Know Thyself: 4-Part Series Part 3: Ho’oponopono and Zero Limits Living

Know Thyself: 4-Part Series Part 3: Ho’oponopono and Zero Limits Living

We receive information in only two ways, through Data and through Inspiration. 

Information, which we call Data, is based on your old conditioning and programming, your stress defaults, and your established patterns that often do not serve you any longer. When you created them, you did so to survive based on the information you had at the time, and then you hung onto them until they created well-worn neural net pathways in your brain. 

Inspiration, which comes from Source, aligns you to your Purpose and guides you on your Prosperous Path. 

Much of what we think, feel, and do is a result of our conditioning and programming. Our brain is a computer, and it can only go back into our database and create new information based on what it knows. From the beginning of our life, we gave meaning to what happened to us. Much of it was in place by the time we were 7 years old. Then, we continued to live out what we said was true. 

Universal Law says, Whatever you say is, IS. 

Yet, there is another way to live, a Zero Limits way of living that Dr. Joe Vitale talks about in his book, Zero Limits. It involves a very powerful clearing and healing tool, Ho’oponopono, that I have studied for years and use daily in my life and my business to create personal and professional success. 

When we can clear the mental and emotional clutter that comes up first when we are confronted with taking action, we can change our lives immensely and profoundly. 

When you are not allowing your mind to run the show and overrun you, you are able to be open to receiving Inspiration from the Divine. When you act on this, magic happens! 

You will know you are being driven by your data when you constantly find yourself bumping up against an invisible wall when you are reaching for your goals and desires. 

Your shift in perception along with this powerful tool can help you receive and achieve more in your life and your business than you ever dreamed you could. 

You CAN expect miracles from Zero Limits Living. 

Ho’oponopono helps you to focus on yourself and what you can change rather than all the things you think are being done to you and around you. It begins with noticing what you don’t want that is showing up in your world and clearing the unknown why behind it. You always use Ho’oponopono to work on you, to clear, heal, and resolve what is showing up in your world that is not serving you. You speak to what is in you that needs this to show up in your world. You move out of being a Victim to being a Powerful Creator of your own life experience. You clear the way for all good things to come to you. 

You have subconscious memory that is driving your bus, affecting your thoughts, feelings, and actions, which greatly impacts your results. Ho’oponopono helps you to remove all kinds of negative thoughts from your mind, thoughts which hold you back from your success, and even slow you down or completely stop you in your tracks. 

Moving yourself into the Zero State, you access the creative void. Here, everything is possible, your energy is renewed, your mind is clear and able to receive Inspiration and create the life you want to live rather than be driven by old conditioning, programming, and patterning.

The basic goal of Ho’oponopono is to cleanse the mind and then heal it. The cleansing of the mind includes eliminating all the thoughts which are no longer serving you and keeping and amplifying all the thoughts that will support you in the life you want to live. The healing of the mind is achieved by clearing the mental and emotional clutter and implanting a positivity of mind which moves you forward to achieve everything you want to. 

In doing this, you begin to peel away the layers and access the True You. 

Learning to use Ho’oponopono begins with learning and using the 4 phrases as a Prayer or Mantra. 

I Love You. – I’m Sorry. – Please Forgive Me. – Thank You. 

Remember, the focus is always on you. You are speaking to what is inside of you that needs these things and people and situations to show up, how you are reacting from your Data rather than being able to respond to Inspiration, which moves you forward. This is not for or about anyone else, or directed at someone else or something else. This is between you and the Divine. 

Author: Michelle Barr is a Psychic Medium, Healer, Ho’oponopono Advanced Practitioner, and Spiritual Teacher.

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