Health & Care

13 Tactics For Overcoming Overwhelm

Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed?

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the demands of daily life. Whether it’s work, family, or personal obligations, the feeling of being stretched too thin can be overwhelming. However, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone in feeling this way. Countless individuals from all walks of life experience overwhelm at some point in time. The good news is that there are tactics that can help you overcome this feeling and regain a sense of control. In this article, we’ll explore 13 tactics for overcoming overwhelm, so you can start feeling more confident and in control of your life.

1. Admit to yourself you can’t do everything.

Some problems are bigger than any one individual can fix. Some problems belong to other people. We may care about them and can help if asked, but it’s not our place to shoulder their burdens. (Take comfort in Star Trek’s prime directive of not interfering in a culture’s right to
self-determination.) What you can do is take care of yourself, and put yourself in the best possible condition to create a fulfilling life and to contribute to the world. (Consider the possibility that doing the first amounts to the second.)

2. Make your well-being a priority. Optimally, the priority.

Give yourself permission to take care of yourself. The air mask metaphor is overworked, but still appropriate: Put your mask on before you help others with theirs. If you’re gasping for breath, you won’t have energy to spare for others.Several tactics grow out of this one:

* Say “no” to requests you don’t want to accept.

This step is tough for people-pleasers. The lockdown has moved a lot of people off this.

* Let texts and email sit; respond when – or if – you feel calm and ready.

* Take breaks from people and situations that endanger your well-being. That includes – and even starts with – breaks from the news and social media. Some platforms spread outrage and despair and hopelessness like viruses. Steer clear. If you find yourself falling prey, leave.

3. Pick your battles.

Don’t take the bait when invited into a fight. People are so polarized right now that you have little chance of winning someone over to your side, no matter how many facts you trot in front of them. Don’t waste your energy arguing with people online. If you encounter anger or some other form of negativity and you respond to it, you are giving it air and validation. If you respond with anger or the like, you are fueling and increasing it. No one wins except energy vampires who feel on discord. Instead, neutralize. Don’t engage. Even better:

4. Send compassion and forgiveness to people who set you off.

See the fear and damage behind the words and behavior that’s bothering you. The adage “hurt people hurt people” may help. Send something soothing and calming instead of what they’re dishing out. You will be disrupting the cycle of negativity. Also, if you can pray for people you dislike, you can pray for anyone.

5. Monitor your energy.

Notice when it lags, when it rises, and when it feels off.

6. Take your energy back.

Visualize a horseshoe magnet, point it at a person, place, or situation, and feel the magnet pulling your energy back.

7. Use water to clear your energy field.

If you take showers, as the spray hits your head, tell it to wash away anything you’d like to release: emotions, sensations, anxiety, cares, thoughts, interactions with specific people, anything. A tub is not suited to this because you will soak in whatever you’re releasing.
If you have access to open water, such as a lake or an ocean, lie on a float and imagine anything you’d like to release gently seeping out of your cells into the water.

8. Leave open spaces in your schedule.

9. Indulge in fluff.

Sometimes escape is exactly what your spirit needs. Hallmark Channel movies do the trick for some people. For others, it’s old sitcoms, or trivia games, or animal videos. Don’t judge yourself. Treat yourself.

10. Indulge in nature.

Going to a natural setting can be restorative without your logical brain getting in the way. Simply looking at plants or water can soothe your mood. When the temperature permits, take off your shoes and put bare feet in the grass, dirt, or sand. Hug a tree. Run a hand across
growing herbs or flowers. Can’t go outdoors? Run a nature video on your computer or device or TV while you’re engaged in some other activity. Scads of videos are available of swimming fish. Some aquariums run webcams of floating jellyfish, or frolicking otters or sea lions. The Monterey Bay Aquarium is an especially good source for this and sometimes broadcasts waves gently crashing in the Pacific outside its walls.

11. Enjoy your food.

Pay attention to it. Eat it without distractions. Allow yourself dessert now and again.

