Returning to Full Power

Returning to Full Power

6f31234e 3240 4bff a04f 93bfde1dd51cThis blog post begins a series of posts about situations that can create barriers to finding our way in our worlds in a balanced and productive way. They will be situations I’ve seen repeatedly in my Lifestyle Engineer/Hypnosis/Akashic Record practice, often enough that I’ve been compelled to research and devise methods of helping people help themselves in powerful yet simple ways.

Almost universally, it seems that we are VERY good at providing compassion and care for everyone in our world, except for ourselves. Self-care seems to be a task that we vow we will get to at some unspecified future date, and that date never seems to arrive.

If we’re on an airplane, we’re told that we’re to put our own oxygen mask on 1st, if it drops from above. They know that if we pass out from oxygen deprivation, we can be of NO assistance to anyone else.

Real life is the same. If we don’t take care of ourselves, we won’t have anything to give in terms of helping other people.

In my own life, and in my Lifestyle Engineering practice, I’ve found the concept of people functioning (or attempting to function) at a level of diminished power to be incredibly widespread.

The why and wherefore of creation, whether it is a solo act or with the ‘help’ of others, whether we realize it or not, is not important. Instead, what matters is becoming aware of the challenge, identifying who the players are, taking corrective action, and, ultimately, establishing some appropriate boundaries and then enforcing them.

As you look at yourself, you might find symptoms that will help you assess if this applies to you. They can include being totally worn out all the time, lacking normal mental focus, irritation, anger, and frustration that is not normal. If you see yourself as you read those words, and you ACT, you can keep those symptoms from being chronic.

Many times, good and caring people give away bits of their power to other people who may be struggling or may need some assistance. We give that power gladly, willingly, and most often, without any awareness of how that gift, while helping the others, can take a toll on us and make it more difficult to make our own way in the world.

Other times, people and situations don’t give us the opportunity to offer assistance; they pick our pockets and help themselves to bits of our power.

In both cases, the net effect is the same.

Those gifted or stolen pieces of us have created gaps in us that not only have us operating at diminished capacity, but also allow our power to leak out of the openings, further exacerbating the situation.

Regardless of how the holes were created, it is totally within your power to call every aspect of yourself back to you! It does not matter if those aspects were given or taken. Calling them back will start their return.

When I encounter this, the goal is to create an image in my mind where the missing pieces are called back and are seen floating through the air toward ‘home.’ For me, they look like little jigsaw puzzle pieces, and each one floats in, lands, and gets locked in the exact place it needs to be.

With each piece returning, there can be a slight boost of power, and not only is the power returning but the hole is filled, which decreases what has been leaking out.

When the last piece clicks into place, I ask my body what color it needs to seal all the pieces into place.

Then I visualize that color rising out of the ground, swirling around the body, rising up. As it does so, it is sealing and healing as it rises. The color climbs up the body and ultimately blasts out of the crown area like a searchlight.

I use this in my own life, but also when the situation comes to my attention in an Akashic Record Reading, for another person, or as a contributing factor for a situation that a Lifestyle Engineer/Hypnosis client wants to overcome.

From my own personal use of the process, I can tell you that it has been energy changing, energy shifting, balancing and restoring.

Readers are encouraged to try the solution outlined and, if you’re willing, to report back if you’ve found the relief you were seeking.

2023 featured blogger (3)Author: Eric Webster

May 5, 2023Comments Off, , , , , , , , , , , , , , akasha | Akashic Records | Balance | bap blog | Blog | empowerment | energy | Eric Webster | hypnosis | power | restore | self-care

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