have had a positive experience with a particular psychic. This will help you get a sense of the psychic’s capabilities and their level of professionalism.
  2. Research the psychic. Take the time to research the psychic’s background, qualifications, and training. Make sure they have the credentials to back up their claims.
  3. Find out what type of readings they offer. Different psychics specialize in different types of readings. Make sure the type of reading they offer is right for you and your needs.
  4. Ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about the psychic’s experience, methods, and pricing. This will help you get a better understanding of the type of service they offer and if it’s the right fit for you.
  5. Listen to your intuition. Trust your intuition when it comes to selecting a psychic. You should feel comfortable and confident with the psychic you choose.

By taking the time to vet a psychic, you can ensure that you have a positive experience and get truly meaningful advice from the spiritual world.

As a convenience for you, Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics has already taken many of these steps for you. For over ten years, we’ve been vetting psychic professionals for the public. We have built a directory of psychics, mediums, animal communicators, astrologists, numerologists, tarot readers, akashic record readers, psychometrists, spiritual artists, palmists, and so much more. Our members have been criminally background checked, double-tested, and interviewed. They are highly trained individuals, and they continue to invest in their further education. They only become members by invitation.

We take spiritual work very seriously, as do our members. Several of our members are well-known in the metaphysical community and many of our professional teachers and mentors. In addition, many are platform readers, authors, and radio show hosts. Several have been invited to be guests on radio and tv shows. We are proud of our true psychic professionals!

You may visit the site at and review the profiles of our members. From there, you may book a reading with one of them. In addition, we offer immediate psychic readings. The members can read for you over distance; however, our psychics are spread out across America, and some are in other countries. You may be able to find one close to you for an in-person reading, if you prefer. On the other hand, if you are a practicing professional psychic and are curious about becoming a member, you may also fill out an application on our website.

Whether or not you use the directory, if you are seeking the services of a psychic, please take the time to consider the points raised above. Above all, follow your own intuition.

Author: Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics

vetting a psychic

December 27, 2022No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , accurate psychic readings | Animal Communicator | Astrology | ethical | ethical psychics | Numerology | palmist | Psychic | psychic medium | psychics | Tarot
The Importance of TOUCH

Have you heard the term “Touch Starvation”?

Last week I learned my new neighbor had lost his beloved cat after 17
years. His name was Elvis and, as my neighbor was telling me about it, I
could sense his deep sense of loss. My neighbor is single, lives alone and
was always welcomed by his beloved Elvis, the pitter patter of his little feet
greeting him when he came home and providing comfort as only a pet can
with pure unconditional love. Elvis was his lifeline to “touch”.

Today I want to talk to you about unconditional love and our need as
humans to have touch or social contact in our life. There is a term called
“touch starvation”. Many of us have experienced this because of “social
distancing” during the Covid-19 Pandemic. But this has been experienced
by those in hospitals, care facilities and orphanages too. There are many
reasons for us to experience love, touch or social contact and what
happens when we are deprived of it? I will attempt to cover a few of them.
Why is touch so important? We bond through touch with co-workers,
loved ones and friends. It is how humans interact. Because ‘skin’ is the
largest organ in the human body we are able to receive and sends signals
to our brain with touch. A hug can release the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin
is the feel good hormone and helps to lower fear and anxiety. When babies
are born Mother’s typically hold and comfort their babies. What we’ve
learned now is that this interaction is just the beginning to our well being
as humans. Touch helps to regulate sleep and digestion and boost our
immune system.

Lack of touch can create stress, anxiety and depression. Cortisol is a
hormone that is released as a result of stress. This can affect blood
pressure, heart rate, muscle tension and our breath. As our breath
becomes shallow our immune and digestive systems are affected too. Our
quality of sleep is disrupted and we become at higher risk of infections
and other more serious long term medical conditions.

