
The Happiness Journey of Joy and Being Present in a Crazy, Chaotic and Negative World

Have we ever encountered someone filled with pure joy and happiness? We know it, not just because we see and witness it, but because we can feel it and the incredible energy radiating around that person! How is this even possible? What is their secret? How did they gain such knowledge and wisdom to become, apply, and radiate such joy and happiness? The happiness journey of joy and being is what many of us strive and “prospect” for in search of becoming gentler, kind, compassionate, light-hearted, having an attitude of gratitude, or going through life with that happy-go-lucky state of mind while enjoying this amazing life journey, not just as humans, but as humans being! Joy is not something to be faked and does not come from outside of us; it comes from within and can be seen and felt across a vast room. So how do such people develop such traits of joy and happiness, and how can we be more aware of the joy, happiness, and the art and application of being joyful?

Practice Stop Complaining! Joyful people have daily practice and dedication, spending their valuable time not complaining. The journey of both joy and being in the present moment will raise energy to a more positive experience, where constant complaining about our lives or the material world around us brings down the energy to a more negative impression, a feeling of dread or gloom and can be bad behavior, trait, and human habit for the health of our cells, our nervous system, our heart and mind, which responds directly to our thoughts, words, and actions.

People who are happy and radiate joy very often first look inward and focus on that inner voice, the higher self, the ego, the self-sabotage, and the one person we talk to the most in life, ourselves! Then, after a brief conversation with themselves, people who have joy and radiate happiness will turn their focus, attention, and awareness outward to the material world and shift the synergy and mindset with all positive aspects of daily life and all positive aspects of daily living and the human experience. What was the good in our day? Only we can decide that. When directly impacted by adversity and the negativity that life can bring forward to all of us, move or shift to both awareness of that feeling around, breathe in deeply, practice a pause, alter, or become mindful, and move away from such thoughts, people, conversations and or groups. As the old saying reminds us, “misery loves company,” so do yourself a huge and healthy favor, create distance, create boundaries, create mindfulness, and actively move away from those thoughts, people, and life situations because it is draining, exhausting and not a great combination for the journey towards joy and happiness. It takes away, distracts, and disconnects us from all the good around us.

It is okay, natural, and part of being a human being to claim, speak, know, and acknowledge that we cannot be filled with joy and happiness every minute of the day, especially in this crazy, chaotic, and fast-moving world of ours, but if we look close enough and make a consciousness choice with our most significant power given to each human being of freewill, joy, and happiness are all around. We need to know when, where, and how to access, acknowledge, accept, blend, and become a good host filled with joy, happiness, and all that comes with it daily. “The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.” -William Arthur Ward.

Practice Gratitude! The main difference between those who radiate joy and happiness and those stuck in a hostile and low vibrational state of being is that those who have joy and happiness express daily gratitude and create habits for an “attitude for gratitude” daily. There is no need to wait until December 31st to make this a new resolution; make that resolution today, right now, because that is all the time we ever have, and at the end of this day, we are another day older, and time is the one thing that money cannot buy. Look for the “magic in the moments,” the delicious food, a warm shower, a great cup of coffee and conversation with a stranger, a nice sweater, a friendly smile, a lending hand, a sunrise, a sunset, or even both on the same day! Gratitude daily can be endless and vast, and those who choose to live in this state of being will naturally carry a higher vibration of what we put out, we get back or said another way, like attracts like, or as the great Jedi Master, Qui-Gon Jinn from the Star Wars movie reminds us “concentrate on the moment. Feel, do not think. Use your instincts. Always remember, your focus determines your reality.” Joy and happiness are formulas just waiting to be discovered if we choose to look, know where to look, and apply that formula to everyday life.

Practice Being Present! Those searching for joy and happiness are in the present moment and do not run or turn away. Joyous and happy people look for the good in their present moments and journey, even if they disagree with the material world around them and what their eyes are showing them. People filled with joy and happiness in a wild and hostile world will continually be shifting their state of mind to focus on the good things in life, the beauty of life, the gratitude for having this day in life and connecting with the actual, profound, and positive aspects that only this life can bring us. One must make this a conscious choice, a daily decision, a daily dedication, a daily discipline, and a daily goal with determination, ambition, focus, and an applied mindset to live in the present moment and not sit and marinate back to a negative mindset which can be very easy to do if we choose to let it.