12. Look for like-hearted people.

Gravitate to people and groups that share your core values. There’s strength in numbers and also comfort in knowing you’re not alone.

13. Tend to your own garden.

Focus on your little nook in the vastness of life, and keep it as tidy as you can.


In conclusion, feeling overwhelmed is a common experience, and it’s important to remember that it’s okay to take a step back and prioritize your mental health. By implementing these 13 tactics, you can start to take control of your life and regain a sense of balance. Remember to be patient with yourself and to take things one step at a time. You’ve got this!

Author: Kathy Biehl

Psychic - Mediumship

April 19, 2023Comments Off, , , , , , , , , , , , anxiety | BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | Blog | Kathy Biehl | overwhelm | overwhelmed | self-care | stress | wellness
Self-Imposed Barriers to Manifesting

Manifestation means we immerse ourselves in a visualized environment so we feel we are living in that environment until it becomes our reality. Some people believe and teach that manifesting does not involve action. Books like The Secret, for example, teach you to sit quietly and imagine what you want, and you will get it. I wish to tell you that things are just that simple.

Manifesting also involves action, but inspired action. We must follow the signs or omens so that we act inspired by the universe. There are many reasons why something we desire only manifests or takes a short time to display. Often, those reasons involve some self-imposed barriers or blockages. One self-imposed barrier is our beliefs. Unfortunately, our thoughts do not always align with our desires. Imagine, for
example, a person who has failed at manifesting a remote job. That person might have an unconscious belief that they do not deserve the job or that perhaps remote jobs are only given to “smarter, younger, or more tech-savvy candidates.” Ideas can also include fear of the responsibilities that may come with tremendous success, that minor roles are challenging, etc.

Whether the beliefs are conscious or subconscious, they can hold us back, so we must reflect on our thoughts and see if they create barriers to manifesting. To identify your beliefs, use your awareness and ask yourself, “What is my belief about success? What are my thoughts about money? What are my thoughts about love, relationships, etc.?”

Once you are clear about your beliefs, you can change them. But, of course, changing beliefs will take practice and dedication. First, you must question yourself and reflect on your feelings regarding a situation. But, with practice, you can change your beliefs, and your desires will manifest!

Another self-imposed barrier to manifesting is self-sabotage. Self-sabotaging can be present in many ways. For example, a person has a very successful YouTube channel, and to continue to grow the track, the person has to create more engaging videos. The person knows
that they should take a content creation course, but they start procrastinating. They don’t want to do it but don’t know why. They don’t feel motivated. Suddenly, they realize that they are afraid of tremendous success. Being fearful of greater success is a belief, so the person starts self-sabotaging. There is a book called “The Big Leap.” In this book, the author discusses how most of us operate in our comfort zone but never get to our site of genius. When you procrastinate about taking action, I want you to pause, reflect, and examine your underlying beliefs and why you might be self-sabotaging your potential manifestations!

Another crucial factor in manifesting is Divine Timing, and I added my vision board to my manifesting plan. The more I stay focused and keep myself free and clear of stress and anxiety, what I ask for comes back to me, and it is always better than what I asked. God has a plan for all of us. The key to this was turning to him, allowing him to help, and having faith and trust that will go a long way in your life.

I encourage you to join me on next week’s blog, where we will delve into this topic. Until next week!

Author: Mystic Shelley

Self-Imposed Barriers to Manifesting

February 15, 2023No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , , BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | Manifestation | manifesting | mystic shelley
Following Omens

I remember the first time I read the book The Alchemist. It was early in my spiritual journey and the book intrigued me. By the way, if you haven’t read the book yet, I encourage you to get yourself a copy or listen to the audiobook which is available for free on YouTube. 

One of the main points in The Alchemist is that we have to learn the language of the world/universe. The book says that the world communicates in Omens and that a path has been established for everyone to follow. We just must read the Omens that are left for us along the path. But what are Omens? Omens are messages that foretell the future. The universe can, and does, communicate in Omens/symbols but sometimes we are just too busy to pay attention. 

