At Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics (BAP), we take immense pride in acknowledging exceptional talent, dedication, and contributions within the realm of psychic and mediumship services.
It is with great pleasure that we announce and celebrate the esteemed recipients of the 2024 BAP Awards, recognizing outstanding individuals who have showcased remarkable expertise, compassion, and commitment in their respective fields.
Renowned Psychic Medium and bestselling Author Mari Cartagenova claims the prestigious Psychic of the Year Award. Mari’s heartfelt connections with departed loved ones and fur babies, coupled with her unwavering professionalism, exemplify her exceptional talent and dedication.
Regg Evans receives the Fabulous Feedback Award for continuously earning overwhelmingly positive feedback from clients. Regg’s commitment to providing exceptional Psychic Soul Readings, Relationships, and Spiritualist Healing Mediumship sessions is truly commendable.
LJ the Medium is honored with the Social Activism Award for her philanthropic endeavors. LJ’s advocacy for organ donation, support for various charitable causes, and unwavering dedication to raising awareness embody the true spirit of social responsibility.
Kelly Palmatier earns the Awesome Accolades Award for her multifaceted contributions. A Psychic Medium, educator, and philanthropist, Kelly’s dedication to ethical psychic practice, educational outreach, and philanthropy stands as an inspiration to many.
“These award recipients represent the pinnacle of excellence in the psychic and mediumship industry,” said Shay Parker, founder of Best American Psychics. “Their unwavering dedication, compassion, and commitment to serving others exemplify the spirit of our organization.”
Each winner embodies values that resonate with BAP’s commitment to upholding the highest standards in the psychic community. They stand as shining examples of integrity, compassion, and excellence.
“These remarkable individuals are beacons of inspiration, enriching lives and creating positive change within the psychic community and beyond,” added Parker.
Congratulations once again to Mari Cartagenova, Regg Evans, LJ the Medium, and Kelly Palmatier on their well-deserved recognition as the distinguished winners of the 2024 BAP Awards!
Boy, do they sing her praises! Lisa Greenfield’s clients are always highly impressed by her, and how she makes such an impact on them and their lives. They often note how, after a session with Lisa, they leave feeling positive and uplifted. This is why Lisa has been awarded Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics’ 2023 Fabulous Feedback Award.
As a palmist, astrologer, tarot reader, and intuitive, and more, she brings several modalities to her readings. She knows how these modalities work together and uses them to guide her clients to their best possible outcomes. Lisa has been reading for celebrity clients for years as well as the general public. All types of folks, from all walks of life, trust her to take a look at their individual truths mapped out in their hands, in the stars, and in the cards so that they may do the work that sets them on their desired courses.
Lisa’s reviews and testimonials are littered with the following words and phrases: real deal, beautiful energy, positive, uplifting, awesome, so amazing, accurate, on target, reassuring, so many details. Not one of her reviews lacks.
In addition, Lisa is an amazing asset to Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics. Her colleagues highly respect her, and she is a wealth of knowledge for clients and team members alike. She is everyone’s authentic cheerleader, and anyone that is lucky enough to interact with her is definitely touched by her lightworker “glow.”
If you are searching for something in your life, or feel you have blocks keeping you back, we highly recommend you consult with Lisa Greenfield. You will benefit from the many years she has invested in acquiring knowledge and practicing her intuitive abilities. Experience, authenticity, and ethics matter in this field. You meet all three in Lisa.
We are extremely proud to have her as a member of our team and to name her the Fabulous Feedback Award winner for 2023. See Lisa’s links below:
Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics is pleased to award our 2021 Psychic of the Year Award to Nancy Smith. Nancy also won our Social Activism Award in 2020 as well as Psychic of the Week and Psychic of the Month a few times, so she is a repeat award winner!
Nancy is an accomplished psychic medium, teacher, akashic record reader and spirit artist, as well as author. She is a Featured Blogger for BAP and has been a regular guest on Metaphysical Minds. Nancy is active in the metaphysical community and has a passion for her work. In addition, she has her own internet radio show (Angelscapes with Nancy Smith airs Tuesdays at 8PM) where she offers her expertise on topics with the bonus of free readings to the public.
