Life Coaching

Where Did You Come From?

Excerpt from Divine Love Affair an Akashic Journey – Nancy Smith

The mystical power of creation is at the core of every religion and spiritual belief.

This Creator power is usually personified by the mindset and culture of the time. In some cases, the personification of this power becomes a communally agreed upon religious belief which supports the lifestyle of that culture.

Consistent throughout humanity’s search for meaning and spiritual expression is the mystery of something beyond our individual self. Something within ourselves searches and imagines there is a beginning, a mind, or a presence that is greater than ME. Part of our intuitive being wants to understand and relate to, and even return to, the place I came from.

Is This Where I Began?

As tribes developed in different regions of the world, unique cultures and beliefs continued to develop. The following section is full of interesting descriptions of creation myths found throughout the world.

As you read these fascinating and simplified versions of creation, begin to consider the use of symbolism in each story. What could the symbolic elements be telling you about the beliefs from these various tribes and cultures? Our own intuitive and divine nature often speaks to us through symbols. What beliefs are these people working with? What are they trying to understand about themselves through these symbols?

Your beliefs were taught to you by your parents and guardians, and were reinforced by your culture, schools, peers, and society at large. Mass media subjects us to a myriad of beliefs and ideas that often contradict each other.  You carry tribal memories of your beliefs in your physical DNA.  You are also influenced by your past lives, and carry memories in what is referred to as spiritual DNA.

These creation stories are filled with symbolism and metaphors. As Micheal Caduto and Joseph Bruchas explain in their book, Keepers of the Earth, “Everyone’s view of the world is molded by experience: a mix of fantasy, feeling, facts and faith. Each new event and experience affects our ideas concerning the nature of life and our surroundings, shifting the way we see ourselves, other people and our environment.”

Knowing what has influenced and molded you is the first step on your journey to a soul-level understanding of yourself. In this book, you will be learning how to retrieve memories and work with deep-seated beliefs. You will bring them to your awareness in order to learn from them, so that you may grow into the power of your soul.


A Simplified History of Early Spiritual Beliefs: Where We Come From

Humans have tried to understand the origin of life and the source of their own being since the beginning of time.  Spiritual beliefs and religions have been passed on by word of mouth descriptions and stories that explain the Creator and the beginning of the human race.  The cosmology of a Creator—a God—is often personified based on that specific culture’s earthly experiences. Most of these descriptions of life source energy are brief, sometimes vague, or not clearly documented. Ultimately, there is a consistency of reoccurring descriptions and references to a divine presence before all things were created.

The concept of Creator shifted from a female to a male over a long course of time. Archeological findings show that in the time before written language, the archetype of a female Creator seemed to prevail. As written language developed, The one God over all concept often assumes that a male deity is the highest God and Creator.

In most traditions there is a desire to obtain spiritual wisdom and a reassuring connection to the Creator. The archetypal belief is that this connection to the Creator will bring prosperity and relief from the sufferings of life.

Also present throughout most spiritual belief systems is the archetypal fear of having forgotten God and “his” commands. While some may have stayed true to the ways and faith of God, others fell to the ways of following their own worldly lusts, and neglecting or even forgetting God.  If God has been forgotten, who is going to tell their children about the mysteries of God, the Creator, so that God will keep them safe? This archetype speaks to the yearning to nurture the human spirit and soul deeply embedded in humanity.

As you search for your spiritual origins, first look at what has influenced and molded you. Next, look at what resonates with you.  For instance, are you a child of God, a star seed, a creation of Mother Earth, a transplant from another universe, or a being from another plane of existence? We ALL have spiritual origins, and the challenge is to remember Soul and Source when you wonder where you have come from!

Peace out!

Author: Nancy Smith

2023 featured blogger (13)

March 4, 2024Comments Off, , , , , , , , , , beliefs | best american psychics | creation | creator | God | nancy smith | Spiritual
Let Your Heart Be Full This Holiday Season

Have you ever had the feeling of so much love, grief or gratitude in your heart that you felt your chest could burst? If you have, consider yourself blessed and keep it up! If not, read on. The power of feeling fullness in your heart is a profound and transformative experience, even if it comes with intense emotions. It’s a sensation that transcends the boundaries of mere contentment; it’s an emotional richness that leaves a lasting imprint on your soul.  

When your heart is full, it’s as if every fiber of your being is infused with warmth and light. It’s a sensation that can arise from moments of deep connection, profound gratitude, or overwhelming love. The intensity of these emotions might bring tears to your eyes or a lump to your throat, or a complete sob fest, but it’s in these moments that you truly understand the depth of human experience. Let it flow!  

The power of a full heart lies in its ability to elevate your perspective. It allows you to see the beauty in both the extraordinary and the ordinary aspects of life. Whether it’s sharing laughter with loved ones, a breathtaking moment in nature, or a simple awareness of gratitude and kindness surrounding you, the fullness in your heart magnifies the significance of these moments.  

Even in the face of challenges or hardships, a heart filled with emotion becomes a source of strength. It provides resilience, reminding you that within the dance of life, there are moments of profound beauty and connection that sustain and nourish your spirit, and remind you of who you really are.   

The intensity of emotions that accompanies a full heart is a testament to the depth of your capacity to feel and experience life. It’s a reminder that vulnerability is not a weakness but a doorway to profound connection and understanding. Whether it’s joy, love, or gratitude, embracing these intense emotions allows you to live fully and authentically.  