The energy of 2023 says that to manifest, we must be in the receiving mode and be patient. The year of the rabbit encourages us to align with the flow of the universe. We must get out of our head and get into our heart, and learn to speak the language of the world like the book The Alchemist tells us. So, in this blog I will share the meaning of some omens present in nature. The omens might be presented to you in dreams, pictures, when on a walk, etc. Just make sure that you are in the receiving mode and aligned with nature’s flow, so you don’t miss them! 

Rabbits: they appear on your path to bring you messages of abundance and/or fertility. 

Crows: when crows appear on our path, it means that the truth will be finally revealed to you.

Spiders: feared by many, disliked by more! But spiders are an omen that tells you that a friend will come to help you.

Ladybug: these cute little insects are omens of joy and good luck. 

Snake: although they carry a negative connotation due to the Adam & Eve story in the bible, snakes are a great omen that tell you that your passion will open doors of power.

Deer: When you see a deer, your spirit team is telling you that they know what you are going through. They’ve got your back, so you should have faith!

Lizard: lizards are great omens that remind us to pay attention to our dreams. They tell us that our dreams are, or will, be revealing something important.

Owl: these birds are considered enigmatic and mysterious. As omens, they bring a clear message that we need to proceed with caution because something BIG is coming our way. 

Cat: friends of many, but disliked by some, cats remind us that hidden forces and spiritual powers are with and near us.  

There are many other animals and object omens that the universe uses to communicate with us. When you notice “something” on your path, pay attention. Connect with your inner guidance to figure out the significance of it for you and your life. 

Author: Mystic Shelley,

Following Omens

February 7, 2023No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | best online psychics | mystic shelley | omens | Year of the Rabbit
Colour Reading and Meaning

There is colour in life, and it exists through our vibrations. Colour has a profound effect on all of us, which we never fully comprehend. Traditionally, green represents balance, peace, and well-being, whereas red represents ancient cultures worshipping the sun.

We live in a world filled with many weaves of many colours forming an egg shape around our physical bodies. Auras have cyclical life patterns which are described in many ways.

In the aura, the first band of vibrations is the etheric body that is a duplicate of the physical body and vibrates at a high frequency that cannot always be seen.

When you have the clairvoyant gift of feeling and tuning into colour, do not let that stop you. Numeral patterns and musical notes are also considered as colours and have their own shades.

The aura of someone who is in balance and perfect health will be like a beautiful ray of rainbow light, and every cosmic ray will be able to pass through the body, mind, and spirit. Healing energy will emanate from the aura. We also absorb the healing light from life, in addition to giving off our own colour vibrations. The auric egg draws energy into itself, which acts as a prism, breaking the light down into its component colour elements. Colors that are dull suggest a dull effect and we say that we feel washed out or that we feel off-colour. However, we should realize what we are saying and how tuned we are.

How to send colour through healing:

Think of a white light that washes away fear and pain, or simply anything you feel is holding you back. Visualize the white light encircling your body. For a few minutes, let this white flow through your body and bloodstream. As you breathe in the peace you are now experiencing through your body, give yourself a therapeutic shower. Now that your aura has been cleansed with white healing light, let’s proceed.

Mediate with colour and angelic energy to improve psychic well-being:

By practicing this meditation, you can begin to understand your aura and heal yourself to live a more spiritual and peaceful life. Heal yourself with the angels of light for a more fulfilling life. Seven Rays of coloured light will be sent down by the Angels in their true form. Each part of your body will receive this light. The healing light can be beaming for 3 minutes on each chakra if you are open to it.

Think about the violet light emitted by the crown chakra. Sense the violet light filling up the crown chakra. Allow the indigo light to penetrate your brow by bringing it down to your brow. The same can be done with the blue light for the throat chakra. The green light can be used for the Heart chakra. A yellow light can be used for the Solar Plexus chakra. An orange light is suitable for the Sacral Chakra. A red light is suitable for the Base Chakra.