Best American Psychics is proud to have Nancy as a member. She is a willing team member and works extremely well with her peers. We know her to be a true professional and respect the effort she has put into continued training, hours of service, and personal spiritual growth in order to serve her clients to the best.
Nancy’s relationship and ability to connect with the Akashic Records brings a special skill and perspective to her work. She uses her mediumship and channeling to bring peace to her clients. Her spirit artist gifts are an added bonus and just another form of evidence for those struggling with loss. Sometimes it is difficult for us to believe that there is a true connection to the other side and that our loved ones are still with us. Nancy’s drawings help this process along, and therefore bring closure and healing to those stuck in grief.
If you are interested in any of her books, you can find them here:
Nancy has been with BAP since 2015 and has shown us every step of the way that she is a solid choice for Psychic of the Year!
You can find Nancy on our Immediate Readings page, on her radio program, and you can book a session with her through her profile page on the site. All her links are below.
I know. I’m right there with you. These are uncertain times. With the outbreak of the coronavirus and closures everywhere you turn, so many of us are afraid, and not knowing what’s going to happen next. Let me just say it’s normal to have a variety of emotions. The most important thing that we can do during these times is to be gentle with ourselves. If you find yourself one moment crying and one moment feeling completely confused and lost, just realize that you are not alone.
I know, for so many people, there have been extraordinary losses. For school kids, it’s the loss of classes and time with their friends. For many of us, it’s loss of work and the uncertainty and fear with loss of income. For many people, and especially the elderly, it’s simply the loss of human contact. Just not being able to gather in groups or get a hug is absolutely a huge loss. So if you’re feeling sad or depressed know, it’s completely normal. But what I want to add is something that I hope can change your perspective.
Now please understand I am not being Pollyanna about any of this. But there is something to be said for choosing your emotional state. It’s so easy to look at the glass half empty. And I know right now there is a ton of emptiness to go around. However, the fact that we all woke up this morning certainly has to be a blessing. There will be people reading this that say it’s not. And again, I can totally understand that. But it’s important during these times, as we build up our fortitude and strength of character, to notice what IS going well in our lives. And I’m not saying that everything is butterflies and rainbows right now because it’s definitely not. I myself have moments of time where I wonder how this will all turn out. But to help you hold on, here are a few things to keep in mind that I hope can help guide you through this crisis.
First, just take note of the little things. If you can take a walk outside or even sit outside and look up at the blue sky, that is certainly something nice. Think about the fact that you can open your eyes and look around and notice all the colors and beauty that there still is in this world. Hey, your eyes work!! OK I can hear some of you saying “that’s so cheesy, Mari” but honestly, think about it. If all of your faculties are working, your body is processing things in the way it is supposed to for the most part, you are blessed. As long as you have food on your plate, shelter and can walk around (even in your own home), that counts for something. And it’s during these stressful times that we have the opportunity to shift our perspective and focus on the good things that we still have.
Secondly, think of people that have less than you even before Covid-19. How are they faring? If you’re upset that you didn’t get to make that great trip to Vegas think of people that have never been there in the first place. Yes that might seem hard to grasp, but it’s reality. No matter how little you have, more than likely, there’s somebody that has less. And focusing on all the things that go right for us on a daily basis helps to alter our attitude into one of Gratitude instead of one of Lack.
And lastly, may I make a plea to look out for those people that might need some extra support. Perhaps you have an elderly friend or neighbor that could use a phone call just to say hi. People might be socially isolating but being socially isolated can certainly cause depression or worse. Make a mental note of anybody in your circle who could use a pick me up. Even if you send a them a card or drop off some packaged cookies, every little bit of kindness counts. And part of me feels that maybe some of the reason we are all going through this now is to remind ourselves that we need each other. No one is an island and in order to be happy and whole we need people. Just think about that for a minute.