According to the teachings and philosophy of Master Buddhist Thich Nhat Hanh, lessons remind us that in order to achieve acceptance, we need to start embracing the present moment and the beautiful miracles that exist all around us.  “When we are mindful, deeply in touch with the present moment, our understanding of what is going on deepens, and we begin to be filled with acceptance, joy, peace, and love. Around us, life bursts with miracles–a glass of water, a ray of sunshine, a leaf, a caterpillar, a flower, laughter, and raindrops. If you live in awareness, it is easy to see miracles everywhere. Each human being is a multiplicity of miracles. Eyes that see thousands of colors, shapes, and forms; ears that hear a bee flying or a thunderclap; a brain that ponders a speck of dust as easily as the entire cosmos; a heart that beats in rhythm with the heartbeat of all beings. When we are tired and feel discouraged by life’s daily struggles, we may not notice these miracles, but they are always there.” 

Practice Selfcare! Instead of filling our minds and oversaturating our nervous system with negative thoughts, people, conversations, situations, social media, or bad human habits that take away from the journey of joy and happiness, take time to tune in to all that makes us happy and get an excellent addition to that new joy, happiness, and being. Joyous people are first kind to themselves, taking each day from the wake-up alarm in the morning until the head hits the pillow after a very positive, uplifting day we can choose to acknowledge, accept, and have if we do want it. Please start each new day with mental exercises, meditation, positive mantras, deep breathwork, journaling, Qigong, yoga, and deep breathwork to channel and move negative thoughts out, only to be replaced with responsibility for positive self-care, mental well-being, and healthy habits to help guide us to joy, happiness, and being. Start today to become the best and most positive version of ourselves.

Practice Acceptance! Joyous and happy people accept their circumstances, people around them, material world events, and situations they know and realize they cannot control. The only control one ever has is how to respond or not respond to the many twists and turns offered on the pathway of L.I.F.E. or, put another way, Learn It From Experience. There is no point in focusing and fixating on the things outside their control and wasting energy and time that can be allocated and used to something, someone, or someplace that can bring joy and happiness, even that little corner of our minds. People filled with joy and happiness accept what the past has taught them and what the present moment can give them and be at peace with life’s decisions. Acceptance will also offer us a broader perspective on the journey and with the practice of not complaining, being present, and gratitude, acceptance will change. Acceptance is a process. They allow things in and around our life paths without actively trying to change them. Acceptance entails letting any experience or “Soul Adventure,” positive, neutral, or negative, exist in life without trying to alter, avoid, or deny it. “Acceptance…is an expression of lived wisdom.” –Jon Kabat-Zinn.

Practice Compassion! It is often the case that people filled with joy, happiness, and a sense of being have a greater awareness and sense of kindness, compassion, and caring for others. When someone is joyous, they do not dwell on how rubbish their life is, what the future holds negatively, or how miserable they might be in the present moment. Instead, they look for the good at that moment, the day, tune in to how they feel about themselves and life, and share that with others, often having more to give! Joyous people can generally carry out more acts of kindness and compassion for others. These do not have to be grand big gestures – they can be small acts of kindness, such as making someone a cup of coffee, helping a person across the street, smiling at a stranger on the bus, or just a phone call or text to express our love for others. Joyous people know that it does not cost anything to be kind. They know that they do not drain their resources by being kind, caring, and compassionate to others.

Practice Looking for the Best in Others! Joyful people develop habits and communication styles that look for good and positive aspects in others. Put another way, joyous and happy people do not try to find what is wrong and a negative aspect with another human being. Instead, they find what they like, what they may have in common, and what is worth their time and investment to acknowledge, support, and even celebrate another person. Now, of course, there will always be exceptions to the rule when people may be rude, outright nasty, entitled, and selfish, but for the most part, joyous and happy people do manage to find something positive about that person and stay with that energy, frequency, and vibration as to not become or marinate in looking for the bad or negative in another but something more positive, uplifting and inspiring with that person. Joyous, happy, and present people have developed a strong and dedicated habit of “finding the good in the day,” this extends to situations, life experiences, relationships, careers, and everything in between. A joyous, happy, and present person is more likely to bring something out or something up with a more positive perspective in another person than someone looking for the negative, drama, and being in that low energy, low vibrational state of being. Joyous, happy, and present people are more likely to pick up and point out the good qualities of another person. “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” -Wayne Dyer