In a world where we are often taught that feeling deeply or crying is to be avoided and is often characterized by its fast pace and constant demands, taking the time to acknowledge and appreciate the fullness in your heart becomes a powerful act of self-care. It anchors you in the present moment, fostering mindfulness and a sense of peace that extends beyond the fleeting nature of intense emotions.  

So, embrace the power of feeling a fullness in your heart, even if it stirs intense emotions. For within that fullness lies the magic of being alive, fully engaged with the beauty and complexity of the human experience. Allow all the feelings that come up for you in this holiday season to remind you that perhaps essentially, you ARE love.   

May the beauty of the season and festivities bring you peace and fullness of heart. Whether you’re celebrating with family, friends, or finding solace in quiet moments, let your heart be full. May it be with gratitude and goodwill, even if there is some grief or nostalgia mixed in.   

Wishing you a magical and fulfilling holiday season!  

December 13, 2023Comments Off, , , , , , , , , , , , , Emotion | happiness | Heart | Holiday Season | Holidays | joy | Love | Peace | Soul
Preparing & Maintaining Your Energy Health This Holiday Season

During the holidays, it’s common to be around a lot of people and in many different environments. While this can be fun and festive, it can also leave you feeling drained and overwhelmed if you’re not careful about protecting your energy. Here are some tips for keeping your aura clean and avoiding taking on psychic energy from others during the holidays: 

Set boundaries:

Before attending events or spending time with others, set clear boundaries for yourself. Decide what you’re willing and able to give of your time and energy and communicate that to others. Catch yourself if you are “people pleasing”. 

Prepare with visualization before you go to the gathering:

See the event in your mind ahead of time, and actively place positive and protective energies around the space you will be in. A restaurant, or a person’s home, or your own home if that is where the gathering is going to be. I personally use angels on every corner of the property, and inside in all corners of the space. I ask that they continuously clear the space from any negative lower frequencies that may be there. I then ask that the doorways be cleared and guarded with pure light, so any negative energies are purified as people walk through them. This is called treating or setting the space ahead of time. Then, when I walk into the gathering, I know I am walking into ease, light, joy, and positive energy for the time there. If angels don’t work for you, use a body of light with colors you like, or power animals or spirit guides and loved ones on the other side, or fairies and elementals. I have a friend who calls in the Divine Creator to do this protection, and Jesus. It just depends on what truly resonates with you.  

Protect yourself:

Visualize yourself surrounded by a protective bubble of light that shields you from negative energy. You can also carry protective crystals like black tourmaline or amethyst or wear a piece of jewelry that has special meaning to you. If you find yourself “cornered” by someone who is an energy vampire, talking “at” you instead of with you, and by so doing is literally filling themselves up with your energy as you listen to them, simply place a hand on your solar plexus to “shield” yourself from the energy cording the other person is doing to you. At the same time imagine the energy from them that is going into you draining right out your feet and into the Earth. Energy cords are cords of psychic energy that get created through (unconscious or conscious) emotions.  We can give and take these cords of energy from others all the time all day long as we move about and interact with life. When there is a strong emotion in an interaction, the cords will be stronger and feel more obvious.  

Practice mindfulness:

Stay present in the moment and pay attention to how you’re feeling. If you notice yourself becoming overwhelmed or drained, take a break and do something that helps you feel grounded, like deep breathing or meditation.  

Clear your energy:

Take time each day to clear any negative energy from your aura. You can do this by smudging with sage or palo santo, taking a salt bath, spending some time out in nature, breathing in fresh air, or practicing visualization techniques. 

Surround yourself with positive people:

Seek out relationships with people who uplift and inspire you and avoid those who drain your energy or bring negativity into your life. 

Eat sensibly and somewhat cleanly:

Be mindful of the sugar, alcohol and dairy you are consuming, and the quantities of such. Moderation is key! 

By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you’ll be better equipped to protect your energy and maintain a clean aura during the holidays and beyond. 

Author: Katherine Glass  2023 featured blogger (11)

December 7, 2023Comments Off, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , best american psychics | Blog | Christmas | energy | Energy Healer | Energy Health | Health | Holidays | katherine glass | stress
The Fascinating and Complex Topic of Consciousness and the Pineal Gland

Consciousness and the Pineal Gland is a fascinating and complex topic that has intrigued philosophers, scientists, and thinkers for centuries. This article will explore and discuss different aspects of consciousness as we “prospect” deeper on its definition, theories, philosophy, and implications.

To begin, let us define consciousness. It refers to our awareness of our thoughts, feelings, and experiences, the subjective “inner world” we all possess. It enables us to perceive, think, and have a sense of self. However, what exactly gives rise to consciousness?

One prominent theory is the Integrated Information Theory (IIT) proposed by neuroscientist Giulio Tononi. According to IIT, consciousness arises from integrating and applying information within a complex network of neurons. The theory suggests that the more interconnected and differentiated the network, the higher the level of consciousness.

Another theory worth mentioning is the Global Workspace Theory (GWT) put forth by Bernard Baars. GWT suggests that consciousness can be thought of as a global workspace, where different parts of the brain contribute to the processing and integration of information. This theory highlights the importance of attention, as it determines which information becomes conscious and enters our global workspace. While these theories provide valuable insights into the nature of consciousness, the mystery of how our subjective experiences or “Soul Adventures” arise from physical processes in the brain remains unsolved. Today, this process is called the “hard problem” of consciousness.