These are some of the things we have been seeing with friends,
acquaintances and family in a more dramatic way since the pandemic
started. But there are ways to counteract these affects and one of them is
to interact with our pets or animals at sanctuaries or rescue facilities. Small
or large our animal companions can make a difference in our life. The act
of caring for another living being can take us out of the funk we may be in
and allow us to be of service to them. In reality they are in service to us.
Depending on the pet they may greet you at the door with kisses, and
love. They are so excited to see us in the morning and when we return
home. It has been shown that when we pet a dog or cat they can help us
reduce our blood pressure, calm us down and take our minds off anything
that may be creating pressure. Playing with your pet can help you relax by
releasing oxytocin, that feel good hormone in our brain.

Large or small interaction in general with animals can take us away from
our worries and reduce stress. Whether we are volunteering at a sanctuary,
a rescue facility or interacting with our own pets, touch in this way is an
act of being of service and to show grace and gratitude to other living

I read recently that a cat’s mission in life is to remove the negative energy
accumulated in our body. When we sleep they absorb energy that
accumulates in us. They protect us as we sleep. If they feel they are
needed by us they will sleep with us, if we are fine then they won’t sleep
with us. It has been scientifically shown that the purring sound or vibration
emanating from a cat can actually knit bones and heal bodies. Cats may
have a different way of showing love but don’t doubt that the love they
share is true.

I have had the honor of sharing my life with my dog Inochi, who just
turned 7 years old this year. He has been a loving companion for me.

He has been with me through thick and
thin and gives me opportunities everyday to go outside and get exercise
for both of us. He helps me stay active because we walk daily. And then,
because it wasn’t enough love for me, during the pandemic and the long
lonely days, I had to have a cat to join us. But wait, not just one! Being
new to cat guardianship I realized it is best to have two so that they can
interact. Nigel and Sasha are now part of the crew. Three furry friends who
give me deep love and affection every single day. And somedays it’s quite
a circus but they make me laugh and give me comfort. I am honored to
have them in my life to help me through.

If you are experiencing “touch starvation” a wonderful way to bring it back
into your life is with a furry friend, large or small. I highly recommend it.
What are you doing to enrich your life to prevent “touch starvation”?

Author: Debbie Del Rio

Importance of Touch

August 17, 2022No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , anxiety | BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | cat | Debbie Del Rio | dog | energy | panic | pets | psychic readings | Readings | touch | touch starvation
August 2022 Prediction Through TAROT

Tarot Predictions going into the first week of August:

Aries (The chariot) 

March 21 to April 20 

Inner harmony and balance is key, happiness and contentment within relationships is very much  on your mind. You have the gift of keeping the peace. Enjoying social activity and being part of  something gives you peace of mind.

Taurus (The star) 

April 21 to May 21

You have the power to draw others to you and make a good impression on people. Your relations  with other people are better, so much so your social calendar is likely to be very busy. However, watch that you don’t try to please everyone else and leave yourself short.

Gemini (King of Cups) 

May 22 to June 21 

This week, your mind is full of new ideas and you are intellectually sharp, able to talk yourself into  and out of just about anything now. You can get things done now if you put your mind to it. This is  a good time for social interactions and catching up on what’s happening in other people’s lives.

Cancer (The Ace of Swords)  

June 22 to July 22

A week of feeling noticeably more sensitive and impressionable at this time. However, if you are in too much of a rush to get things done, you risk making mistakes and wrong decisions, so try and  make a to-do list and smooth out any areas with others that need your time.

LEO (3 of Cups) 

July 23 to August 23

Others seem more receptive to your emotional needs and show that they care about how you feel. Social activity within the home or family is easy and relaxing, so join the fun. An essentially positive outlook is flowing towards you, make the most of this.

Virgo (3 of Wands) 

August 24 to September 22

Hard work and long hours don’t faze you now. In fact, you relish the idea of carrying a task or project through to a successful conclusion. Having much optimism, confidence, and resilience is the  key word here. Expect a fruitful week and advantages with successful connections.

Libra (3 of Coins)

September 23 to October 23

This week stars are aligning you to an easy going atmosphere. Some of you will feel light -hearted  and joyful for others. Good relations bring new creative projects ahead especially for those seeking change of location. There could be a leading role to take on and connections to be made.