Want to take the practice of joy, happiness, and being present to a whole new level or be around those who consistently do? Every year, when the Gallup World Poll releases the happiest nations in the world, Sweden is always in the top five, along with its Nordic neighbors Finland, Denmark, Norway, and Iceland. Analyzing why these countries are so happy shows their optimistic view of life with daily perspectives of positivity, joy, happiness, and enjoying the present moment. Practice does make for perfection, but do not let perfect become the enemy of the good, and the happiness journey of joy and being present will genuinely begin to reveal itself!

Author: Marc Lainhart  http://BestAmericanPsychics.com/listing/marc-lainhart

2023 featured blogger (10)

“A new day! A new opportunity! A day we have not seen before to use our intuition to prospect this wonderful world around us!”

-The Intuitive Prospector™

November 22, 2023Comments Off, , , , , , , , , , , , , , #Gratitude | acceptance | best american psychics | Blog | compassion | happiness | journey | joy | Marc Lainhart | outlook | practice | present | self-care | The Intuitive Prospector
Do you Believe in Miracles?

Do you believe in miracles? It’s a question that has intrigued and captivated us for generations. From ancient deities being credited for mysterious events, to incredible stories of survival on the news, we can’t help but be drawn in. And why not? The concept of miracles is just as fascinating today as it ever has been. So let’s explore the spiritual side of miraculous events and their emotional impacts. Whether you are a skeptic or a believer, buckle up for a journey through time and prepare to be inspired!

Defining a Miracle

What is a Miracle and what it means to different people.

A miracle is often defined as an extraordinary or supernatural event that cannot be explained by scientific or natural laws. It’s a cosmic wink, an otherworldly nod, a rainbow on a cloudy day. It’s the unexplainable moment that takes our breath away and fills us with gratitude. To some, it’s a clear sign from above, a nudge from the universe, or a symbol of hope. For others, it’s an unexpected coincidence, a lucky break, or a newfound perspective on life. Regardless of how we perceive it, a miracle reminds us that there’s something greater at work in this world—a force that connects us all and reveals itself when we least expect it. Whether big or small, miracles have the power to fill our hearts with wonder, our minds with possibility, and our lives with purpose.

Miracles Throughout History

Famous Examples of Miracles Throughout the Ages

Throughout history, there have been countless stories of miracles that have left people in awe and wonder. From the parting of the Red Sea to the healing of chronic illnesses, miracles have been described as divine interventions that challenge our understanding of the world around us. Some of the most famous examples include the miraculous resurrection of Jesus, the sudden conversion of St. Paul on the road to Damascus, and the miraculous apparitions of the Virgin Mary at Lourdes. These events have inspired people for generations and have instilled a sense of hope and faith in humanity. Despite skepticism and doubt, miracles continue to be a source of inspiration and wonder for people around the world.

Religious Perspectives on Miracles

Religious perspectives on miracles are diverse, intriguing, and often awe-inspiring. While some see them as proof of divine intervention, others view them as part of the natural order of the universe that science has yet to explain. In Christianity, they are signs of God’s power and presence, while in Islam, they represent Allah’s mercy and compassion. Hinduism and Buddhism take a more nuanced approach, with some believers considering them as a manifestation of spiritual attainment. Despite the differences, the concept of miracles continues to unite humanity in awe and wonder.

Are There Scientific Explanations for some Miracles?

Scientific Explanations for some Miracles are gaining momentum with advancements in technology. While some argue that miracles are supernatural, scientists have begun to shed light on some seemingly inexplicable wonders. Studying conditions of those who claim to have been miraculously healed has uncovered underlying physiological or environmental factors that caused the magical occurrences. As such, the debate continues on whether science can fully explain miracles or whether they are truly wonders of the divine that go beyond scientific comprehension.

Miracles in Everyday Life

Celebrating Small Acts of Kindness as Miracle Moments

Everyday life is brimming with miracles, some monumental and others seemingly simple. We may tend to focus solely on the awe-inspiring events, but let’s not overlook the smaller moments of wonder and kindness that occur on a day-to-day basis. Whether it’s a person holding a door or a neighbor mowing the lawn while we’re ill, these little acts of kindness can have an immense impact, brightening our day and reminding us of the goodness that still exists in the world. By embracing these small miracles and viewing them as moments of true magic, we can foster an attitude of gratitude and positivity that can inspire others. Celebrate the kindness, acknowledge the miracles, and help spread the joy.