Consciousness also raises philosophical questions about the relationship between mind, body, and spirit. Dualism, famously advocated by René Descartes, suggests that consciousness is separate from the physical body and brain. On the other hand, materialism argues that consciousness results from physical processes in our brains. Finding common ground between these perspectives remains a challenge to both science and spirituality to this day. “No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.” -Carl Jung.

Exploring the implications of consciousness is another intriguing aspect. Consciousness plays a crucial role in our daily lives and relationships, shaping our perceptions, emotions, and decision-making. It allows us to experience joy, beauty, love, pain, suffering, and fear. Understanding consciousness could potentially lead to advancements in fields like psychology, artificial intelligence, robotics, quantum computing, and even ethics for the future of our society.

Studying altered states of consciousness, such as meditation, dreams, plant medicine, or even Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) or Out of Body Experiences (OBEs), provides further insight and perspectives into the nature of our consciousness. These altered states challenge our conventional understanding, our beliefs, and our human reality and can offer glimpses into the potential depths and mysteries of our subjective experiences. Many believe and have written over the centuries that the Pineal Gland is the gateway or portal to these undiscovered depths of human experiences and deeper consciousness: “A dream is the key that unlocks the mysteries of the waking world.” -Juliet Marillier.

The pineal gland in the center of the human brain is a small but intriguing gland that has captured scientists’ and mystics’ curiosity and imagination. While its biological function in melatonin regulation is well understood, the mystical and metaphysical associations surrounding it continue to be a subject of fascination and speculation.

As scientific research progresses, we may gain further insights into the pineal gland’s potential functions and impact on our consciousness and spiritual experiences. The pineal gland, often referred to as the “third eye,” has been a subject of fascination and speculation throughout history, so let us take a closer look and explore the anatomy, function, and mystical associations of the pineal gland, shedding light on both scientific and spiritual understanding and alternative theories as part of the human consciousness and our human experiences. “The further the spiritual evolution of mankind advances, the more certain it seems to me that the path to genuine religiosity does not lie through the fear of life, and the fear of death, and blind faith, but through striving after rational knowledge.” -Albert Einstein.

-Anatomy and Location:

The pineal gland is a small, pinecone-shaped endocrine gland located deep within the brain in the epithalamus region. It is situated near the brain’s center, between the two hemispheres, and connects to the brain’s visual system.

-Biological Function:

The pineal gland is scientifically known for producing and regulating melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep-wake cycles. Melatonin is synthesized and released by the pineal gland in response to the circadian rhythm, with higher levels at night and lower levels during the day.

-The Pineal Gland as the “Third Eye”:

The pineal gland has gained mystical and metaphysical associations throughout history. Some ancient cultures, such as the Egyptians and the Hindus, believed that the pineal gland was the seat of spiritual and psychic abilities. This association is linked to the gland’s location and resemblance to the human eye.

-Descartes’ Theory of the Pineal Gland:

René Descartes, a 17th-century philosopher, proposed that the pineal gland was the point of interaction between the mind and the body. He suggested that it served as a connection between the physical and non-physical realms, allowing for the interaction of the soul and the material body.

-DMT and the Pineal Gland:

Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound found in various plants, animals, and even the human body. Some theories propose that the pineal gland is responsible for the production and release of DMT, which is also believed through the centuries to be involved in mystical experiences and altered states of consciousness.

-The Pineal Gland and Light:

The pineal gland contains light-sensitive cells like those found in the eye’s retina. These cells, known as pinealocytes, play a role in detecting light and regulating melatonin production. The release of melatonin is inhibited by light exposure, which explains its role in maintaining our sleep-wake cycles.

-Decalcification and Activation:

Some alternative theories suggest that the pineal gland can become calcified over time, leading to its decreased functionality. Certain practices, such as meditation, sound therapy, and exposure to specific frequencies, are believed to aid in decalcification and activation of the pineal gland, potentially unlocking its spiritual and psychic capabilities.

-Scientific Research and Limitations:

While the pineal gland’s role in melatonin production and regulation is well-established, many mystical, metaphysical, and spiritual claims surrounding it for thousands of years remain speculative and somewhat elusive. The scientific understanding of the pineal gland is still evolving, and further research is needed to explore its potential functions beyond melatonin regulation and the relationship or correlation to the human consciousness and the human brain’s interactions with the physical and material world. “Keep the pineal gland operating, and you will never grow old; you will always be young.” -Edgar Cayce.

In conclusion, consciousness is a multifaceted phenomenon that captivates our curiosity. While progress and moving forward is part of the human journey, understanding its neural correlates and theoretical frameworks, the nature of consciousness remains elusive. Exploring, connecting, and “prospecting” consciousness deepens our understanding of ourselves, our world, and our lives. It raises profound questions about the nature of reality and the many mysteries associated with consciousness moving on after the natural progression of what humans call physical death. “The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.” -Lao Tzu.

Author: Marc Lainhart


Consciousness,Pineal Gland

November 27, 2023Comments Off, , , , , , , , , , , awareness | best american psychics | Blog | Consciousness | Marc Lainhart | Pineal Gland | third eye
The Happiness Journey of Joy and Being Present in a Crazy, Chaotic and Negative World

Have we ever encountered someone filled with pure joy and happiness? We know it, not just because we see and witness it, but because we can feel it and the incredible energy radiating around that person! How is this even possible? What is their secret? How did they gain such knowledge and wisdom to become, apply, and radiate such joy and happiness? The happiness journey of joy and being is what many of us strive and “prospect” for in search of becoming gentler, kind, compassionate, light-hearted, having an attitude of gratitude, or going through life with that happy-go-lucky state of mind while enjoying this amazing life journey, not just as humans, but as humans being! Joy is not something to be faked and does not come from outside of us; it comes from within and can be seen and felt across a vast room. So how do such people develop such traits of joy and happiness, and how can we be more aware of the joy, happiness, and the art and application of being joyful?