Scorpio (10 of Cups ) 

October 24 to November 22

Popularity and self-expression are soaring this week, creative endeavors can receive honor,  recognition, or acceptance. Success through romance speculation and dealing with children is  favored at this time and nothing can stop you now. Say yes to being the best you can be.

Sagittarius (4 of Cups ) 

November 23 to December 21

Communicating with others may be difficult or irritating now: they are likely to challenge your  views and opinions, at the end of this week you will have a clearer picture about making  important decisions which will free you up from any conflicts relating to matters of importance.

December 22 to January 20 

Popular is the word and teammates around you are obliging and courteous. You will feel good  about yourself and your appearance. Social occasions are enjoyable so much so that for the singletons, love is very much on your mind. For some, you will feel ready to settle down.

Aquarius (Justice) 

January 21 to February 18

This week is excellent for great communication and personal interchange with others, it is a good time for examining goals and expectations. An excellent time for learning. Travel with learning and new experiences as a goal could be added to your bucket list.

Author: Samantha Hamilton,

August 2022 Prediction

July 28, 2022No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | Blog | predictions | samantha hamilton | star signs | Tarot
First Aid for Freak Out

It’s a near daily occurrence: You come across something that sets you off, in a conversation,
in a social media post, on the news. Emotions erupt. Words rise up in you, maybe so many
that you have trouble piecing them together coherently. You feel anxiety and panic. Worst-
case scenarios flood your mind. Your blood pressure rises. Your heart pounds. You find it hard
to let go of whatever’s triggered you.

You have been hit with a energetic virus. Unlikely with a physical virus, you can combat it. All
you need is a few shifts in attitude, the ability to visualize or imagine, and the willingness to

Keep this first aid checklist on hand for your next freak out:
1. Disengage with the trigger.
Do not respond. Leave the conversation or social media site. Turn off the news.

2. Breathe.
Breathe in. Breathe out. If you’re badly agitated, cover your mouth with your hand and
breathe into it until you feel your breath slow. Imagine that you’re breathing out tension,
anxiety, and panic. Imagine that you’re breathing in calm.

3. Clear your mind.
Acknowledge and then act on freaked out, irrational thoughts. Here are two easy ways to do

Physically: Write down everything that’s running through your mind. Everything, especially the
crazy. Write until your hand tires, then write more. Take as many pieces of paper as you need.
When you feel complete, put all the pieces of paper you’ve scribbled on into a box with a lid
on it. Put the lid on the box, and put the box out of your sight. Your choice whether to open it
later. If you like, treat this as handing the issue over to a higher power. (Tosha Silver
describes this technique as a God box in her book It’s Not Your Money.)

With visualization: Imagine a stack of paper, a pen with an unbreakable point, and a box with
a lid on it. Imagine writing down everything that’s running through your mind, using as many
pieces of paper as you need. When you feel complete, put the paper in the box and place the
lid on it. Put the lid on shelf in the back of your mind. Leave it there for as long as you like
(including forever). If you do ever return to the box, you can sort through the paper, keep
some, and throw some out. Or you can blow up the box and dispose of the debris.

4. Remove the virus from your energy field.
Visualize a horseshoe magnet. (It’s shaped like a horseshoe, only red with black tips). Point
the tips toward you.

Now imagine that you’re facing whatever set you off. If it’s a person, see that person. If it’s
not, imagine an image that represents the trigger to you – a group of people, a written
message, even a big blob.

Place the magnet in front of that, with the tips pointed at you. Instruct the magnet to pull the
energy of that person, or group, or situation, out of you and return it.

Sit with this. As the magnet works, you may feel a pulling sensation. As the clearing finishes,
you may feel a pop and then calm. This may happen in your solar plexus (your power center,
and frequently where attacks plug in) or in your root chakra (your survival center).
When you feel complete, drop the magnet.

5. Remove your energy from the trigger.
Visualize another horseshoe magnet. Place it at your solar plexus and point it at the person or
the image whose energy you just returned. Instruct the magnet to pull your energy out of that
person or image and return it to you.

When you feel complete, drop the magnet.

Any combination of these tactics will help bring you back to center. In a pinch, disengage and
apply the magnets. With practice, you can have them running simultaneously.