Occasionally you can experience psychic insights, so pay attention to what these Angels of Healing Light are offering as Candle Therapy.

Jump start your dreams into action.

Imagine yourself in a happy time, laying down or sitting in a comfortable position, as you work your way up the body, consciously relaxing every part, breathing slowly and deeply, naturally allowing your breath to flow through your body. Open your mouth, breathe out deeply, and open and close your eyes while rolling your head from side to side.

Let the breath relax the hands, legs, ears, and the entire body. Your mind can now drift off into a pleasant peaceful state. A place where you feel safe and at peace. Through your Psychic mind, you may wish to return there. A country house on the coast, a room where you can relax and let go, a place by the sea. A place of tranquility, uniquely yours.

Manifestation Through Colour: A spiritual journey

Make a wish and light a candle with a little magic. A candle’s colour can convey a message for its use – red is a protection candle. Orange represents travel, yellow for ideas, green for abundance, blue for healing, indigo removes fear, violet is peace. Purple can support your vision and open your third eye, while pink can soothe your emotions, gold is for joy, and gold can bring you joy.

(As one of her services, Samantha offers Colour Readings.)

Author: Samantha Hamilton,

Meanings of Colour

June 16, 2022No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , aura | BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | candle | color | colour | energy | Healing | rainbow | samantha hamilton
Spiritual Healing for Empowerment & Self Love

Love is one of the most important feelings in the universe. It is so important and powerful that we have trouble expressing it, and any block regarding our ability to love or to be loved needs working on; to remove any fear of love.

The end result is always a happier, more content, and nicer person. When we feel good, good things happen.

From your kitchen to your bath, you can fill your home with love.

Let’s start this process with some relaxing meditation and affirmations for lasting love…This is a 30-day healing process for positive change. All you need is some rose quartz, a quiet space, and the time to ease your mind.


Before you start…

Take a moment to be mindful.

Find a peaceful place to sit or lie down, holding your rose quartz in your left hand.

Take three deep breaths (inhaling deeply through your nose, and then long exhales out through your mouth). As you breathe in, envisage surrounding yourself with white light and breathe in that white light. This is an opportunity for you to be still for 5 minutes. Invite your Angel of Love in by saying: “I ask the Angel of Love to assist me in healing and to embrace me with divine guidance so that I open my heart to the loving energy vibration; to attract true, long-lasting love into my life.”

“I (your name) am open to having a long lasting, healthy, balanced, and supportive relationship and unconditional love between me and my partner. I welcome a lasting relationship for life.”

You can choose to say this in front of the mirror. Standing in front of a mirror saying your written Affirmation is healing too!

Chanting the angel’s names three times will help strengthen the connection. (Archangel Chamuel is the angel of joy and happiness and unconditional love).



This is a healing bath to detox and sooth your mind and body.

Run a warm bath and add a spoon of honey plus half a cup of almond milk. Or a spoon of parsley and half a cup of almond milk.

If you can, play some spiritual music, as this can help to put you in the right mood when connecting with your spirit guides and Angels.

Invite The Angel of Love into your bathing space. (Archangel Chamuel is the angel of joy and happiness and unconditional love).

Relax in your bath of honey or parsley and almond milk and breathe in those aromas.

There is no timing on how long you stay in your Bath.

This practice should be done for a complete 30 days.

You can also light candles. Light a pink candle and a white candle (burn for 9 days; evening is best).

To Receive Healing Recovery from a broken relationship or inviting in a new relationship, write your own beautiful affirmation for self love or to attract a life partner!

 I  (name ) ……

…am now open to love. I give love unconditionally to my future partner and myself.

I am happy and well. I enjoy loving company with my future partner and with myself.

I choose to be loved and to give unconditionally. I see love clearly now.

My future partner is around the corner.

I am loved and love is around me.

I see love / I see love with loving eyes.

I accept love.

