Prayers, Intentions and Miracles

Prayers, Intentions and Miracles

These days it feels like we need to pull some miracles out of thin air.

As I watch the world react to Russia invading Ukraine, I have to say I see consciousness changing in the world at large. Switzerland is no longer neutral, and they are withholding Russian moneys. Russian soldiers are unhappy with what they are doing. Russian citizens are rebelling and marching against the invasion.

I see change happening in how individuals are thinking.

There is a tipping point in the world as people realize how they think and what they say matters and makes a difference.

When enough individuals change the way they are thinking, their behavior changes. When that happens, according to Malcolm Gladwell, society hits a tipping point and the local culture changes. I see the global society hitting the tipping point in new thinking and I can see the potential of cultures changing globally.

We need to keep going in the effort of realizing who we really are as humans. Humanity has many underdeveloped gifts. Realizing we are infinite beings being one of those gifts. We are able to create our own reality.

Sandra Ingerman, shaman, talks about the 7 ingredients needed for a miraculous healing.

Those ingredients include how you think and who you align yourself to.

When you know you are an infinite being and you are aligned with the highest source, all things are possible. Thing is, aligning yourself to your soul and God is like baptizing a cat.

How do we come to the KNOWING of being infinite and in the grace of the creator? How can you recognize the highest source of the creator when there are so many powers and fears pulling at you? It’s easy to mistake a fear as an all-encompassing power. Think of all the years the Cold War went on, and here we are facing Russia again with another threat of nuclear bombs. Will this fear hold, or can we look at this differently? Can we as conscious beings create a different reality using different thoughts? This is the PRAYER for this time.

Yes, we can, and we have.

Create a strong clear intention that will fuel your thoughts and actions. Intend to live in grace and peace within yourself. The world within yourself needs to match the world you want to create. If you want to be heard, then you need to carefully listen to yourself. Your needs, desires, and your fears all need to be heard, recognized and attended to by YOU. That brings your inner world into alignment.

Realize, as you listen to your inner needs and desires, that you need a relationship with the Creator, source of unconditional love, to create your dream. The creator is the universe that provides all things. You are responsible for nurturing your relationship to your Soul, Source and the creative power. As you blend with this source, you are on your way to becoming a vessel of unconditional love. This action creates UNITY, another of the 7 elements to create miraculous healings.

You are a light warrior, as much as a light worker. Your focus and concentration are key to create the dream you seek, the dream as it is in alignment with the creator. Do not think of other things, doubts, what if’s, guilt, and other fears. Focus the power that you create with spirit and visualize that radiance coming through you. No matter what is happening around you, focus on the power of the connection within you as you unite with the creator.

You will find harmony within yourself as you do this work. When you are in harmony with yourself you will bring peace, balance and wholeness that will fund your inner balance and wholeness. It is a cycle that grows on itself. Being whole is healing. You need an inner state of harmony and unity within to do the work that brings about miracles.

Dream your Dreams! Use your imagination to create pathways that will bring a new world and reality into being. Shift what you are daydreaming thoughout your day. Take the anxiety you are considering and shift the thoughts to something more aligned to the dreams you have in your heart. Imagine the best possible result happening better than you know right now. Imagine possibilities and then get out of the way and let them bloom. Open to unconditional love in your dreams.

Then, as if by a miracle, watch your dreams blossom and unfold.

Author: Nancy Smith,

March 15, 2022No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | Blog | culture | intentions | miracles | nancy smith | prayers

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