Miracles are all around us, in the grand events that shape our world and in the small moments that touch our hearts. They inspire us to believe in something greater than ourselves, to have faith in the unseen and to hope for the impossible. Whether you believe in miracles or not, it’s hard to deny the power they hold in our lives. The stories we tell of miracles past, present, and future remind us that there is goodness and wonder in the world – all we have to do is keep our eyes open and our hearts ready to receive these blessings. So, ask yourself: do you believe in Miracles? Have you experienced a Miracle in your life? Take time out today to reflect on what miracle moments have made an impact on your life and how these will inform your beliefs going forward.

Author: Medium Kelley Eckhardt   http://bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/kelley-eckhardt

2023 featured blogger (5)

July 21, 2023Comments Off, , , , , , , , , , , , , , bap blog | best american psychics | Blog | Medium Kelley Eckhardt | miracle | small miracle
Ask, Surrender, and then Allow

The keywords for this writing are “surrender” and “allow.” There is incredible power in the utilization of those words.

The most powerful outworking of surrendering and allowing in my life came 15 years ago. Then, I was at an all-time low in my life. I had divorced after 30 years of marriage and was a realtor in a market plagued by foreclosures.

I was 55 years old. I was in a whole new world, and frankly wasn’t sure how anything fit.

I couldn’t stand to make a living off the pain and suffering of people who were upside down on their mortgages or were headed into foreclosure. I was dramatically underperforming based on the standards I’d set for myself in the past.

In real estate, if you’re not making sales, you’re not earning a living. So I found myself sinking deeper and deeper into debt and in danger of becoming one more foreclosure.

I had done everything that I thought was possible to turn that situation around. I was at my wits end.

One morning, I got up like normal, made my coffee, and went to my meditation room. I had a serious talk with God. I’m confident that I’d never been quite as direct in prior conversations, but I felt that I truly had nothing to lose.

The upshot of that conversation was when I said, “I did not come here to live this way. You did not put me here to live this way. I have exhausted everything I know how to do, so here’s the deal: I’m going to turn it all back over to you. Fix it, or take me home. I don’t really care which.”

That was the surrender part. I knew and trusted that by taking that step, something was going to happen. I believed that either it would be a solution to the problem or I would go home. I absolutely did not care at that point which way it went.

I went about my business. I had a meeting at the Association of Realtors that day. At the end, I knew my broker would be happy with the outcome of that meeting, so I dialed him as I drove away.

He invited me to meet him for a drink that afternoon in downtown Grand Rapids. As we drank, he explained that he had purchased the interest of his last partner in the real estate company and was now the sole owner.

He explained that he and the senior staff were looking at where the gaps were. They made a list of necessary skills, and one of the staff members said that Eric Webster was a guy that had every one of those skills.

There we were having a cocktail, and he offered me a management position within the company. It was on a trial basis. We would assess how it was working out later. He made me an offer that I couldn’t refuse – I wouldn’t have refused, and we agreed that I would begin.

As I drove away from that meeting, I remembered my morning conversation with GOD. I spoke to the creator in a way that I’ve never talked before – without fear that I would be hit by a bolt of lightning when I went outside, but the words that rang in my mind were “fix it or take me home. I don’t really care which way this goes.”

I remember thinking, “Wow, that is a fast-acting God.” Just this morning, I surrendered my situation. I asked for help and, within eight hours, received the answer to that request in a way that I could never have imagined.

It did not take long after I began for the owner of the company to acknowledge that hiring me was a great decision and that if I was willing, he wanted me to go full-time with a salary that was appropriate and benefits.

It was an incredible reminder of the power of allowing, the power of surrender. It supported my theory, my belief that every prayer is immediately answered. So if we don’t see the outworking in our life, we need to consider maybe whether we are refusing delivery.

Big lessons can show up if we ask, if we surrender, if we allow. I can’t tell you how often these concepts come up when I’m doing readings.

