As we enter the era of Artificial Intelligence, and the fake news epidemic is on the increase, it is at the point where many people do not even know what is real or the truth anymore. The lack of regulation of AI technology, and unregulated fact checking leaves a chaotic situation, and if we buy into any of the fake news or social media posts, it takes our attention onto things which deflect our attention away from our souls, into the game of illusion.
The forming of unnatural emotional connections to robots, chat bots, and the new technology not yet released, in order to avoid the pain that is necessary for true human experience of Personal and Spiritual growth, and to create some sort of easy, feel-good culture, simply means that we will be controlled, and essentially limited as human beings. The positive push of the benefits of AI (and here are many positive benefits), is being used to mask the obvious negative impacts. Balance is required, and yet that is not happening.
As we hand our thinking and planning capacity over to AI, we are losing a crucial ability to seek solutions, and figure things out for ourselves. Will we lose the need to question, to feel certain crucial human emotions? If we do not have these, then our need to connect to our intuition will literally be dumbed down.
We could lose our sense of personal pride and achievement and may well be headed towards what is termed as Singularity. (When Artificial Intelligence is more intelligent than humans, and we are completely dependent on it). We risk losing our conscious individuality, and our true connection to the unconscious and higher consciousness will be severed, and interrupted, and our subconscious mind will also be affected. We need all of these to connect to our soul, to who we truly are.
“Our soul’s purpose, which from what Spirit has shown me, is transformation of humanity into individual authenticity, which then becomes a mass collective consciousness and into the higher dimensions”.
The richness and the depth presented by this opportunity at this crucial time out of all the history of humanity to find our true connection to our soul self, and then to connect to others through their soul selves, is one that we lightworkers came here for. To bring the Spirit of higher dimensions through to earth in a mass consciousness. If we lose ourselves to technology, this opportunity will be lost forever, as the concept of Spirituality through “AI creates the biggest illusion that mankind has ever faced”. When we become caught in illusion it is exceedingly difficult to find your way out of it.
Already I have witnessed people who identify as “Spiritual”, preaching that humans and robots will merge and we will live in some sort of a 5th dimensional utopia. Spirit has shown me that this is NOT the way through to the 5th dimension. These people are mesmerized and hypnotized by technology. And technology is owned by Billionaires, these people who are unaware or just not interested in the importance of human consciousness, spirituality, or a higher connection. Nor are they interested in anyone who does not agree with them. Spirituality/empathy/intuition is the vital role in the evolution of humankind.
“You can aim for Mars, but you are still the same person on Mars, without Spirituality and growth, you are merely changing locations but not transcending higher, no matter how impressive that looks on the outside.”
“The way to the 5th dimension is to go within, not by connecting to an artificial source from outside of yourself.”
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE CAN NEVER HAVE NATURAL HUMAN or ANIMAL INSTINCT, NATURAL EMPATHY, OR INTUITION. It can only mimic it. It cannot work with spiritual frequencies. So, as our Spirituality unfolds so that we can cut through illusion (what we have been conditioned to do and believe), our own personal intuition will be tested, and it is being tested right now, much more intensely than it ever has.
To decipher the actual truth, it is important that we practice living intuitively every day. Take notice of the energy, what you “feel” and make our decisions by incorporating our intuition. Critical thinking is so important, however, critical thinking without intuition in play, is a waste of time from the respect that people can only speculate, and then feed off theories that escalate, where there is no actual proof.
So yes, think critically, question everything regardless of its source, but then STOP, and reflect to see if you are grounded and calm, or emotive and reactive. See if you are unbiased or are you influenced by the drama, the hype, the speculation. Become aware of your emotions, are you fearful, angry, sad…?? Are you feeling pressured and self-doubt? Do not just jump onto any bandwagon theory. Take your time. Allow the answer to come to you, rather than search for it. Even if it does not align with what is happening on the surface, remember it, and wait.
Intuition requires a clear space to come through into your consciousness, and if you are emotional or reactive, then there is no room for intuition, and only room for misinformation to escalate. The buildup of drama, hype, and speculation from these theories, puts people
on a high, where they ride that wave uncontrollably and lose themselves in it. Intuition simply does not and cannot exist in that kind of energy.
Keep going deeper using your own intuition, question everything, practice self-awareness and emotional regulation. Discern whom to have spiritual conversations with, observe, and stay aware. Together we can lift humanity into a state of true higher consciousness
towards the fifth dimension.
Author: Deb Sinclair
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