Grief as a State of Grace

Grief as a State of Grace

Grief happens to all of us in many forms. Some grief changes our life, or at least the path we thought we were taking though life. We can become rudderless, lost and ungrounded. If you were to ever come to this point, reach out to your soul, your guides, your angels and ask for grace. Grace is a spirit-led place of compassion and protection that eventually leads us back to love. You may feel desolate and alone, but Grace and your soul knows what to do and where to lead you.

When we lose someone or something that we love, it’s normal to want to replace it. In our Grief we find a deep desire to recreate what has been lost. The loss can happen in a moment and all of life changes. I have experienced in myself and others a sense of desolation, loneliness and even betrayal. Isolating yourself may seem the best answer in these times. It’s hard to imagine your loss will ever be understood. And some people around you may have even proven your point.

Don’t give up. You have more help and love around you then you can feel at these times. Your pain maybe blocking out what you need. Do what you can moment to moment. Claim a state of Grace with a higher power you can’t see or feel right now. During these times in your life, your Soul is hard at work, and so are your guides and guardian angel.

There is an indigenous tribe in a village who, when someone dies, everyone responds. When the grieving person or family go to bed, everyone takes a chair or piece of furniture out of their house, and they leave it outside. When the grieving person wakes up, they see the “everything has changed” not just for them, but for everyone. In this beautiful example the bereft is seen, the pain is witnessed. We all need to be seen, to be heard. We need to know that our grief is witnessed. As a community we can give that gift to each other, we don’t have to have advice, or answers or explanations. We simply need to listen and be the witness, for however long it takes.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross PhD, during her research identified five stages of grief. Her student David Kessler identifies a sixth stage. The five stages are (and they don’t show up in this order) Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. These stages can flow in and out of a person’s grief with varying intensity. It’s a journey the finally leads to what Kessler calls the stage of meaning. He talks about this in his book “Finding Meaning.”

Everyone’s life has meaning, no matter how short or long the life lasted. No matter who the person was. The bereft’s journey is to find that meaning within their own heart. And meaning comes in endless ways and understandings. Your Soul and inner guidance can help you find that meaning. This applies to any loss, through death, divorce, break up between lovers and even friends. Loss of a career or business are included in this list.

There is wisdom in the advice: for a time remain empty, until your soul guides you to the next step. Trying to replace what you have lost will not work. You must eventually grow into something new, to heal, and move to the next step as your soul guides you, little by little, when you are ready. Be still, for now, and claim your grace. You are not alone. You are loved.

Author: Nancy Smith,

February 11, 2022No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , , angelscapes | best american psychics | Blog | blog post | grace | Grief | grief the spiritual teacher | nancy smith | Soul

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