The recordkeepers I work with have given me images and direction to use with clients to imagine that they have a lovely script tattoo of “ALLOW” on the underside of the forearm. With that tattoo comes the suggestion that when they’re feeling jammed up, when they’re feeling like they’re not getting their desired results, that they would run their hand over that tattoo to remind themselves to allow. I’ve had reports back for many, and it’s been a game-changer.

For me, all of this was a powerful reminder that no matter how independent I am, no matter how successful I become, that I don’t have to do the heavy lifting on my own. I get an image in my mind of guides and angels, who are sitting there, twiddling their thumbs, laughing, saying things like “Yeah, that Eric, he forgets that he doesn’t have to do all the heavy lifting if he would just ask us, have faith, surrender, and then allow, we can make it all so easy.”

My suggestion to you, is to see how asking, surrendering, and allowing could have some powerful impact in your life. Feel free to visualize an invisible ink tattoo on the underside of your left forearm to help you allow – to help you get out of the way.

One visualization that I’ve worked with and have encouraged clients to work with is in the area of absent delivery of answered prayers. This is because I believe that every prayer is immediately answered. If we don’t see evidence of it, we might look at our ability or our willingness to accept delivery.

I encourage people to visualize that they’re in their home, and they open the front and back doors because the delivery vehicles deliver all of those answers. Prayers are going to clog the street one after another, and it’s going be so busy that the delivery people will come in the front door, drop the delivery and go out the back door before they move along.

It is another powerful visualization that I’ve worked with in the past and have felt wonderful results from. I don’t share concepts and ideas without working with them personally. Anything that I print, anything that I put on my website is something that I’ve worked with personally, and have had some degree of remarkable results, so I hope that you will consider asking, surrendering, and allowing as a new, perhaps more productive way to move your life in the direction that you want to go.

Author: Eric Webster Eric Webster

James Van Praagh - Psychic

May 21, 2023Comments Off, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , acceptance | allow | ask | BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | Blog | blog post | Eric Webster | goals | prayers | surrender
Returning to Full Power

6f31234e 3240 4bff a04f 93bfde1dd51cThis blog post begins a series of posts about situations that can create barriers to finding our way in our worlds in a balanced and productive way. They will be situations I’ve seen repeatedly in my Lifestyle Engineer/Hypnosis/Akashic Record practice, often enough that I’ve been compelled to research and devise methods of helping people help themselves in powerful yet simple ways.

Almost universally, it seems that we are VERY good at providing compassion and care for everyone in our world, except for ourselves. Self-care seems to be a task that we vow we will get to at some unspecified future date, and that date never seems to arrive.

If we’re on an airplane, we’re told that we’re to put our own oxygen mask on 1st, if it drops from above. They know that if we pass out from oxygen deprivation, we can be of NO assistance to anyone else.

Real life is the same. If we don’t take care of ourselves, we won’t have anything to give in terms of helping other people.

In my own life, and in my Lifestyle Engineering practice, I’ve found the concept of people functioning (or attempting to function) at a level of diminished power to be incredibly widespread.

The why and wherefore of creation, whether it is a solo act or with the ‘help’ of others, whether we realize it or not, is not important. Instead, what matters is becoming aware of the challenge, identifying who the players are, taking corrective action, and, ultimately, establishing some appropriate boundaries and then enforcing them.

As you look at yourself, you might find symptoms that will help you assess if this applies to you. They can include being totally worn out all the time, lacking normal mental focus, irritation, anger, and frustration that is not normal. If you see yourself as you read those words, and you ACT, you can keep those symptoms from being chronic.

Many times, good and caring people give away bits of their power to other people who may be struggling or may need some assistance. We give that power gladly, willingly, and most often, without any awareness of how that gift, while helping the others, can take a toll on us and make it more difficult to make our own way in the world.

Other times, people and situations don’t give us the opportunity to offer assistance; they pick our pockets and help themselves to bits of our power.

In both cases, the net effect is the same.

Those gifted or stolen pieces of us have created gaps in us that not only have us operating at diminished capacity, but also allow our power to leak out of the openings, further exacerbating the situation.

Regardless of how the holes were created, it is totally within your power to call every aspect of yourself back to you! It does not matter if those aspects were given or taken. Calling them back will start their return.

When I encounter this, the goal is to create an image in my mind where the missing pieces are called back and are seen floating through the air toward ‘home.’ For me, they look like little jigsaw puzzle pieces, and each one floats in, lands, and gets locked in the exact place it needs to be.