But by no means am I saying all this is easy. Like I mentioned, it is a struggle. Daily. But just like if you were trying to get in shape, there would be struggles. Nobody jumps up every single day raring to go to the gym. Everybody has those moments where they’re like “Oh I really don’t wanna do this today, I’m not feeling it.” And it’s in those moments when you are building character and grit. But just because you intellectually know you should be grateful and focused on the good doesn’t make it easy. However, hopefully reading something like this might remind you when you’re having one of those moments (and trust me I have them all the time) to go back to the breath, focus on your heart space and give off a tiny thought of gratitude that you are still here.
This also doesn’t mean we stop mourning the things that we have lost. I know many people have had to cancel big events, weddings, family trips, tournaments etc. and have no clue how to soldier on. It’s just for whatever reason right now, it’s not the right time. As I like to tell my clients that when we look at life it’s as if we are looking at the back of a needlepoint. If you’ve never seen the back of a needlepoint project, it’s a mess. There’s strings going everywhere, there’s knots, colors that end abruptly – there is no clear vision at all. But that is how we view life- only from the back. It’s when we get some perspective and we can see the needlepoint from *the front* that we understand the bigger picture.
So know that you are not alone. These are trying times for the strongest of us. But if you take a few moments to add a little gratitude practice to your life you will visibly see how your energy will change. It’s not all doom and gloom. And we will get through this, make no mistake. But in the meantime, look up at the sky and count your blessings. I’ll be doing the same. Much love,Mari
Our world is certainly
turned topsy-turvy at the moment. There is definitely an issue with the coronavirus,
and I understand that people’s nerves & psyches are frayed. However, I
wanted to pass along some tips that will help with your spiritual hygiene and
to stay emotionally centered during this difficult time.
Now I certainly
understand that many people are at risk and many others are directly affected
by the coronavirus. However, for most people in the world, the chance of
getting something is fairly low. My concern as a Psychic Medium is it not the
coronavirus but the virus of *fear* that is spreading like wildfire throughout
the world. Sometimes this psychological virus is even worse than the actual
germs themselves. So, I wanted to offer these few things to keep yourself
emotionally safe and sound.
Please don’t listen to the media 24 hours a day. Find some time, whether it’s on your car ride in the morning or at night before you go to bed, to just have some quiet time. Read a fun book, cook something nutritious or just meditate and sit in the silence. This news fast allows your mind, and especially your heart, to have a breather. Listening to CNN or other stations saying the sky is falling over and over again just amps up our anxiety. And while it’s certainly important to be vigilant, wash hands and not hang around with people who appear sick, it is also equally important to not live in a fear-based mindset all the time. Living in this fear-based mindset causes stress, stress causes inflammation and inflammation can lead to disease. Now of course I’m not a doctor, but allowing yourself to be in this place of fear makes it so much more difficult for your body to fight off any germs or viruses should you encounter them. Please allow yourself to take some time away from the media and just be.
Get yourself out in nature! Even if you just sit outside on your stoop or take a little stroll it’s so, so important to be out in the fresh air. Look up at the sky, the trees or anything natural. Allow yourself to take the deep cleansing breath and just be in the moment. Like your grandmother might’ve said “the fresh air will do you good” and this is still true!! Just being in nature allows us to reconnect to our soul selves. All the anxiety producing facts that we get from the media stirs up our ego self and puts us in that constant cycle of worry. Don’t become a victim to social media. Get outside with your kids, your dog or even by yourself. Take a walk to the corner instead of using your car. Don’t say I’ll do it later. Do it now. Your soul needs this.
Especially before bed, you want to make sure you turn off your phone, tablet, computer etc. I know it’s so tempting for us to lie in bed all snuggly and warm and be scrolling social media on our phone. Sometimes I am guilty as charged as well. However, during these uncertain times, getting proper sleep is incredibly important. Light from the TV or other electronics makes it difficult for you to fall asleep quickly. Anybody who suffers from insomnia probably already knows this. So be sure to allow yourself some quiet time (at least an hour) before bed without any of the electronic light. Make yourself a cup of tea, warm milk or whatever will help get you in the relaxed mood. Sleeping also helps your immune system be stronger to fight off anything that may come your way.
