Make Every Morning Feel Like Saturday Morning

Make Every Morning Feel Like Saturday Morning

Ahhh, Saturday morning. A day where you don’t have to be up with that siren of an alarm, a day where you can take your time, enjoy a cup of coffee, and slow the hectic pace a little. Oh, how we look forward to our day off where, for just a few minutes, nobody needs us, we aren’t running for the school bus or trying to beat morning traffic. Wouldn’t it be nice if every morning could feel just a little more like a Saturday morning? Well, it can, and it should! Here’s why and how.

If you are stressed, frustrated and overwhelmed, one of the worst things you can do is hit that snooze button and then hit the ground running. I know, I know, you need every minute of sleep, but hear me out. If you practice this technique, you’ll be setting yourself up for a calmer, relaxed and energy filled day…good energy, not desperate double espresso fueled energy.  This less stressed start off can lead to better more restful sleep, which will make rising early easier. See what happened there? A double pay off!

Starting your day in a rush is nothing short of an all-around spiritual energy killer. That extra rushed stress can increase cortisol levels in the body which can cause a myriad of physical and emotional symptoms that you certainly don’t want. High cortisol levels can lead to weight gain, adrenal fatigue, and more. And it may not seem like much to hit the ground at a sprint each morning, but it adds up and starts your day off in a stressed state of mind. But, if we take some time to train ourselves to make each morning a little more like Saturday mornings, we start to see a difference in our stress levels, our personal energy, and our attitude. The hardest part is getting started, but once you start, you’ll never go back.

I get it, I really do, you need your rest, but I promise that early rising will pay off the first day AND it’ll only get better from there on out. Start by setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier and work up to the amount of time you need to make each morning slow and relaxed.  Commit that time to having a cup of coffee, tea or your favorite smoothie or beverage. Sit in your favorite spot, enjoy the sunrise, do whatever it is you feel like doing that is not rushed. Just enjoy. Those few minutes to yourself will go a long way to starting your day on the best energetic foot possible.

Each week or day (your preference) get up a little earlier. Use that time to do a little yoga, spend a little more time on your morning hygiene routine, take a few minutes to jot down some goals or thoughts. This is YOU time, use it for yourself, THEN get the kids up or get yourself ready for work.

As you start to experience the slower, more relaxed morning pace, you won’t want to go back to that morning rush chaos.  After all, that morning chaos was what was causing the problem in the first place!

Author: Samantha Hall is a full time psychic, medium and spiritual mentor. Transplanted from her roots in Arizona, Samantha now makes her home in Northwest Georgia. Part philosopher, part psychic, student of quantum sciences and consciousness, Samantha is always searching for answers to what make humans so uniquely human.

September 4, 2019No comments, , , , , , , BAP | best american psychics | samantha hall

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