My relationship is simply beautiful, we are happy, and all is well.

Author: Samantha Hamilton

Spiritual Healing

June 10, 2022No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , , BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | bestamericanpsychics | Blog | empowerment | Healing | Love | samantha hamilton | self-love | spiritual healing
Mother’s Day for the Motherless
We are moving more deeply into May and Mother’s Day is here. With that, comes a plethora of advertisements, window displays, and social media posts concerning the holiday. This may be wonderful if you have a healthy relationship with your mother but what if you don’t? What if you are estranged from your mother or she has passed on? Difficulties in familial relationships are often glossed over and rarely talked about. Perhaps it is easier to focus on the good things and paint a pretty picture to mask the pain. Still, what happens if Mother’s Day emotionally triggers you, brings up past trauma, or leaves you feeling isolated? Here are some tips for getting through the day and prioritizing your mental health:
  1. Mother Yourself: If you are estranged from your mother due to abuse, neglect, or addiction, this can be a very trying time. Take the day to focus on yourself if possible. Do something relaxing that soothes your soul. Cook your favorite food or listen to music. You may need a break from reality and social interaction. Go off the grid, if possible. Turn off social media and the phone. If heavy emotions come up, you may want to journal and have a good cry. Say words of affirmation to yourself. Speak on self-love. Be the nurturing force that your mother could not embody. Keep loving you.
  • Honor Her Spirit: If your mother has passed on and you would like to honor her memory, consider erecting an ancestor altar in your home. This is a quiet space to venerate deceased loved ones. Many people place their altar in the living room or study. It typically includes a picture of the loved one, fresh flowers, a glass of water, and a candle. This is a place you can go to whenever you are missing her. Talk to her as you did in life. Write her letters, sing to her, and thank her for being there for you. If you had a difficult relationship with a deceased parent, you can use this space to pray for the evolution of her soul and affirm that she finds peace.
  • Celebrate You: If you are a mother, this is your day. Give your family instructions concerning what you want to do. Maybe it’s breakfast in bed or a nice dinner. Maybe mom wants the day off completely. Consider what will bring you the greatest joy and focus on that.
Holidays can be exciting, joyous, and beautiful. They can also be a frenzied wave of emotions that leave our heads spinning. The important thing is to keep our feet on the ground and our hearts open wide. After all, relationships are never perfect, and the past cannot be changed. Sometimes, we just have to focus on the present and be the mothers we never had. Wishing you much love this holiday and beyond! Author: Nicole Bowman,
May 9, 2022No comments, , , , , , , , , , ,
Boundless Gratitude

The month of April brings the promise of new beginnings. With that promise comes choices; choices on how we want to move forward and what we want to focus on. This month, I invite you to focus on gratitude. Take some time to reflect on all the things you are grateful for. It can be the little things, like a cup of coffee in the morning or the bigger things, like the miracle of being alive in these changing times.

A great way to reflect on gratitude is by writing it down. When I was a university student, one of my teachers suggested that I keep a gratitude journal. He said it was a way to keep track of all the things I was thankful for. His suggestion worked. That little journal was a huge help during difficult times. It reminded me of what was most important and encouraged me to keep going.

If you have never kept a gratitude journal, I invite you to start. It can be a plain notebook, a fancy journal, or a blank book that you decorate. You can also write notes of thanks in a daily planner. The point is to find one thing you are thankful each day and make record of it.

Write it in the present tense so that you continue to draw those positive conditions into your life. When times are tough, revisit your journal and reflect on the good moments. They will remind you of what matters most.

Have a beautiful month and look for the good things, big and small!

Author: Nicole Bowman

April 1, 2022No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , , #Gratitude | bap blog | best american psychics | bestamericanpsychics | Blog | blog post | gratitude journal | nicole bowman | spring
Spring Clearing: Brighten the Colors in Your Life

March is a promising month here in New England. Winter is coming to a close. March 20, the spring equinox promises change. March is also a month full of disappointments. We are done with the cold icy weather, and warm promising days are far and few between. April can be that way too. Us folks in the North long to travel south, or even west.