Then, and only then, decide whether to respond. Odds are you won’t want to waste the

More energy management tools are available in Reclaiming Your Energy, a one-hour talk
available for download at no charge.

Author: Kathy Biehl

First Aid for Freak Out


July 22, 2022No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , anxiety | BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | clearing | energy | energy clearing | first aid | freak out | Kathy Biehl | panic | psychic readings | Readings
To Brew List… A Guide to Tea Leaf Readings

How to read tea leaves and what to look out for

Tasseography is the art of visionary tea leaf reading, and I welcome you to this blog on how to read the leaves. 

Did you know that it doesn’t matter which caffeine enhanced hot beverage you use when it comes to reading the remnants of a cup, because rather joyously, coffee granules can be read in exactly the same way as its visionary cousin, the tea leaf. Both are wonderfully powerful tools to use for seeing into the future. 

We are all aware of the legacy of tea leaf reading, which dates back centuries with its origins said to be in Asia and the Middle East. It is Middle Eastern culture, however, and their love and skill for brewing coffee, that has brought the alternative ritual of reading coffee granules to the fore.

As with any ritual there are preparations to be made to help you achieve the most from your brew-induced reading.

In this blog I aim to explain how to use this wonderful gift to help you answer questions or gain insight into what lies ahead.

Here are 7 handy tips to set you on the right path to reading tea leaves or coffee granules:

  • Select a cup with a smooth inner and no surface decoration
  • A white or light coloured cup and saucer is the perfect vessel 
  • The wider the mouth of the cup the better
  • Drink as much of the tea or coffee as you can without consuming the leaves or granules
  • Brew your tea or coffee in a pot
  • Meditate to free your mind from distracting chatter before you start reading your leaves or granules
  • For tea drinkers – I find Earl Grey usually delivers the best results.

While you have your coffee or tea brewing, please try to indulge in a gentle meditation to clear the mind and find a peaceful place without too much distraction so that your thoughts and vision are centered on the cup and the shapes and symbols that lie in front of you. 

Brew your tea or coffee in a pot and don’t use any form of strainer so that the leaves and granules are free to find their place. If this reading is for a loved one, or a friend, let them pour the tea or coffee. Their energy and connection to the cup is important. Whilst pouring the cup, you should try to think of any questions you have and visualize the person who you are asking questions for, if it isn’t for yourself.

Mediation is key to freeing your mind to enhance your ability to see and read more clearly. Please don’t worry if at first you find the symbols indistinct, and have some difficulty in identifying them. With practice you will build up confidence and start to find clarity and a stronger focus; meditation helps illuminate the reading in the same way that reading glasses help magnify any tricky to read text. It’s always a good idea to make notes and, if you can, scribble some drawings of the symbols that you see, so that you start to build up a record of pictures and patterns that you can mentally reference and draw upon for future readings.

Allow yourself this freedom of thought, and let’s see what your eyes and especially your intuition and inner feelings are guiding you to see. We are all gifted intuitively and psychologically. We each carry a divine intelligence and have an inner knowledge that we should embrace and seek to bring to the surface. Your level of perception and experience will build with time and you will increase your psychic abilities. And please do have fun whilst you are reading the remains of your delicious cup of coffee or tea. This is a joyous and powerful gift and experience that I want you to enjoy as much as I do.

Once you have finished drinking from the cup and have left the sediment of leaves or granules at the bottom, turn the cup over onto the saucer and allow it to drain. Doing this over a sink is a good idea, to avoid any annoying tea or coffee stains on upholstery or clothes. [No one wants to add stain remover to their tea reading ritual.] Now pick up the cup and start to read what’s inside. Remember to read the leaves or granules in clockwise rotation, starting from the handle. Focus and you will gradually see images and patterns emerging. 

The handle of the cup represents you or the person you are about to read.  Read the symbols closest to the handle, which represent your thoughts and current situation.  The middle of the cup relates to the near future and the bottom of the cup is the more distant future . 

A reading of leaves or granules may show you the future in terms of a couple of weeks or a couple of months ahead; there is no rigid timeframe as to where that future lies.