Practice Stop Complaining! Joyful people have daily practice and dedication, spending their valuable time not complaining. The journey of both joy and being in the present moment will raise energy to a more positive experience, where constant complaining about our lives or the material world around us brings down the energy to a more negative impression, a feeling of dread or gloom and can be bad behavior, trait, and human habit for the health of our cells, our nervous system, our heart and mind, which responds directly to our thoughts, words, and actions.

People who are happy and radiate joy very often first look inward and focus on that inner voice, the higher self, the ego, the self-sabotage, and the one person we talk to the most in life, ourselves! Then, after a brief conversation with themselves, people who have joy and radiate happiness will turn their focus, attention, and awareness outward to the material world and shift the synergy and mindset with all positive aspects of daily life and all positive aspects of daily living and the human experience. What was the good in our day? Only we can decide that. When directly impacted by adversity and the negativity that life can bring forward to all of us, move or shift to both awareness of that feeling around, breathe in deeply, practice a pause, alter, or become mindful, and move away from such thoughts, people, conversations and or groups. As the old saying reminds us, “misery loves company,” so do yourself a huge and healthy favor, create distance, create boundaries, create mindfulness, and actively move away from those thoughts, people, and life situations because it is draining, exhausting and not a great combination for the journey towards joy and happiness. It takes away, distracts, and disconnects us from all the good around us.

It is okay, natural, and part of being a human being to claim, speak, know, and acknowledge that we cannot be filled with joy and happiness every minute of the day, especially in this crazy, chaotic, and fast-moving world of ours, but if we look close enough and make a consciousness choice with our most significant power given to each human being of freewill, joy, and happiness are all around. We need to know when, where, and how to access, acknowledge, accept, blend, and become a good host filled with joy, happiness, and all that comes with it daily. “The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.” -William Arthur Ward.

Practice Gratitude! The main difference between those who radiate joy and happiness and those stuck in a hostile and low vibrational state of being is that those who have joy and happiness express daily gratitude and create habits for an “attitude for gratitude” daily. There is no need to wait until December 31st to make this a new resolution; make that resolution today, right now, because that is all the time we ever have, and at the end of this day, we are another day older, and time is the one thing that money cannot buy. Look for the “magic in the moments,” the delicious food, a warm shower, a great cup of coffee and conversation with a stranger, a nice sweater, a friendly smile, a lending hand, a sunrise, a sunset, or even both on the same day! Gratitude daily can be endless and vast, and those who choose to live in this state of being will naturally carry a higher vibration of what we put out, we get back or said another way, like attracts like, or as the great Jedi Master, Qui-Gon Jinn from the Star Wars movie reminds us “concentrate on the moment. Feel, do not think. Use your instincts. Always remember, your focus determines your reality.” Joy and happiness are formulas just waiting to be discovered if we choose to look, know where to look, and apply that formula to everyday life.

Practice Being Present! Those searching for joy and happiness are in the present moment and do not run or turn away. Joyous and happy people look for the good in their present moments and journey, even if they disagree with the material world around them and what their eyes are showing them. People filled with joy and happiness in a wild and hostile world will continually be shifting their state of mind to focus on the good things in life, the beauty of life, the gratitude for having this day in life and connecting with the actual, profound, and positive aspects that only this life can bring us. One must make this a conscious choice, a daily decision, a daily dedication, a daily discipline, and a daily goal with determination, ambition, focus, and an applied mindset to live in the present moment and not sit and marinate back to a negative mindset which can be very easy to do if we choose to let it.

According to the teachings and philosophy of Master Buddhist Thich Nhat Hanh, lessons remind us that in order to achieve acceptance, we need to start embracing the present moment and the beautiful miracles that exist all around us.  “When we are mindful, deeply in touch with the present moment, our understanding of what is going on deepens, and we begin to be filled with acceptance, joy, peace, and love. Around us, life bursts with miracles–a glass of water, a ray of sunshine, a leaf, a caterpillar, a flower, laughter, and raindrops. If you live in awareness, it is easy to see miracles everywhere. Each human being is a multiplicity of miracles. Eyes that see thousands of colors, shapes, and forms; ears that hear a bee flying or a thunderclap; a brain that ponders a speck of dust as easily as the entire cosmos; a heart that beats in rhythm with the heartbeat of all beings. When we are tired and feel discouraged by life’s daily struggles, we may not notice these miracles, but they are always there.” 

Practice Selfcare! Instead of filling our minds and oversaturating our nervous system with negative thoughts, people, conversations, situations, social media, or bad human habits that take away from the journey of joy and happiness, take time to tune in to all that makes us happy and get an excellent addition to that new joy, happiness, and being. Joyous people are first kind to themselves, taking each day from the wake-up alarm in the morning until the head hits the pillow after a very positive, uplifting day we can choose to acknowledge, accept, and have if we do want it. Please start each new day with mental exercises, meditation, positive mantras, deep breathwork, journaling, Qigong, yoga, and deep breathwork to channel and move negative thoughts out, only to be replaced with responsibility for positive self-care, mental well-being, and healthy habits to help guide us to joy, happiness, and being. Start today to become the best and most positive version of ourselves.

