Jeanne Crescenzo is a Minister of Melchizedek, Medium/Channel, Seichim Reiki Master, Advanced Theta Healer, and Artist. She has been working professionally and with compassion for 10 years. She has been a guest on CBS radio and has participated on a variety metaphysical radio programs. Her love of connecting to the Otherside, Higher Dimensions, and Wisdom for others has helped countless all over the world.
Her journey began early in childhood and became impossible to ignore around puberty. She began to receive visions about the true nature of reality and our souls, visitations from loved ones, angelic presences, and the Creator. We are far more than we appear and the Spirit World is full of love! Her connection to her Teachers in Spirit guided her to pursue healing, art, and esoteric teachings. She began to receive feedback on how her words touched, healed, inspired or guided. With the gentle nudging of the Divine was opened further to take these messages to a broader audience and created Light of the Soul, Inc. to provide services, workshops, and wellness products to aid on the spiritual path. She believes we are all guided by Spirit and we can listen and connect with our vaster soul presence if we chose. Within all of us is the ability to do so. She teaches many spiritual workshops for those ready to move forward in their spiritual learning, open psychically, and connect to their I AM Source vibration.
PLEASE READ BEFORE BOOKING A SESSION: To allow the full connection with the Divine on your behalf please allow 10-15 minutes per session booked.
Jeanne has a unique ability to connect to gentle loving connections to Angelic and Higher Dimensional messages. It may help to come with an intent or question to help the channel of wisdom to flow but is not always necessary. She connects with Loved Ones, the Angelic Realm, Ascended Masters, & Spirit Guides. She also receives guidance in all areas of life directly from the 7th plane/Creator, Your Soul, and the Upper levels of the Galactic Akasha, from the practical to the esoteric spiritual. Light is anchored into your being at a subtle level to aid in dissolving previous blockages from positive forward movement in life as well as soul purpose behind challenging life lessons and transformational healing often occurs. This allows one to connect with the Truth of their soul for the highest good. These areas of your life are addressed in ways that allow for Solutions, Clarity, & Healing:
The Physical: Practical Life, Physical Health and Well being.
The Emotional/Mental: Release, Balance and Repattern.
The Spiritual: Opening, Clearing and Connecting you to your Guidance & the Divine.
The purpose of Jeanne’s channel is to help you find the clarity and empowerment you need to activate healing, your purpose, understanding, and move toward a life of peace.
Transform Your Life! Simply come with an open heart!