With each piece returning, there can be a slight boost of power, and not only is the power returning but the hole is filled, which decreases what has been leaking out.

When the last piece clicks into place, I ask my body what color it needs to seal all the pieces into place.

Then I visualize that color rising out of the ground, swirling around the body, rising up. As it does so, it is sealing and healing as it rises. The color climbs up the body and ultimately blasts out of the crown area like a searchlight.

I use this in my own life, but also when the situation comes to my attention in an Akashic Record Reading, for another person, or as a contributing factor for a situation that a Lifestyle Engineer/Hypnosis client wants to overcome.

From my own personal use of the process, I can tell you that it has been energy changing, energy shifting, balancing and restoring.

Readers are encouraged to try the solution outlined and, if you’re willing, to report back if you’ve found the relief you were seeking.

2023 featured blogger (3)Author: Eric Webster  http://bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/eric-webster

May 5, 2023Comments Off, , , , , , , , , , , , , , akasha | Akashic Records | Balance | bap blog | Blog | empowerment | energy | Eric Webster | hypnosis | power | restore | self-care
Straight Talk About Psychic Readings

Curious about the best way forward in booking a psychic reading?

People seek psychic readings for lots of reasons, and with lots of different agendas. Here are some tips for using your time and money wisely – and respecting the guidance and expertise of the professional you’re consulting.

Your goal and question(s) are key. Carl Jung warned that fuzzy questions receive fuzzy answers. Think about what you’re wanting to get out of the reading and consciously frame your goals and questions.

What questions should you ask during a psychic reading?

Do you want to understand a situation? Are you looking for psychic confirmation of a hunch you have? Are you facing a decision? Are you wanting an idea of what’s ahead and the best use of your focus? Is what you really want reassurance – that you’re okay, that a situation is
alright, that you on your path? (Hint: You’re always on your path.)

Regardless of your interest – health, career, money, love, what’s coming up for you – here are some questions worth considering:

What would be useful for me to know?
What’s my most beneficial course of action?
What am I not seeing in this situation?

Rarely are situations set in stone. Other people in situations can change their minds or directions, and sometimes it’s simply not in your best interests to know exactly what is coming. Ask what is likely to happen, rather than what is going to happen. And then, if you don’t like the answer, ask what you can do to work around it, or to make the best of it.

What should you avoid during a psychic reading?

Don’t ask a question if you’re not willing to hear the answer. This comes up a lot in relationship psychic readings. Do you really want to know if your ex is coming back? (That’s probably the most frequent question readers hear.) Do you really want to know if your boyfriend is seeing someone else? What will you do with the information? Bonus question: Why would you want to be with someone who rejected you?

Other danger zones:

  • If you’re attached to a particular outcome, and/or you’re prone to hyperfocus on expectations. This is particularly problematic in relationship readings. If a reader picks up a probability of hooking up with a particular person, you aren’t helping the connection by tapping your finger impatiently and psychically telling the person to hurry up. You will only frustrate yourself, and you could delay or damage the prospect.
  • Attaching to time frames. Timing is one of the trickiest aspects of readings, and you can cause yourself terrific frustration by expecting hard deadlines. Instead of asking for, or holding tightly to, a specific timeline, ask instead for the order of events (i.e., X will happen, and then Y, and then Z).
  • Treating a psychic reading as entertainment. (It happens.) Sometimes people think it would be fun to get their fortune told. An ethical professional provides guidance and insight that’s more valuable than that.
  • Asking about other people. If you are not directly involved in a situation and are just curious about someone else, is it really your business? What will you do with the information?
  • Asking about whether or when someone is going to die. Many readers will not touch the question. One way of looking at this is that it is between that person and God. Another way: how would knowing this change your behavior? Are there specific actions you would take? Things you would say to the person? Amends you would make? The fact that you considered asking about death is an invitation to act as if and change your behavior now.

If the reason behind wanting to know is that you are a caretaker facing burnout, reframe questions from your perspective: How can                    you safeguard your energies or find others to share your burden? Or follow the earlier suggestion about timing: what sequence of                        events should I watch for?