Now this one might not be everybody’s thing but honestly, it’s so important. To meditate. Now that doesn’t mean you have to sit cross-legged and ohm like a monk (but you can if you like!). Meditation could be quietly walking outside while turning your intention inward. A meditation can be done while washing the dishes. Pay close attention to the dishes – focus on what you’re doing each second and breathe deeply and slowly. Meditation is simply slowing down your mind and being in the present moment. This allows your mind to not focus on the “what if’s” and all the worries we deal with daily. If you are comfortable in this meditative state I encourage you to invite in your spirit guides, angels, ascended masters or anyone you would like to work with. Ask them to help you through this difficult time with grace, ease and gratitude.
And finally, I encourage everyone when they get up in the morning to make a statement that goes something like “I am Safe. I am Whole. I am Healthy.” This can be your mantra throughout the day that you can repeat anytime you feel like you are getting caught up in the news, social media or other fears and worries. Feel free to touch your index finger to your thumb as you do this. This grounds the thought into the physical and keeps it as a reminder for yourself throughout the day. You can also add your gratitude prayers at this time as well. Reminding ourselves that no matter how bleak things may look, there are always things to be thankful for.
You may also, at the same time, surround yourself with a golden ball of light that encompasses you & your entire home. Thus, setting the intention that this golden ball of light keeps you safe, grounded and in your body. It is essential to stay in your physical body and not in your head when all this fear and negative energy is swirling around the planet.
My final tip is – Every time you find yourself getting in your head and starting to worry, set the intention that this golden ball of light keeps you safe, grounded and in your body. Every time you find yourself getting in your head and starting to freak out do this: Take a deep breath and allow the breath to rise to the top of your head and roll down your back. As the breath rolls down your back, find yourself sinking deeper and deeper into your body. As you exhale, exhale out all the tension & stress and allow yourself to remain in your body, feeling yourself centered & calm in your heart area. This is a good exercise to bring you back to self every time you start to worry.
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I hope these tips
provide you with some comfort and some tools to get through this current health
crisis we find ourselves in. Just know that despite how bleak things may look
sometimes, this too shall *actually* pass and things will be back to the way
they were.
Make some time to spend with your loved ones and practice the upmost self-care. As always, I send you all my love and blessings.
Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics
proudly announces Marc Lainhart as our 2020 Psychic of the Year Award winner! Marc
joined our team in 2014 and has grown every year since. We feel he takes his
work seriously and truly desires to make the difference in the world that we
look for from our lightworkers. In 2015, we saw the effort that Marc invests,
and awarded him with our Awesome Accolades Award. He has since delved deeply
into much, much more training and development. Marc has grown his business, his
spiritual following, and his radio show in that time period. His clients are
very satisfied with the services they receive from Marc and his gifts and skill
Marc has proven himself in the psychic
community as a true professional and has shown support and assistance to his
fellow lightworkers and BAP. When asked, he participates in events, shows, and
specials whenever he can make it work with his busy schedule. His schedule is
full of offerings for the public and students. Marc offers mediumship events,
forest hikes, spiritual prospecting, radio shows, a very active Facebook group,
and more! He has also been generous in donating to charitable causes for our
We feel Marc exhibits a special
exuberance and dedication to this work. It takes a concentrated effort to show
up every week for shows and events. He has proven that he doesn’t want to let
his following down, by airing from wherever he finds himself in travel for
training, events, or even recreation. His clients feel strongly about this as
well, as you can see from this recent review:
Marc is an incredible
psychic, medium and person, who is easy to work with. He can connect with you
over the phone or through video. I had two readings with Marc. He was very
empathetic, and very positive about having me seeing bad events in a new,
positive light. He provided me with real examples/evidence that could not be
made up, including specific names that could not be searched for online. We
also talked through my thoughts that I was experiencing which I’ve shared with
no one. In many ways, Marc is a spiritual “therapist” that can help
guide you through challenging times you are experiencing or will face. He
provided me with suggestions for things I should be doing in my day-to-day life
as well as helpful books/articles that I should read for my situation. I worked
with Marc twice, and both times, he went over on time, free of charge, because
of how our conversation went. This shows me that he is not just monetizing this
business, and he truly cares about the well-beings of those who he helps. Most
importantly, he doesn’t provide you with information to prove that he’s trying
to “get it right” but he helps you to “help you” based on
what energy he is connecting with. He has strong integrity for this work, and
it shows. I believe I am in a healthier mindset because of Marc and I wholeheartedly
refer him to you. Five stars for sure. –Maari F
As the above review hints, Marc reads
for clients from around the world. He is a Spiritual Psychic-Medium,
Metaphysical Teacher, Holistic Healer, Inspirational Thought Leader, Certified
Healthcare Provider, Writer, and Radio Show Host. He
reads on the Immediate Readings page
or you can also book a session with him through his profile page on our site.