Practice Acceptance! Joyous and happy people accept their circumstances, people around them, material world events, and situations they know and realize they cannot control. The only control one ever has is how to respond or not respond to the many twists and turns offered on the pathway of L.I.F.E. or, put another way, Learn It From Experience. There is no point in focusing and fixating on the things outside their control and wasting energy and time that can be allocated and used to something, someone, or someplace that can bring joy and happiness, even that little corner of our minds. People filled with joy and happiness accept what the past has taught them and what the present moment can give them and be at peace with life’s decisions. Acceptance will also offer us a broader perspective on the journey and with the practice of not complaining, being present, and gratitude, acceptance will change. Acceptance is a process. They allow things in and around our life paths without actively trying to change them. Acceptance entails letting any experience or “Soul Adventure,” positive, neutral, or negative, exist in life without trying to alter, avoid, or deny it. “Acceptance…is an expression of lived wisdom.” –Jon Kabat-Zinn.

Practice Compassion! It is often the case that people filled with joy, happiness, and a sense of being have a greater awareness and sense of kindness, compassion, and caring for others. When someone is joyous, they do not dwell on how rubbish their life is, what the future holds negatively, or how miserable they might be in the present moment. Instead, they look for the good at that moment, the day, tune in to how they feel about themselves and life, and share that with others, often having more to give! Joyous people can generally carry out more acts of kindness and compassion for others. These do not have to be grand big gestures – they can be small acts of kindness, such as making someone a cup of coffee, helping a person across the street, smiling at a stranger on the bus, or just a phone call or text to express our love for others. Joyous people know that it does not cost anything to be kind. They know that they do not drain their resources by being kind, caring, and compassionate to others.

Practice Looking for the Best in Others! Joyful people develop habits and communication styles that look for good and positive aspects in others. Put another way, joyous and happy people do not try to find what is wrong and a negative aspect with another human being. Instead, they find what they like, what they may have in common, and what is worth their time and investment to acknowledge, support, and even celebrate another person. Now, of course, there will always be exceptions to the rule when people may be rude, outright nasty, entitled, and selfish, but for the most part, joyous and happy people do manage to find something positive about that person and stay with that energy, frequency, and vibration as to not become or marinate in looking for the bad or negative in another but something more positive, uplifting and inspiring with that person. Joyous, happy, and present people have developed a strong and dedicated habit of “finding the good in the day,” this extends to situations, life experiences, relationships, careers, and everything in between. A joyous, happy, and present person is more likely to bring something out or something up with a more positive perspective in another person than someone looking for the negative, drama, and being in that low energy, low vibrational state of being. Joyous, happy, and present people are more likely to pick up and point out the good qualities of another person. “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” -Wayne Dyer

Want to take the practice of joy, happiness, and being present to a whole new level or be around those who consistently do? Every year, when the Gallup World Poll releases the happiest nations in the world, Sweden is always in the top five, along with its Nordic neighbors Finland, Denmark, Norway, and Iceland. Analyzing why these countries are so happy shows their optimistic view of life with daily perspectives of positivity, joy, happiness, and enjoying the present moment. Practice does make for perfection, but do not let perfect become the enemy of the good, and the happiness journey of joy and being present will genuinely begin to reveal itself!

Author: Marc Lainhart

2023 featured blogger (10)

“A new day! A new opportunity! A day we have not seen before to use our intuition to prospect this wonderful world around us!”

-The Intuitive Prospector™

November 22, 2023Comments Off, , , , , , , , , , , , , , #Gratitude | acceptance | best american psychics | Blog | compassion | happiness | journey | joy | Marc Lainhart | outlook | practice | present | self-care | The Intuitive Prospector
Why Twin Flames Run

Twin flames run from a twin flame connection for various reasons. This can include fear of vulnerability, unresolved past traumas and not being ready for the intensity of the relationship. In addition, self-doubt and feelings of unworthiness can also hold some twin flames back from embracing the fullness of this spiritual relationship.

Many twin flames run away because the overwhelming intensity of the connection becomes too much to handle. The twin flame bond consumes them completely, which can be frightening for many. The flood of emotions can feel suffocating and make some feel like they’re drowning.


When a twin flame enters someone’s life, it shatters the emotional walls they have built to protect themselves, making them feel vulnerable. Many adults have learned to handle their emotions in a way that makes them feel safe. These coping mechanisms go out the window when faced with the intensity of a twin flame connection. Such vulnerability can be uncomfortable and daunting, especially if it’s something never experienced before.

When twin flames first meet there’s a sense of euphoria where both go with the flow and enjoy the experience. However, this state of bliss can be short-lived as the logical side of the brain begins to question if this connection is real. This may lead to confusion as the brain throws out questions like: What the hell are you doing? How can you be acting like this? Explain how you can feel this way with someone you just met? Have you lost your mind? What if you get hurt?

This can really scare many twin flames as they don’t have a way to rationalize what they are feeling and experiencing.


Twin flames often run away and disappear due to their fear of the intense and confusing connection. The lack of rational explanation for this intense bond can be overwhelming, causing them to retreat and avoid confronting their emotions. They may suddenly block all forms of communication and act as if their spiritual counterpart doesn’t exist.