I have been reading leaves for many, many decades; an art which I started to indulge in when I was just seven years old and which I have reveled in practicing ever since. I have a ticker tape of symbols in my mind that I can call upon when reading, and I would like to share some of those here with you now.

Below is a list of symbols and their meanings to help you start your journey….

🦋BUTTERFLY signifies transformation; not standing still

🦌DEER signifies gentleness; a kind person 

🦊FOX signifies a tricky witted individual 

🟣CIRCLE signifies a wedding; a partnership; a new start 

↑↓ARROW. An up arrow signifies yes to a question and a down arrow signifies thinking about your wants in life .

LINES signify an important journey . 

🌊WAVES signify emotional times and also mean an important journey. 

✉️ENVELOPE signifies news, letters, contracts 

🧲HORSESHOE signifies happy times ahead 

👫MAN OR WOMEN near the handle signifies a visitor

🗝KEY signifies new opportunities 

🏡HOUSE signifies new home .

Remember to take notes each time you read from a cup, so that you will more quickly recognize shapes and symbols for future readings. Like all of life’s skills, practice is key. And ENJOY! This is a simple gift that we should all rejoice in.

Author: Samantha Hamilton

Tea Leaf Readings

July 7, 2022No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | coffee | coffee readings | psychic readings | Readings | samantha hamilton | Signs | symbols | tea | tea leaves
Angel Questions

Questions about angels are popular. A few of them are addressed below:

Question: Are there any crystals I can use to connect with the angels?

Answer: Crystals have a special affinity with the angelic realms. The angels have a specific Crystal with which you can further your spiritual journey to connect with the angels to receive guidance, healing and wisdom. Angels are drawn to crystals. Crystal vibrations help us to attune to and communicate with our angels: Archangel Michael for evoking protection, truth. Use Tiger’s eye. Protection from negative influences.

Aquamarine helps one to speak their truth!

Here are a few crystals to connect with the angels:

Archangel Raphael for healing  – Aventurine, green in colour 

Archangel Chamuel for love- Rose Quartz, pink in colour 

Archangel Gabriel for prophecy  – Lapis Lazuli, blue in colour 


Question: Is there a connection between the angelic realms and chakras ?

Answer: The Angels have a connection to our well being by flooding their healing light through the seven major chakras and they support our well being.

Angels always assist you by connecting to a particular chakra that you feel is out of balance and each Chakra links the physical body: the ethereal body, the emotional body, and mental body. Each Chakra is responsible for a particular area. With that in mind, the angels use these energy centres to assist us in refining the energy we produce and help us to receive Spiritual energy. Angels understand the great importance of this connection and wait for your request for them to connect their angelic healing.


Question: If I want to make an altar to the angels what shall I put on it and how do I use it?

Answer: Creating an angelic environment such as an Altar will establish a beautiful and strong connection with the angelic realms and this is greatly important because the energy will allow a deeper connection. In creating an altar to the angels, it is first important that you purify the area you intend to use,  this will help to dispel any negativity that may have accumulated within that area. 

Open all windows within that area,  clear clutter, play spiritual music as this will increase positive vibrations.

Angels respond to beauty, it is beneficial to use:

Crystals which you are drawn to – this will help you to release stress and create calm within your Aura that is around your body. Holding your favourite crystals will also assist you in connecting to your Angels. 

You can cover a small box or table, perhaps with a beautiful cloth special to you. 

Fresh flowers always help to connect you to the angel of nature. Having an angel placed on your altar and angel crystals which are available to buy, brings you closer to your affirmations and intentions and will assist you in COSMIC ORDERING your wishes. 

A candle of any colour you feel pulled to light, brings the angelic realms closer to your wishes. Burning frankincense, Jasmine oil will give off joy, protection, and psychic insights. 

How you choose to create your alter is up to you and you may decide to do more with your ideas. Spending time, just a few minutes each day, will build up the angelic energy and help you to connect much easier. 


Question: Do the angels have their own language?

Answer: Angels respond to sacred languages and sounds, hence the use of the sacred languages such as scripts are often used in magical ritual and there are five sacred  languages:

Hebrew, Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese and Egyptian.  They have powerful sounds and vibration due to the acoustic vibration that occurs when spoken.