Let’s talk about Spring clearing. As seasons changes, no matter where on earth you live, this is the time to clear the garden to ready for the next planting. To prepare for the next growth in your life, the inner chemistry of your thoughts, emotions and actions need to be tended to.

Courage, humility, and focus are good tools for clearing your inner garden.

Courage is for seeing clearly what is actually growing in your life. Feel it to heal it. Feeling where the discord in your life is, is the start of the clearing process. What blocks your progress is usually organic inner growth. This growth, when unattended, grows like Kudzu. Your inner blocks have roots in emotions we don’t know what to do with. They are the emotions we deny or ignore, and they grow like weeds.

Humility is the action of recognizing the overgrowth of beliefs and thoughts that run your life. As you become self–aware as a result of clear seeing, you will find some interesting aspects within yourself you never thought existed. Humility includes asking for help from your higher power, your Soul, your guides, and a healer in human form.

Focus is your own willingness to stay engaged with your healing process. No matter how fast or slow your process is, choose to stay the course and gently progress. This focus can range from “Yup, I know you are there, and I am not feeding you anymore,” to “Let’s get this worked out once and for all.” Your focus may go back and forth, the key here is to stay aware as best you can. Don’t go back to ignoring your inner landscapes.

Colors have healing properties. They have certain vibrations and even sounds attributed to them. Your chakras all have colors. One color per Chakra. The colors are all kinds of hues and intensities. You can do a self-clearing by focusing on the colors of your chakras in your physical body. You have seven of them. You have more throughout your etheric body, but for this clearing let’s focus on your physical body.

To brighten up your energy, you can visualize your chakras. Start with your root chakra and move up through to the crown chakra at the top of your head.

Begin the process with an Intention to clear your chakras. Invite your spiritual team of healers to help. You can visualize, think, imagine, feel, talk your way through your chakras clearing. Whichever sense works best for you. You can do one chakra a day, or all at once. The end result is that you are aware of these energy centers so you can keep them bright.

Imagine your root chakra at the base of your spine. This is the RED chakra. Home, survival, nurturing on a basic level. How red is it? Imagine the red is becoming brighter. Ask your healers for help.

Move up to just below the naval. Imagine your sacral chakra. This is orange. Creativity, sensitivity, sensuality, sexuality. How orange is it? Imagine the orange is becoming brighter with your healers help.

Above your navel is your solar plexus, this chakra is yellow. This chakra is Self-awareness, self-worth, identity and will. How yellow is it? Imagine the yellow glowing with your Soul’s help.

Your heart chakra is at your heart’s level. It is green. This is the place of Awareness, truth, language, understanding and compassion. What is in your heart right now? Imagine the green is getting brighter…how does that feel? What are your thoughts now as you heart gets brighter? Your Soul and guides are helping you and guiding you.

Feel your throat area. This is your throat chakra. The color is blue. This is your self-expression and your Soul’s expression through words, speaking, writing, singing, painting and all other expressions. How does your throat feel right now? Imagine the blue becoming brighter. Same healing team helping.

Move to the middle of your forehead. This is your third eye. This is deep indigo blue. Think of the images of outer space. This is your envisioning center. You project your life and your thoughts here. You can enter the mind of Universe here. Imagine the indigo blue deepening and becoming very, very clear. How do you now envision your life?

Move to the top of your head. Your crown chakra. This is where you interact with the presence of the universe. Imagine bright gold and white light pouring into your crown and brightening up the purple. You are sovereign as you connect with the source of the universe.

As you brighten up the colors in your chakras, observe what nurtures you and see what needs to fall away in your life. Trust what you sense. Repeat this often. It takes courage, humility, and focus. You got this.

Author: Nancy Smith

March 25, 2022No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , , chakra | colors | courage | energy | focus | Healing | humility | spring cleaning | spring clearing
Prayers, Intentions and Miracles

These days it feels like we need to pull some miracles out of thin air.

