During the holidays, it’s common to be around a lot of people and in many different environments. While this can be fun and festive, it can also leave you feeling drained and overwhelmed if you’re not careful about protecting your energy. Here are some tips for keeping your aura clean and avoiding taking on psychic energy from others during the holidays:
Set boundaries:
Before attending events or spending time with others, set clear boundaries for yourself. Decide what you’re willing and able to give of your time and energy and communicate that to others. Catch yourself if you are “people pleasing”.
Prepare with visualization before you go to the gathering:
See the event in your mind ahead of time, and actively place positive and protective energies around the space you will be in. A restaurant, or a person’s home, or your own home if that is where the gathering is going to be. I personally use angels on every corner of the property, and inside in all corners of the space. I ask that they continuously clear the space from any negative lower frequencies that may be there. I then ask that the doorways be cleared and guarded with pure light, so any negative energies are purified as people walk through them. This is called treating or setting the space ahead of time. Then, when I walk into the gathering, I know I am walking into ease, light, joy, and positive energy for the time there. If angels don’t work for you, use a body of light with colors you like, or power animals or spirit guides and loved ones on the other side, or fairies and elementals. I have a friend who calls in the Divine Creator to do this protection, and Jesus. It just depends on what truly resonates with you.
Protect yourself:
Visualize yourself surrounded by a protective bubble of light that shields you from negative energy. You can also carry protective crystals like black tourmaline or amethyst or wear a piece of jewelry that has special meaning to you. If you find yourself “cornered” by someone who is an energy vampire, talking “at” you instead of with you, and by so doing is literally filling themselves up with your energy as you listen to them, simply place a hand on your solar plexus to “shield” yourself from the energy cording the other person is doing to you. At the same time imagine the energy from them that is going into you draining right out your feet and into the Earth. Energy cords are cords of psychic energy that get created through (unconscious or conscious) emotions. We can give and take these cords of energy from others all the time all day long as we move about and interact with life. When there is a strong emotion in an interaction, the cords will be stronger and feel more obvious.
Practice mindfulness:
Stay present in the moment and pay attention to how you’re feeling. If you notice yourself becoming overwhelmed or drained, take a break and do something that helps you feel grounded, like deep breathing or meditation.
Clear your energy:
Take time each day to clear any negative energy from your aura. You can do this by smudging with sage or palo santo, taking a salt bath, spending some time out in nature, breathing in fresh air, or practicing visualization techniques.
Surround yourself with positive people:
Seek out relationships with people who uplift and inspire you and avoid those who drain your energy or bring negativity into your life.
Eat sensibly and somewhat cleanly:
Be mindful of the sugar, alcohol and dairy you are consuming, and the quantities of such. Moderation is key!
By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you’ll be better equipped to protect your energy and maintain a clean aura during the holidays and beyond.
Author: Katherine Glass http://BestAmericanPsychics.com/listing/katherine-glass