As we leave the month of May and approach the summer solstice, my thoughts are with the friends, family, and shooting victims of the tragedies in Buffalo, New York and Uvalde, Texas. There is nothing in the world that can bring loved ones back or take away the pain we feel. However, I do believe that learning how to venerate our deceased loved ones can help with the grieving process.
Many religious and spiritual communities have ceremonies and rituals to honor the dead. This is done to uplift their memory, bring comfort to the living, and pray for safe passage to the other side. A plethora of cultures use the term “ancestor” to identify deceased loved ones. Typically, ancestors have passed 100 years ago or more. It is believed that during that time, their souls evolve, grow, and move to the upper spirit realms. They then become a spiritual helper for their loved ones on earth and assist family members who have recently passed by ushering them into the spirit world.
When a loved one dies, it may be helpful to place their picture and other personal artifacts on an altar you erect in your home. This altar can be a simple table with the pictures of deceased family members, fresh flowers, their obituaries, or simple notes & prayers you would like to leave for them.
Many people place the altar in their living room or den. This way, the entire family can honor their memory. Whenever you feel lost or confused, go the altar and speak with them. Light incense, cry, and allow yourself to breathe. Speak to your higher power and know that you will see them again.
In the beginning stages of grief, we may feel that our sadness unites us with deceased loved ones. It is almost as if, staying in a broken state, brings us closer to them. However, spirit teaches us that living joyfully and moving forward is the greatest way to feel close to them. It is through our laughter, resilience, and willingness to breathe again that we feel the unconditional love of spirit. It is also important to note that we may never fully heal. When love is real, the space they leave can never be filled. We simply move ahead and try our best.
I will leave you with a message from one of the children who passed in the Uvalde shooting. Her name was Ellie Garcia. She was a beautiful little girl who had a strong faith in God and a great sense of humor. She created videos on the popular Tik Tok app & loved spending time with her friends and family. Prior to her death Ellie was excited to read a bible verse in church. She spoke about God and how we all would one day return to spirit.
Let’s hold onto Ellie’s words and never forget that we are spirit first. We were born in light, and we will return to light one day. Please venerate the memory of Ellie and all the victims of this tragedy. May their memory be a blessing now and forever.
Author: Nicole Bowman,