Angels are on everyone’s minds during the holiday season, and for good reason. In many spiritual traditions, they bring comfort, peace, and serenity for special times of the year. They are also a source of warmth and light for those who associate the holidays with loss or grief.
You may wish to use this special time of year to connect with your angels. A perfect place to start is simply getting to know them. Some of them may be the spirits of loved ones or pets who have passed on; others are wise and eternal Archangels as old as time itself. They have a common purpose: to guide, nurture, and protect us in our earthbound lives. We honor their missions by conversing with them and getting to know them individually. This can take the form of meditation, guided drumming, drawing, or any personally meaningful ritual. If you prefer working with Angel Cards or crystals, this is another excellent way to connect to their presence.
Since many of us have unique traditions for the holidays, we can also include our angels. (If your family doesn’t have old traditions, this is the perfect year to start new ones.) For loved ones who have passed, sing a favorite song, bake a family recipe, or recite a meaningful poem that forms a connection. Some choose to visit resting places or other sites which were important to the person while they lived on earth. These acts of love all have spiritual power and beckon the angels to us. They are always speaking to us in subtle ways, but you might find their voices amplified when taking part in these rituals. Our actions, thoughts, and words have power in them.
As you start to know your angels better, each of their voices will become clearer and more distinct. They may each communicate in different ways. For example, patterns of numbers, images, or sensory inputs (songs, smells) are strongly associated with angels. Finding unique or lost items can be unexpected angelic gifts. Pull out a letter or holiday card from years gone by and see how it speaks to you now. Keep your eyes open for angelic images like grey/white feathers, shapes in the clouds, and butterflies/moths. The angels surround us with every step we take.
So many of us struggle with stress and anxiety during the holidays, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Our spiritual guides are waiting to connect and speak to us. Acts of service to others also honor angels, since they represent divine love and kindness. Help someone in need by volunteering or donating gifts. You can do this in memory of a loved one who has passed on. They will whisper gently in your ear exactly what you need to do.
The winter holidays are a time for celebration and for reflection on the year which has passed and the one about to begin. Invite your heavenly guardians to be with you during these days, and you will find hope and inner peace that are never far away.
Author: Mystic Shelley

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