Using sacred script to the angels brings a connection of light between the script and the angelic energy which materialises through thoughts. 

Example: using such languages that the angels connect to fills your body with astral light and connects you to the higher kingdom (crown chakra). 

Using the sacred names of God is one of them.

Author: Samantha Hamilton

Angel Questions

June 24, 2022No comments, , , , , , , angel | angel communication | Angels | archangels | bapblog | bestamericanpsychics | Blog | blog post | samantha hamilton | shay parker
Colour Reading and Meaning

There is colour in life, and it exists through our vibrations. Colour has a profound effect on all of us, which we never fully comprehend. Traditionally, green represents balance, peace, and well-being, whereas red represents ancient cultures worshipping the sun.

We live in a world filled with many weaves of many colours forming an egg shape around our physical bodies. Auras have cyclical life patterns which are described in many ways.

In the aura, the first band of vibrations is the etheric body that is a duplicate of the physical body and vibrates at a high frequency that cannot always be seen.

When you have the clairvoyant gift of feeling and tuning into colour, do not let that stop you. Numeral patterns and musical notes are also considered as colours and have their own shades.

The aura of someone who is in balance and perfect health will be like a beautiful ray of rainbow light, and every cosmic ray will be able to pass through the body, mind, and spirit. Healing energy will emanate from the aura. We also absorb the healing light from life, in addition to giving off our own colour vibrations. The auric egg draws energy into itself, which acts as a prism, breaking the light down into its component colour elements. Colors that are dull suggest a dull effect and we say that we feel washed out or that we feel off-colour. However, we should realize what we are saying and how tuned we are.

How to send colour through healing:

Think of a white light that washes away fear and pain, or simply anything you feel is holding you back. Visualize the white light encircling your body. For a few minutes, let this white flow through your body and bloodstream. As you breathe in the peace you are now experiencing through your body, give yourself a therapeutic shower. Now that your aura has been cleansed with white healing light, let’s proceed.

Mediate with colour and angelic energy to improve psychic well-being:

By practicing this meditation, you can begin to understand your aura and heal yourself to live a more spiritual and peaceful life. Heal yourself with the angels of light for a more fulfilling life. Seven Rays of coloured light will be sent down by the Angels in their true form. Each part of your body will receive this light. The healing light can be beaming for 3 minutes on each chakra if you are open to it.

Think about the violet light emitted by the crown chakra. Sense the violet light filling up the crown chakra. Allow the indigo light to penetrate your brow by bringing it down to your brow. The same can be done with the blue light for the throat chakra. The green light can be used for the Heart chakra. A yellow light can be used for the Solar Plexus chakra. An orange light is suitable for the Sacral Chakra. A red light is suitable for the Base Chakra.

Occasionally you can experience psychic insights, so pay attention to what these Angels of Healing Light are offering as Candle Therapy.

Jump start your dreams into action.

Imagine yourself in a happy time, laying down or sitting in a comfortable position, as you work your way up the body, consciously relaxing every part, breathing slowly and deeply, naturally allowing your breath to flow through your body. Open your mouth, breathe out deeply, and open and close your eyes while rolling your head from side to side.

Let the breath relax the hands, legs, ears, and the entire body. Your mind can now drift off into a pleasant peaceful state. A place where you feel safe and at peace. Through your Psychic mind, you may wish to return there. A country house on the coast, a room where you can relax and let go, a place by the sea. A place of tranquility, uniquely yours.

Manifestation Through Colour: A spiritual journey

Make a wish and light a candle with a little magic. A candle’s colour can convey a message for its use – red is a protection candle. Orange represents travel, yellow for ideas, green for abundance, blue for healing, indigo removes fear, violet is peace. Purple can support your vision and open your third eye, while pink can soothe your emotions, gold is for joy, and gold can bring you joy.

(As one of her services, Samantha offers Colour Readings.)