Our company is excited to offer this
award to Marc Lainhart, who always “Dares to Dream, Dares to Explore, Dares to
LIVE!” – The Intuitive Prospector
Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics’ 2020 Social Activism Award winner is Nancy Smith. Nancy is an accomplished psychic medium, teacher, akashic record reader and spirit artist. Nancy is a Featured Blogger for BAP and has been a regular guest on Metaphysical Minds. She also volunteered her time and expertise to our 10th Anniversary event. She gives this time of herself free of charge. In addition, Nancy helps others that are exploring their gifts and seeking training in this field by offering classes and practice at a very discounted rate. She has her own internet radio show (Angelscapes with Nancy Smith) where she offers her expertise on topics with the bonus of free readings to the public.
Nancy has joined forces with other members of the BAP team to promote this work and demonstrate the continuity of life. She is a generous team player and all-around lovely individual.
Her mediumship brings a great sense of healing to her clients. In particular, her spirit artist gifts are an added bonus and just another form of evidence for those struggling with loss. Sometimes it is difficult for us to believe that there is a true connection to the other side and that our loved ones are still with us. Nancy’s drawings help this process along, and therefore bring closure and healing to those stuck in grief.
Her skills as a writer also help with healing and spreading the light.
Nancy has been with BAP since 2015 and earned the respect of her clients and colleagues. She has been awarded both our Psychic of the Week and Psychic of the Month honors.
We feel she gives of herself on a regular basis in the name of this work. She is committed to educating others and helping them heal. She schedules many events and works hard at bringing her gifts to the public. It is for these reasons we feel she deserves this award and are proud to call her a Best American Psychic.
You can find Nancy on our Immediate Readings page, on her radio program, and you can book a session with her through her profile page on the site. All her links are below.
The 2020 Recipient of Shay Parker’s Best
American Psychics Awesome Accolades Award is Tiffany Powers. Only a few days
after joining our team, Tiffany was asked to participate in a fun marketing
scheme and she jumped right in, quite willingly. This proved how she was keen
to be a team player. Since then, she has repeatedly shown her support for BAP and
its other members. Tiffany has grown in her practice and in her other business
ventures. She works with clients in a variety of ways and they have become
quite loyal to her as an advisor and coach, with good reason. She is dedicated
healer, psychic, and lightworker. Her clients seek her out for intuitive
business coaching, clearing, healing, and good old-fashioned psychic advice.
Tiffany has served as an expert guest several times on Metaphysical Minds. She also
produces her own radio shows. Sometimes she provides free readings on these
shows. She was a major contributor to Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics’ 10 Year
Anniversary Roundtable event as well.
Tiffany is a solid teacher and guide,
and shares her knowledge with others, including her students. In this way, she
keeps the lightworker glow alive and well.
Her path in life has not always been an
easy one, giving her more empathy and understanding for her clients and the
trials they face. This has been a great comfort to those that have submitted
feedback on Tiffany.
