Guy Isabel, also known as Gisabel, is a spiritual medium who receives communications from highly evolved beings of light through a form of automatic writing known as mechanical writing. Through this gift, he regularly connects with his guardian angel, spiritual guides, and departed souls, including those from his soul family, to receive guidance, messages of love, and insights to share with others. These messages help people cope with loss, move forward in their lives, or understand their life mission. Occasionally, understanding a current life may involve obtaining information about past lives.
Gisabel was born into a large, modest family and developed a passion for science, particularly the chemistry of living organisms, leading him to pursue university studies in science and earn a graduate degree in biochemistry. He worked for many years in medical research and clinical biochemistry laboratories in hospitals.
Despite his strong scientific background, Gisabel was always driven by a rich inner life. From the age of 11, he developed an interest in spirituality, sparked by reading his first book on reincarnation, “The Search for Bridey Murphy” by Morey Bernstein. This curiosity led him to explore spirituality deeply, and he avidly read any book he found on the subject.
One of the most significant signs Gisabel received from the spiritual world occurred one fall night when he couldn’t sleep. As he lay awake, he noticed a tiny orange dot above the foot of his bed, which gradually took the shape of a beautiful dragonfly as it approached him. The dragonfly, with its radiant orange body and blue crystal-like wings, hovered in front of him, leaving no doubt in his mind that it was a manifestation from the spiritual realm.
During that period, Gisabel kept a diary where he recorded his thoughts and moods. One night, while writing, he felt a strange sensation as a force took control of his hand and began guiding his pencil to produce a sequence of words. This was his first contact with a spirit during a writing session, specifically with his guardian angel. The messages conveyed were of great beauty and depth, leading Gisabel to realize that he had psychic abilities and could communicate with beings of light and disembodied souls.
Since then, Gisabel has continued to communicate with these spiritual beings, using his abilities to help those in need.