The real purpose of a twin flame connection is for personal growth, self-improvement, and spiritual awakening. They need to face and address certain issues that are holding them back. Ultimately, it is the journey to becoming and living life as your most authentic self. This involves making changes in their lives such healing past traumas and overcoming fears that hold them back. Rather than seeking support and making changes, many choose to remain stagnant and unchanging in their behavior.

Running away from a twin flame connection will only make the situation worse. The connection is designed to help them rise and overcome challenges, not avoid them. Those who choose to walk away from their twin flame, instead of working through and healing their issues, make a conscious choice. So, it’s important to remember that a twin flame is not running from you. They are running from themselves as well as the work they need to do to create and live their best life.

As hard as it is, the best thing you can do is respect their choices and let them learn from their mistakes. The universe will help them realize the errors of their ways, so trying to teach them, is a waste of your time and energy. It’s so important to allow them to evolve and grow in their own time, even though it’s difficult. Trust that when they return, they will be a better version of themselves.

September 18, 2023Comments Off, , , , , , , , , , , bapblog | best american psychics | Blog | connection | emotions | Lady Sarah | Relationship | Sophia Elise | twin flame
Signs They Aren’t Your Soulmate, No Matter How Much You Want Them to Be

Differentiating between a real soulmate vs. someone who is not a soulmate can be difficult. Signs of a soulmate include a deep connection, the feeling of completeness and sharing the same values and goals. A soulmate brings out the best in you and unconditionally supports your growth. On the other hand, someone who is not your soulmate may bring out negativity and the relationship may feel forced or one-sided. It’s important to recognize these signs to avoid settling for someone who doesn’t truly bring happiness and fulfillment into your life.

The following are signs someone is not your soulmate:

1. If the person you believe is your soulmate doesn’t feel the connection, they may not be your soulmate. While soulmates can deny the existence of the connection at times, in this instance the person is genuinely rejecting the connection. If they genuinely reject what you believe is a connection, the relationship becomes one-sided. It’s important to pay attention to their feelings and try not to force a connection that isn’t there. If they don’t feel the same connection, it may be time to accept they’re not your soulmate.

2. If the only way you connect with someone is through physical intimacy, it may be a sign they’re not your soulmate. Physical attraction doesn’t necessarily denote a spiritual or emotional connection. Soulmates can have great chemistry, but attraction alone is not enough to sustain a lasting, meaningful relationship.

3. If you find yourself unable to maintain a consistent, healthy relationship with someone, it’s a sign they’re probably not your soulmate. Some soulmates will run from the connection and can become on/off relationships. While soulmates can experience ups and downs in their relationship, true love should ultimately endure. It can be easy to confuse a tumultuous relationship with a soulmate connection because dysfunctional relationships also fall into the on/off pattern. Ultimately, if you can’t build a stable, supportive partnership with someone, it’s unlikely they’re your soulmate.

4. If someone brings out the worst in you, they may not be your soulmate. You might find yourself doing all the wrong things because you know they’re not the right person for you. Don’t ignore this behavior, and make excuses for it, because you believe they’re your soulmate. Take responsibility for your actions and reconsider whether this person is a good match for you. Remember a true soulmate will inspire you to be your best self, not the worst version of yourself.

5. The last sign they’re not your soulmate is that they’re false from the beginning. They will say and do all the right things, pretend to be someone they are not and create this whirlwind relationship with a purpose. Sadly, their only purpose is to dump you at a certain point, when they get what they want. All the things they say, they never mean. It’s just a façade. They aren’t truly invested in the relationship and only using it as a means to an end. They know they will never deliver the plans they talk about in the beginning. They just like the whirlwind part that happens in the beginning. They know they’re going to let you down whenever it’s time to take the relationship to another level or when their ex comes back. This realization can be painful, but it’s important to move on and find someone who is genuine and truly meant for you.

Recognizing a true soulmate can be a difficult task, but it’s crucial to identify them early on to prevent potential negative outcomes. True love means not compromising your ideals, values and beliefs and having a strong connection that goes beyond physical attraction. Being with the right person can bring happiness and fulfillment while being in the wrong relationship can lead to emotional distress. Being mindful of the signs that reveal if someone is truly a soulmate is crucial for your emotional well-being.

Authors: Sophia Elise & Lady Sarah

2023 featured blogger (8)

September 8, 2023Comments Off, , , , , , , , , , , BAP | best american psychics | Blog | Lady Sarah | Love and Relationships | Relationships | Sophia Elise | soulmate | soulmates
Angels vs. Spiritual Guides

What’s the difference?

Are you often confused about the difference between angels and spiritual guides? Do you believe they are both necessary to access or is one more important than the other? Are there different roles with specific tasks for each, or do they overlap in their purpose? We will explore the differences between angels and spiritual guides – from understanding ancient interpretations of both archetypes to insight into their individual roles and how best to work with them on your own journey. Whether you’re just learning about angelic energy or seeking clarity around these two forces in your life, I hope this information sheds some light on it all!

Definition of Angels

Angels have been the subject of fascination and speculation for centuries, captivating the imaginations of believers and skeptics alike. According to traditional beliefs, angels serve as divine messengers and protectors of humanity. Their capabilities include the ability to communicate with humans, travel great distances in a blink of an eye, and offer otherworldly guidance and comfort. In essence, angels are guardians who watch over us throughout our lives and offer a reassuring presence in times of need. Regardless of whether one believes in their existence, the idea of these mystical beings and their potential intervention in our lives remains captivating.