  • Talking more than listening. Your choice if you want to pay someone to hear you out, but you may be missing the chance for helpful insight. This sign, and the next one, could be prompts for therapy.
  • Arguing with the reader or the information. That response might indicate this reader is not a good fit. The response could also, however, be a sign that something more is going on with you. If you find yourself justifying your position or telling the reader why
    the message couldn’t possibly happen, pay attention, and look inside.

Above all, maintain responsibility for your choices and your life; do not hand them over to the reader. Engage discretion, take the information, and use it to move ahead.

Not all mentioned here applies to medium sessions; use your judgement.

Author: Kathy Biehl  http://bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/kathy-biehl

Psychic - Mediumship

April 26, 2023Comments Off, , , , , , , , , , , , , BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | best psychic readings | Blog | clairvoyant | Kathy Biehl | psychic reading tips | psychic readings | tips for psychic readings
13 Tactics For Overcoming Overwhelm

Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed?

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the demands of daily life. Whether it’s work, family, or personal obligations, the feeling of being stretched too thin can be overwhelming. However, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone in feeling this way. Countless individuals from all walks of life experience overwhelm at some point in time. The good news is that there are tactics that can help you overcome this feeling and regain a sense of control. In this article, we’ll explore 13 tactics for overcoming overwhelm, so you can start feeling more confident and in control of your life.

1. Admit to yourself you can’t do everything.

Some problems are bigger than any one individual can fix. Some problems belong to other people. We may care about them and can help if asked, but it’s not our place to shoulder their burdens. (Take comfort in Star Trek’s prime directive of not interfering in a culture’s right to
self-determination.) What you can do is take care of yourself, and put yourself in the best possible condition to create a fulfilling life and to contribute to the world. (Consider the possibility that doing the first amounts to the second.)

2. Make your well-being a priority. Optimally, the priority.

Give yourself permission to take care of yourself. The air mask metaphor is overworked, but still appropriate: Put your mask on before you help others with theirs. If you’re gasping for breath, you won’t have energy to spare for others.Several tactics grow out of this one:

* Say “no” to requests you don’t want to accept.

This step is tough for people-pleasers. The lockdown has moved a lot of people off this.

* Let texts and email sit; respond when – or if – you feel calm and ready.

* Take breaks from people and situations that endanger your well-being. That includes – and even starts with – breaks from the news and social media. Some platforms spread outrage and despair and hopelessness like viruses. Steer clear. If you find yourself falling prey, leave.

3. Pick your battles.

Don’t take the bait when invited into a fight. People are so polarized right now that you have little chance of winning someone over to your side, no matter how many facts you trot in front of them. Don’t waste your energy arguing with people online. If you encounter anger or some other form of negativity and you respond to it, you are giving it air and validation. If you respond with anger or the like, you are fueling and increasing it. No one wins except energy vampires who feel on discord. Instead, neutralize. Don’t engage. Even better:

4. Send compassion and forgiveness to people who set you off.

See the fear and damage behind the words and behavior that’s bothering you. The adage “hurt people hurt people” may help. Send something soothing and calming instead of what they’re dishing out. You will be disrupting the cycle of negativity. Also, if you can pray for people you dislike, you can pray for anyone.

5. Monitor your energy.

Notice when it lags, when it rises, and when it feels off.

6. Take your energy back.

Visualize a horseshoe magnet, point it at a person, place, or situation, and feel the magnet pulling your energy back.

7. Use water to clear your energy field.

If you take showers, as the spray hits your head, tell it to wash away anything you’d like to release: emotions, sensations, anxiety, cares, thoughts, interactions with specific people, anything. A tub is not suited to this because you will soak in whatever you’re releasing.
If you have access to open water, such as a lake or an ocean, lie on a float and imagine anything you’d like to release gently seeping out of your cells into the water.

8. Leave open spaces in your schedule.

9. Indulge in fluff.

Sometimes escape is exactly what your spirit needs. Hallmark Channel movies do the trick for some people. For others, it’s old sitcoms, or trivia games, or animal videos. Don’t judge yourself. Treat yourself.

10. Indulge in nature.

Going to a natural setting can be restorative without your logical brain getting in the way. Simply looking at plants or water can soothe your mood. When the temperature permits, take off your shoes and put bare feet in the grass, dirt, or sand. Hug a tree. Run a hand across
growing herbs or flowers. Can’t go outdoors? Run a nature video on your computer or device or TV while you’re engaged in some other activity. Scads of videos are available of swimming fish. Some aquariums run webcams of floating jellyfish, or frolicking otters or sea lions. The Monterey Bay Aquarium is an especially good source for this and sometimes broadcasts waves gently crashing in the Pacific outside its walls.