Author: Samantha Hamilton,

Meanings of Colour

June 16, 2022No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , aura | BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | candle | color | colour | energy | Healing | rainbow | samantha hamilton
Spiritual Healing for Empowerment & Self Love

Love is one of the most important feelings in the universe. It is so important and powerful that we have trouble expressing it, and any block regarding our ability to love or to be loved needs working on; to remove any fear of love.

The end result is always a happier, more content, and nicer person. When we feel good, good things happen.

From your kitchen to your bath, you can fill your home with love.

Let’s start this process with some relaxing meditation and affirmations for lasting love…This is a 30-day healing process for positive change. All you need is some rose quartz, a quiet space, and the time to ease your mind.


Before you start…

Take a moment to be mindful.

Find a peaceful place to sit or lie down, holding your rose quartz in your left hand.

Take three deep breaths (inhaling deeply through your nose, and then long exhales out through your mouth). As you breathe in, envisage surrounding yourself with white light and breathe in that white light. This is an opportunity for you to be still for 5 minutes. Invite your Angel of Love in by saying: “I ask the Angel of Love to assist me in healing and to embrace me with divine guidance so that I open my heart to the loving energy vibration; to attract true, long-lasting love into my life.”

“I (your name) am open to having a long lasting, healthy, balanced, and supportive relationship and unconditional love between me and my partner. I welcome a lasting relationship for life.”

You can choose to say this in front of the mirror. Standing in front of a mirror saying your written Affirmation is healing too!

Chanting the angel’s names three times will help strengthen the connection. (Archangel Chamuel is the angel of joy and happiness and unconditional love).



This is a healing bath to detox and sooth your mind and body.

Run a warm bath and add a spoon of honey plus half a cup of almond milk. Or a spoon of parsley and half a cup of almond milk.

If you can, play some spiritual music, as this can help to put you in the right mood when connecting with your spirit guides and Angels.

Invite The Angel of Love into your bathing space. (Archangel Chamuel is the angel of joy and happiness and unconditional love).

Relax in your bath of honey or parsley and almond milk and breathe in those aromas.

There is no timing on how long you stay in your Bath.

This practice should be done for a complete 30 days.

You can also light candles. Light a pink candle and a white candle (burn for 9 days; evening is best).

To Receive Healing Recovery from a broken relationship or inviting in a new relationship, write your own beautiful affirmation for self love or to attract a life partner!

 I  (name ) ……

…am now open to love. I give love unconditionally to my future partner and myself.

I am happy and well. I enjoy loving company with my future partner and with myself.

I choose to be loved and to give unconditionally. I see love clearly now.

My future partner is around the corner.

I am loved and love is around me.

I see love / I see love with loving eyes.

I accept love.

My relationship is simply beautiful, we are happy, and all is well.

Author: Samantha Hamilton

Spiritual Healing

June 10, 2022No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , , BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | bestamericanpsychics | Blog | empowerment | Healing | Love | samantha hamilton | self-love | spiritual healing
Calling In Your Angels S.O.S (Astro – Wellness)

How to Connect & Work with Your Angels!

The veil that separates you from the Angelic Kingdom is just a breath away. Simply by affirming the Angel you would like to invite into your daily life, you make it happen. It’s so easy. Just ask!

YOU don’t have to be gifted psychically, or a Clairvoyant, to experience the joy and happiness of Angels.

We all have our own guardian Angel giving guidance throughout our lives.

You may sense their presence as a feeling of calm and a flowing warm atmosphere. The majority of us are aware that we are never alone and often feel their comfort and healing.

Here are some of the Angels that can guide you and support you in the here and now.

Archangel Michael (Throat Chakra.  Colour: Blue)

Crystals to encourage communication: Turquoise, Aquamarine.

Brings:  Protection, Strength, Truth.

Archangel MICHAEL will emotionally, physically and, most of all spiritually, protect you. Call in Archangel Michael when you feel lost or fearful.

By asking Archangel Michael to assist you indicates, changes in job, relationship, endings, new beginnings.


Archangel Raphael (Solar plexus Chakra, Colour: Gold)

Crystals to encourage Healing & Love.  Rose quartz, Aventurine

Brings:  Healing, wellness, emotional wholeness.