Definition of Spiritual Guides

Spirit guides are the invisible yet extremely wise beings who provide guidance and support to those on a spiritual path. Often beloved ancestors or enlightened persons who have passed on, these loving spirits bring a wealth of spiritual knowledge and insight to those who seek out their guidance. By communicating with individuals, Spirit Guides help in unraveling elevated levels of consciousness, connecting with one’s higher self, and possibly revealing concealed, untold powers, which may transform one’s life indefinitely. Newer guides often appear when embarking on fresh avenues in life. For instance, if you started a podcast or radio show, you may find a guide who had experience in radio, offering invaluable guidance that paves the way towards realizing your vision. Their support and direction ultimately help individuals to reach their full potential, live fully in the present, and awaken to their true selves – all while bringing a touch of benevolent humor and inspiration along the way.

Comparisons & Contrasts

As beings that exist beyond the physical realm, angels and spiritual guides often share similar roles in providing guidance and support to those who seek their help. However, there are notable differences in their origins and their forms of communication with humans. Angels are believed to be divine messengers that serve as intermediaries between God and humanity, while spiritual guides may be the souls of departed loved ones or other entities that have chosen to assist humans on their journey. Angels commonly communicate through visions and signs, while spiritual guides tend to communicate through intuition and personal insight. Despite these differences, both angels and spiritual guides offer comfort, clarity, and encouragement to those who seek their guidance.

Interacting with your Angels and Guides

Human beings have always been fascinated by the idea of interacting with higher beings – angels and spiritual guides. But how can we do this in our daily lives? There are various ways through which individuals can establish a connection with these celestial beings. Prayer, for instance, is an effective method of reaching out to angels – a heartfelt expression of our faith. Similarly, meditation – a practice that helps in slowing down our thoughts, can also provide a pathway to interact with spiritual guides. Although these methods may seem simplistic, they can provide clarity and guidance in our personal journey. By being open and receptive to the divine, we can invite these benevolent forces into our lives, making it more meaningful and fulfilling.


In a world that can often feel lonely and confusing, it’s comforting to know that we are never truly alone. Angels and Spiritual Guides are always present, offering comfort, advice, and guidance on our spiritual journeys. Whether it’s protection from negative energies or the gift of healing and insight, these celestial helpers remind us that we are loved and supported every step of the way. So, the next time you feel lost or in need of a little extra guidance, take a deep breath, make time for prayer or meditation, and ask your Angels and Guides for assistance. Trust in their wisdom and know that they are always with you, ready to help you navigate life’s challenges with grace and ease.

Author: Medium Kelley Eckhardt

Regg Evans - Psychic

July 28, 2023Comments Off, , , , , , , , , , , , Angels | BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | Blog | blog post | higher beings | Kelley Eckhardt | spirit guides | spiritual guides
Do you Believe in Miracles?

Do you believe in miracles? It’s a question that has intrigued and captivated us for generations. From ancient deities being credited for mysterious events, to incredible stories of survival on the news, we can’t help but be drawn in. And why not? The concept of miracles is just as fascinating today as it ever has been. So let’s explore the spiritual side of miraculous events and their emotional impacts. Whether you are a skeptic or a believer, buckle up for a journey through time and prepare to be inspired!

Defining a Miracle

What is a Miracle and what it means to different people.

A miracle is often defined as an extraordinary or supernatural event that cannot be explained by scientific or natural laws. It’s a cosmic wink, an otherworldly nod, a rainbow on a cloudy day. It’s the unexplainable moment that takes our breath away and fills us with gratitude. To some, it’s a clear sign from above, a nudge from the universe, or a symbol of hope. For others, it’s an unexpected coincidence, a lucky break, or a newfound perspective on life. Regardless of how we perceive it, a miracle reminds us that there’s something greater at work in this world—a force that connects us all and reveals itself when we least expect it. Whether big or small, miracles have the power to fill our hearts with wonder, our minds with possibility, and our lives with purpose.

Miracles Throughout History

Famous Examples of Miracles Throughout the Ages

Throughout history, there have been countless stories of miracles that have left people in awe and wonder. From the parting of the Red Sea to the healing of chronic illnesses, miracles have been described as divine interventions that challenge our understanding of the world around us. Some of the most famous examples include the miraculous resurrection of Jesus, the sudden conversion of St. Paul on the road to Damascus, and the miraculous apparitions of the Virgin Mary at Lourdes. These events have inspired people for generations and have instilled a sense of hope and faith in humanity. Despite skepticism and doubt, miracles continue to be a source of inspiration and wonder for people around the world.

Religious Perspectives on Miracles

Religious perspectives on miracles are diverse, intriguing, and often awe-inspiring. While some see them as proof of divine intervention, others view them as part of the natural order of the universe that science has yet to explain. In Christianity, they are signs of God’s power and presence, while in Islam, they represent Allah’s mercy and compassion. Hinduism and Buddhism take a more nuanced approach, with some believers considering them as a manifestation of spiritual attainment. Despite the differences, the concept of miracles continues to unite humanity in awe and wonder.

Are There Scientific Explanations for some Miracles?

Scientific Explanations for some Miracles are gaining momentum with advancements in technology. While some argue that miracles are supernatural, scientists have begun to shed light on some seemingly inexplicable wonders. Studying conditions of those who claim to have been miraculously healed has uncovered underlying physiological or environmental factors that caused the magical occurrences. As such, the debate continues on whether science can fully explain miracles or whether they are truly wonders of the divine that go beyond scientific comprehension.

