Many times, you see the things you want to change in your life, but, at the end of the day, not much changes. In order to change your life for the better, here are two things you must know.
First, you must understand the Spiritual components underlying your current conditions and experiences. There are Spiritual undercurrents running beneath your everyday life. They exist below the surface of your physical reality. You don’t need to be committed to any particular religion or ascribe to any particular religious beliefs to accept this and learn how to use it to create the life you want to live. You simply accept and acknowledge that there’s always a Spiritual component underlying every experience in your physical reality; it ripples through your life and affects your life at every level.
Second, you must learn to understand your energy in all its forms and learn to manage your energy for your highest good.
The Highest Good of All must include you, or it’s not the Highest Good. When you are focused on, making decisions for, and taking actions toward your Highest Good, everyone else will be best served, as well.
You are an energetic being, and you are always in energetic exchange with everything in your world. Your energy is always interacting with everyone you come in contact with. Other people can boost your energy through this exchange, or they can drain you. Some people will pull your energy into their programs, beliefs, and ideas, which may not serve you at all, and will not elevate you to your highest potential. When we are not in charge of our own energy, we can get into habits and patterns where we allow this to happen.
To consciously create a powerful life, you must consciously detach and release from unsupportive energy sources and learn how to be the one in control of your own energy.
Imagine a beach ball being blown around in the wind, batted around by everyone else, and going wherever outside forces direct it. That is you when you are ungrounded and not in control of or aware of your own energy. Now, imagine a tree, with strong roots reaching deep into the Earth. This tree roots itself securely then reaches for its highest and best. When the storms and strong winds come, this tree is moved about, but it remains in the place that is best for it. You must learn to discard the programs, patterns, and thoughts that threaten your sustainability. You must learn to manage your own energy in your daily life.
In order to create true success for yourself, your thoughts, habits, actions, and energy must be in alignment. Every so often, you come in contact with one of your big dreams and start taking action to achieve it. You set intentions and goals, strive for things like freedom, prosperity, abundance, health, and success. Ready to live an authentic life filled with purpose, you invest yourself and your time and energy to do what it takes to get there. Suddenly, an obstacle throws you off course, and everything comes to a screeching halt. You lose momentum, you trip up and get lost in old habits and patterns. You allow others to be in control of your energy, and you.
To create change, you have to actively make changes, starting with yourself and starting from the inside. When you change your energy, you change your life and create what you want powerfully and purposefully.
When a Psychic gives you a reading, they are reading your energy and are able to tell you what energy you are operating in at this time. This is invaluable information to have. Because when you know it, you can change it. A Psychic reading offers you a snapshot of this time and potentialities that exist if you continue in the way you are going and the energy you have created and allowed. If you like what is coming your way, stay on course, stay grounded and aligned, and keep moving forward, knowing it’s right there for you and within your reach and your realm. If you don’t like where you are headed, great news, you have the opportunity to create awareness and shift, and to chart a new course for yourself.
Author: Michelle Barr is a Psychic Medium, Healer, Energy Medicine Expert, and Spiritual Teacher.

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