Choosing Archangel Raphael, he knows you require healing and will assist you in your quest as a healer too. Difficult relationships can be resolved. Health matters concerning will soon become more clear as to which support is best. Do you have someone in mind that you would like to send to healing?

If you are thinking of becoming a Councillor, Therapist, Nurse, Carer

Archangel Raphael will always be by your side supporting You.


Archangel Chamuel (Sacral Chakra. Colour: Red)

Crystals to encourage unconditional Love and forgiveness, Red Jasper.

Brings: Love, Self-Care, Relationships, Romance.  Unconditional love and, most importantly, urges you to love yourself.

Time to forgive yourself and the past! Childhood pain, past life limitations. Letting go of old wounds, broken down memories.

Archangel Chamuel will support you with every turn in your life which you find challenging!   Archangel Chamuel wants you to know that he is always present and will open doors to new love.


Archangel Gabriel (Crown Chakra. Colour: Indigo)

Crystals to encourage clairvoyant ability, opening the third eye, Lapis Lazuli

Brings:  Guidance, Meaning, Prophecy, Purity, Vision

Do you need answers and feel confused?  Perhaps by choosing Archangel Gabriel for divine guidance may even be a life transformation! Moving, change of job, or simply feeling unfulfilled with your life.  Archangel Gabriel is waiting to be invited in and will help you to make important decisions.

Do you need to take note of your physical body, are you in need of exercise? Clearing away toxins and removing habits which are not benefitting makes a better well-being.

Author: Samantha Hamilton

Connect with Your Angels

June 3, 2022No comments, , , , , , , , , , Angels | archangel chamuel | archangel gabriel | archangel michael | archangel Raphael | archangels | best american psychics | samantha hamilton
How to Create an Ancestor Altar

As we leave the month of May and approach the summer solstice, my thoughts are with the friends, family, and shooting victims of the tragedies in Buffalo, New York and Uvalde, Texas. There is nothing in the world that can bring loved ones back or take away the pain we feel. However, I do believe that learning how to venerate our deceased loved ones can help with the grieving process.

Many religious and spiritual communities have ceremonies and rituals to honor the dead. This is done to uplift their memory, bring comfort to the living, and pray for safe passage to the other side. A plethora of cultures use the term “ancestor” to identify deceased loved ones. Typically, ancestors have passed 100 years ago or more. It is believed that during that time, their souls evolve, grow, and move to the upper spirit realms. They then become a spiritual helper for their loved ones on earth and assist family members who have recently passed by ushering them into the spirit world.

When a loved one dies, it may be helpful to place their picture and other personal artifacts on an altar you erect in your home. This altar can be a simple table with the pictures of deceased family members, fresh flowers, their obituaries, or simple notes & prayers you would like to leave for them.

Many people place the altar in their living room or den. This way, the entire family can honor their memory. Whenever you feel lost or confused, go the altar and speak with them. Light incense, cry, and allow yourself to breathe. Speak to your higher power and know that you will see them again.

In the beginning stages of grief, we may feel that our sadness unites us with deceased loved ones. It is almost as if, staying in a broken state, brings us closer to them. However, spirit teaches us that living joyfully and moving forward is the greatest way to feel close to them. It is through our laughter, resilience, and willingness to breathe again that we feel the unconditional love of spirit. It is also important to note that we may never fully heal. When love is real, the space they leave can never be filled. We simply move ahead and try our best.

I will leave you with a message from one of the children who passed in the Uvalde shooting. Her name was Ellie Garcia. She was a beautiful little girl who had a strong faith in God and a great sense of humor. She created videos on the popular Tik Tok app & loved spending time with her friends and family. Prior to her death Ellie was excited to read a bible verse in church. She spoke about God and how we all would one day return to spirit.

Let’s hold onto Ellie’s words and never forget that we are spirit first. We were born in light, and we will return to light one day. Please venerate the memory of Ellie and all the victims of this tragedy. May their memory be a blessing now and forever.

Author: Nicole Bowman,

June 1, 2022No comments, , , , , , , , , , , afterlife | ancestor | BAP | bapblog | best american psychics | Blog | death | nicole bowman | remembrance | respect