Miracles in Everyday Life

Celebrating Small Acts of Kindness as Miracle Moments

Everyday life is brimming with miracles, some monumental and others seemingly simple. We may tend to focus solely on the awe-inspiring events, but let’s not overlook the smaller moments of wonder and kindness that occur on a day-to-day basis. Whether it’s a person holding a door or a neighbor mowing the lawn while we’re ill, these little acts of kindness can have an immense impact, brightening our day and reminding us of the goodness that still exists in the world. By embracing these small miracles and viewing them as moments of true magic, we can foster an attitude of gratitude and positivity that can inspire others. Celebrate the kindness, acknowledge the miracles, and help spread the joy.

Miracles are all around us, in the grand events that shape our world and in the small moments that touch our hearts. They inspire us to believe in something greater than ourselves, to have faith in the unseen and to hope for the impossible. Whether you believe in miracles or not, it’s hard to deny the power they hold in our lives. The stories we tell of miracles past, present, and future remind us that there is goodness and wonder in the world – all we have to do is keep our eyes open and our hearts ready to receive these blessings. So, ask yourself: do you believe in Miracles? Have you experienced a Miracle in your life? Take time out today to reflect on what miracle moments have made an impact on your life and how these will inform your beliefs going forward.

Author: Medium Kelley Eckhardt

2023 featured blogger (5)

July 21, 2023Comments Off, , , , , , , , , , , , , , bap blog | best american psychics | Blog | Medium Kelley Eckhardt | miracle | small miracle
You Can Manifest It!

by Kelley Eckhardt

We are so blessed to have access to the tools to help us manifest our dreams and hopes! Spirituality is a powerful way to connect with our inner selves, allowing us to tap into higher levels of awareness, giving us the power to co-create our lives intentionally. In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can use spiritual practices like meditation, visualization, and gratitude affirmations to deliberately open your life up for blessings and personal growth. No matter what your journey looks like, trust that you have been guided here for a purpose; embrace it and get ready to enjoy some remarkable shifts that will transform the way you live!

What is Manifestation & How Does it Work?

Ready to learn about manifesting your dreams into reality? Manifestation is a powerful technique that successful people have used throughout history to achieve their goals. It’s all about focusing your mindset and intentions on what you desire most and letting the universe work its magic. This isn’t about magical thinking but rather the application of quantum physics and the law of attraction. By visualizing and feeling the reality of your desires, you create a frequency that attracts those desires to you. Remember, manifestation requires action, belief, and a willingness to receive. With the right mindset and effort, anyone can tap into the power of manifestation to create a life they have always dreamed of.

The Power of Positive Thinking.

happy womanThe power of positive thinking is undeniable. Studies have shown that our thoughts affect every aspect of our lives, from our mood to physical health. A positive mindset can increase confidence, better relationships, and even career advancement. It’s easy to fall into negative thought patterns, but by training ourselves to focus on the good, we can make amazing life changes. We’re more likely to take risks and achieve our goals when we believe in ourselves and our abilities. So, the next time you feel down, try shifting your focus to the positive. You might be surprised by the incredible things that happen as a result.

Learn to Trust in the Universe.

Life can often be unpredictable, which can lead to feelings of fear and uncertainty. It’s easy to feel like everything is out of our control in these moments. But what if we were to learn to trust in the universe? Trusting in something greater than ourselves can be a scary thought, but it can also bring a sense of peace and comfort. By releasing our need to control everything and accepting that there is a plan, we can start to feel less anxious and more connected to the world around us. It’s not always easy, but learning to trust in the universe can be a transformative experience, allowing us to approach life more openly and optimistically.

Take Action & Follow Through.

Are you tired of just dreaming of success without ever making it a reality? It’s time to take action! Sure, the details can be overwhelming, but don’t let that stifle your creativity. Instead, break your goals down into manageable steps and forge ahead. Setting clear deadlines and taking accountability is crucial for personal or business goals. But don’t forget to stay flexible and adjust the course if needed. The journey to success takes discipline, perseverance, and a willingness to learn from mistakes, but the feeling of achieving your long-term goals is priceless. So stop talking about what you want to do and start making it happen!

Visualize Your Goals & Desires.

As human beings, we all have goals and desires that we want to achieve in life. However, it’s common to feel lost and uncertain about how to achieve them. That’s where the power of visualization comes in. By taking the time to visualize our goals and desires, we can tap into the power of our subconscious mind. Visualization helps us create a clear and focused mental image of what we want and connect with the emotions and feelings associated with our goals. Research shows that visualization can lead to increased motivation, confidence, and ultimately, success. So, let’s take a few moments each day to close our eyes and visualize our dreams, creating a mental movie of our desired outcomes. By doing so, we are taking the first steps to make our manifestation goals a reality.

Ready to create your dream life? It’s all about the power of manifestation. Simply put, it’s about setting your intentions and surrounding yourself with positive energy and like-minded individuals. To really make it happen, stay present, take action, and trust yourself and the Universe. When visualizing your goals, imagine and speak like they’ve already been achieved. And don’t forget, believing and taking action go hand in hand. It’s time to manifest your reality – are you in?

July 9, 2023Comments Off, , , , , , bestamericanpsychics | Blog | desires | Fear | goals | intentions | Intuition | manifest | positive thinking | universe