As I watch the world react to Russia invading Ukraine, I have to say I see consciousness changing in the world at large. Switzerland is no longer neutral, and they are withholding Russian moneys. Russian soldiers are unhappy with what they are doing. Russian citizens are rebelling and marching against the invasion.

I see change happening in how individuals are thinking.

There is a tipping point in the world as people realize how they think and what they say matters and makes a difference.

When enough individuals change the way they are thinking, their behavior changes. When that happens, according to Malcolm Gladwell, society hits a tipping point and the local culture changes. I see the global society hitting the tipping point in new thinking and I can see the potential of cultures changing globally.

We need to keep going in the effort of realizing who we really are as humans. Humanity has many underdeveloped gifts. Realizing we are infinite beings being one of those gifts. We are able to create our own reality.

Sandra Ingerman, shaman, talks about the 7 ingredients needed for a miraculous healing.

Those ingredients include how you think and who you align yourself to.

When you know you are an infinite being and you are aligned with the highest source, all things are possible. Thing is, aligning yourself to your soul and God is like baptizing a cat.

How do we come to the KNOWING of being infinite and in the grace of the creator? How can you recognize the highest source of the creator when there are so many powers and fears pulling at you? It’s easy to mistake a fear as an all-encompassing power. Think of all the years the Cold War went on, and here we are facing Russia again with another threat of nuclear bombs. Will this fear hold, or can we look at this differently? Can we as conscious beings create a different reality using different thoughts? This is the PRAYER for this time.

Yes, we can, and we have.

Create a strong clear intention that will fuel your thoughts and actions. Intend to live in grace and peace within yourself. The world within yourself needs to match the world you want to create. If you want to be heard, then you need to carefully listen to yourself. Your needs, desires, and your fears all need to be heard, recognized and attended to by YOU. That brings your inner world into alignment.

Realize, as you listen to your inner needs and desires, that you need a relationship with the Creator, source of unconditional love, to create your dream. The creator is the universe that provides all things. You are responsible for nurturing your relationship to your Soul, Source and the creative power. As you blend with this source, you are on your way to becoming a vessel of unconditional love. This action creates UNITY, another of the 7 elements to create miraculous healings.

You are a light warrior, as much as a light worker. Your focus and concentration are key to create the dream you seek, the dream as it is in alignment with the creator. Do not think of other things, doubts, what if’s, guilt, and other fears. Focus the power that you create with spirit and visualize that radiance coming through you. No matter what is happening around you, focus on the power of the connection within you as you unite with the creator.

You will find harmony within yourself as you do this work. When you are in harmony with yourself you will bring peace, balance and wholeness that will fund your inner balance and wholeness. It is a cycle that grows on itself. Being whole is healing. You need an inner state of harmony and unity within to do the work that brings about miracles.

Dream your Dreams! Use your imagination to create pathways that will bring a new world and reality into being. Shift what you are daydreaming thoughout your day. Take the anxiety you are considering and shift the thoughts to something more aligned to the dreams you have in your heart. Imagine the best possible result happening better than you know right now. Imagine possibilities and then get out of the way and let them bloom. Open to unconditional love in your dreams.

Then, as if by a miracle, watch your dreams blossom and unfold.

Author: Nancy Smith,

March 15, 2022No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | Blog | culture | intentions | miracles | nancy smith | prayers
Two Truths and a Lie About Love

Can you figure out which of the three phrases here are truth and not truth?

  • Love exists in all sentient beings. You only have to open your heart to experience the love in the life around you.
  • You are loved unconditionally, and you are never alone.
  • Listen to your heart. If you love someone, follow your heart and THAT will lead you to a loving meaningful relationship in your life.