In addition to the gifts and services
already mentioned, Tiffany also offers Love/Health Coaching, Psychic/Intuitive
Work, Remote Viewing, Clearing Blocks, Animal Communication, Home Blessings,
Connecting You With Your Spirit Guides/Angels, Past Life Readings, Mediumship
for People and Animals, and Thetahealing.
Tiffany reads for clients from all over
the world. Be sure to check out her profile or links below to find out how to
reach her for your next session.
Congrats to Tiffany from all of the team
here at BAP!
Parker’s Best American Psychics proudly announces Katherine Glass as our 2019
Psychic of the Year Award winner! Woot! Katherine is one of our longest
standing members. She has been the recipient of several honors over the years
and was even named BAP’s Psychic of the Year back in 2013. She is being awarded
the honor again this year due to her consistency in embodying a true Best American
Psychic. Katherine has not faltered in her support of our company, its
objectives and her commitment to being an A-list lightworker.
continually receives wonderful feedback from her clients, is a supportive
member of our team, and an upstanding member of the psychic community. This
year, in particular, Katherine has devoted a great deal of time and energy to
her support of BAP by offering her expertise as a recurring guest on Metaphysical
Minds, being a BAP Featured Blogger, offering tips and tricks for our Instagram
followers and more!
is active in the media world, as she guests on radio, internet TV, and
Livestreams. She regularly teaches, as well as demonstrates at her Healing Essence
Center in Concord, Massachusetts. She offers live reading events in different
areas of the US, including charitable events. She has been known to offer a few
retreats as well. In addition, although she has been immersed in this field of
work for over 20+ years, Katherine never stops educating herself and improving
her craft. The client testimonial below is an example of how all her dedication
pays off:
“Gifted doesn’t even begin to cover the extent of Kathryn’s (Katherine’s) abilities. She named so many of my loved ones in spirit that I couldn’t keep up with them. She even talked by name about my daughter who is still living, whose name is incredibly rare. The advice given by my guides and by those helping me from the other side was spot on and we had an incredible act of synchronicity occur after the reading. Kathryn (Katherine) went above and beyond to help me and to get the message to me after the fact. She is such a blessing to the world.”
reads for clients from around the world, which truly makes her a blessing to
the world. ???? She is
a Psychic Medium, Spiritual Coach, and Energy Healer. She teaches psychic development
courses. Clients can schedule an in-person reading with her or book a session
or through her website. If you’d like to catch an event with her, be sure to
watch her page for updates.
We, at BAP, are thrilled to have Katherine on our team and as part of our BAP family. We are excited to offer her this award!
Mari Cartagenova receives positive feedback
from her clients and lots of it! For this reason, we at Shay Parker’s Best
American Psychics bestow the honor of 2019 Fabulous Feedback Award Winner to
Mari. Mari is known for jumping directly into her readings and making her
clients feel at ease. She has been described as “truly authentic.” In their
feedback submission, her clients often mention her positive energy. We have
noted how many folks she has helped with her work. She brings a great sense of
peace and closure to her clients. She has made true believers out of skeptics, amazed
clients with accurate details, and provided concrete, beneficial guidance to
those seeking direction.
Mari has the all-around skill set of
psychic medium, card reader, channeler, healer and more. She also particularly
adept at animal communication. All one has to do is take a peek at her website testimonials
to read of the amazing connections she has made with crossed over and missing
pets. She has had significant success with locating missing animals.
Additionally, Mari is a co-host to the
radio program “Lightworkers Unite”, along with New Hampshire Medium June Elaine
Evans. She has been featured on the TV show “The Medium Next Door” and in the
Boston Voyager Magazine.
reads for anyone that can reach her via the internet, but also provides in-person
readings in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. She is an Immediate Reader on our
site and schedules several events throughout the year. Be sure to check her
profile and/or follow her social accounts for updated information.
We are happy to be able to
offer this award to Mari and delighted to have her as a member of our team.