From a spiritual point of view, we are created from love. From the love of the Creator! Our spirit and soul recognize and gravitate towards the Creator’s love. As humans (we are spirit in human form) we forget the love we come from. The voice of our Soul is soft and subtle and often goes unnoticed. We literally forget where we come from and how we used to feel. It’s as if a veil comes between us and heaven when we are born.

We are designed to remember that divine love over time. We can jog our memory through mindful practice of awareness and gratitude. We may eventually discover the hidden beauty of life will reveal itself to us. Our Divine origin, which IS unconditional love, is hidden right in front of us.

During our journey in this human life, the creator, our soul, and Guides form Spirit walk with us. They love us and try to guide us. We can choose to listen or not to listen. Our lives are about learning and growing and remembering who we really are. For some mysterious reason we are here in this life to remember what love is. We are meant to find our way back to God’s love. We are made from love, and we will return to that love. The miracle is remembering and living in love while we are here.

Emotions, sometimes called energy in motion by healers and light workers, lead you and often MISLEAD you. Your emotions are messages from your inner self. Your emotions, as powerful as they are, are messages based on your physical and psychological point of view. Emotions are often based in needs. Which is totally fine, and often they feel satisfying and fulfilling. Emotions inform you about love and relationship.

We start learning to love from the moment we are conceived. We learn from our interactions with our parents and caretakers. We learn from the feelings that arise within us through these interactions. We need touch, snuggles, emotional nurturing and much as we need food to sustain us. How we are cared for sets the stage for how we give and receive love as adults.

Childhood is not perfect. (It’s meant to be that way.) You may crave love from your parents and never get it. You may then spend the rest of your “relationship life” seeking the love you never got. Thing is, you may keep choosing the same kind of people your parents were, people who are unable to give you the love you desire. You may fall in love with a person only to experience craving something you will never get. You can unconsciously recreate the dynamics your “parents” taught you until you decide NOT to do that anymore. (Most people need some guidance on how to create different relationship dynamics and learn new “bonding patterns.” That is totally possible.) 

How can you create the best and healthiest love for yourself? The best path to a loving relationship begins with loving yourself. A loving relationship with yourself includes recognizing your own divinity. See yourself through God’s perspective. You are respected, appreciated, and held in high esteem by your creator. Why not give that to yourself?

When you appreciate yourself by acknowledging your efforts in life during your struggles, when you speak to yourself with kindness and compassion, when you forgive yourself, show patience when you are growing and learning, you are loving yourself. When you love yourself in this way, you are able to love another person in a healthy balanced way. When you love yourself like this, you are also able to allow the love of Spirit into your heart and into your life. When you open to Spirit, miracles can happen.

If someone lives in self- hate, recrimination, guilt and/or constant remorse, that is what they put into the relationships they participate in. That is NOT love. Addicts and alcoholics often show us that very clearly. Some addicts are so consumed with what they are addicted to they put that substance and the feeling it gives them in front of everything, including their own well- being. Addiction is the opposite of self -love. Addiction, the need for something outside of yourself to make you feel a certain way, blocks your ability to give and receive love. It is an act of self-love to break from that all-consuming need in order to connect to who you really are once again.

Should you follow your heart into a relationship with another person who is unable to receive or give love, you are not in love. You are in something else all-together.

Compassion for another, loving unconditionally is divine. This compassionate state doesn’t mean that entering into a romantic state or even a deep friendship is a given. Choose relationships that are in balance and enhance your own well-being. Have compassion for another, for sure, and be mindful of the dynamics at hand.

Your first love is to you. When you love yourself, you are able to let divine love of the creator into your heart. When you are in a balance of love like this, you are able to love another, and choose another person who you can create a wonderful experience with, because you are able to negotiate a healthy loving relationship you both can learn and grow with.

It’s a practice…relationships are a practice of love. Exchanging with each other, learning, growing, and LIVING!

Author: Nancy Smith,

February 24, 2022No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , angelscapes | bestamericanpsychics | blog post | falsehood | Love | love advice | Love and Relationships | nancy smith | Spirituality | truth | unconditional love | Unconditional self-love