11. Enjoy your food.

Pay attention to it. Eat it without distractions. Allow yourself dessert now and again.

12. Look for like-hearted people.

Gravitate to people and groups that share your core values. There’s strength in numbers and also comfort in knowing you’re not alone.

13. Tend to your own garden.

Focus on your little nook in the vastness of life, and keep it as tidy as you can.


In conclusion, feeling overwhelmed is a common experience, and it’s important to remember that it’s okay to take a step back and prioritize your mental health. By implementing these 13 tactics, you can start to take control of your life and regain a sense of balance. Remember to be patient with yourself and to take things one step at a time. You’ve got this!

Author: Kathy Biehl https://bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/kathy-biehl

Psychic - Mediumship

April 19, 2023Comments Off, , , , , , , , , , , , anxiety | BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | Blog | Kathy Biehl | overwhelm | overwhelmed | self-care | stress | wellness
Hacks for Online Astrology

Anyone remember looking up your sun sign in a magazine or newspaper astrology column? Those days are long gone. Now astrological information is all over social media and the web, and it tells you so much more. You can have a lot of fun with it. You can get insight into
yourself and your pals. You can pick up helpful navigational tips for riding the energies. And you can also come across misguided, garbled, or outright wrong statements masquerading as guidance.

Here are some hacks for choosing astro-sources and using them wisely.

Baseline: Pay attention to what resonates and what does not. Do you feel empowered? Optimistic? Forewarned? Fairly confident that you can handle what’s coming? Worth checking out. Do you feel manipulated? Or alarmed? Do you find yourself arguing with the information?
Probably not a good match. And if you follow someone for a while and the information never seems to pan out, that’s not worth your time.

Look for astrologers whose style you like. (Chill? Practical? Heavy on technical jargon? Educational?) Many, many professional astrologers offer free forecasts and talks on social media, YouTube, and their own websites. Try a few, and switch it up now and again. Follow a few general forecasts. These come in several lengths: daily, weekly, new moon and full moon, monthly, and yearly. These give you a general framework. Consulting the current astrology is like checking the weather report. A general forecast gives the mood and energies that are affecting everyone, no matter when they were born. Just as knowing the probability of snow tells you to bundle up, a general forecast prepares you for what lies ahead so that you can take appropriate action. A good forecast points out times of flow, emotional storminess, low-energy stretches that encourage couch potatoes and comfort, and flurries of misunderstandings, delays, and confusion.

Look for sun sign forecasts, too, if you like them. These are generally monthly in scope, though other time frames do exist (for example, what Saturn in Pisces means for each sign). Online fashion and lifestyle publications host some, and they’re also available from a number of astrologers.

For fun, shorts and memes can be entertaining, and often there’s something instructive in the stereotypes. Instagram and TikTok abound with people acting out the signs in various scenarios (“water signs on a date”) or barking a list of traits. Sun sign memes are all over social media too, depicting the signs as everything from dogs to food to Ghibli Studio characters. Mood boards illustrate an astrological season or aspect with a collection of memes and video clips. Approach them as snack food, though, and not something on which to base actions or decisions.

Watch for poseurs. Appearances may be deceiving; looking cosmic does not necessarily equate to competence or wisdom. Neither does having a gazillion followers. Compare the content quality to other astrologers with a longer track record or associations with professional schools or organizations. And always check in with your own reaction. Again: do you feel empowered? Optimistic? Prepared? Or worried? Depressed? Dreading?

Consume enough and you may well want to learn more – how to read a chart, for example, or what eclipses might be bringing, or political astrology. Primers and videos are all over the web, and use discretion as always. Pay attention to the source. If it’s an astrologer whose
work you’ve been following and respecting, check it out. If you come across something from someone unknown to you, notice your first impressions. What’s the look and feel? What’s your reaction to the the person’s voice (written or spoken)? Do you feel comfortable?
Energized? Excited? Lulled to sleep? Repelled? The answers are clues.

The sky’s the limit!


Author: Kathy Biehl  https://bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/kathy-biehl

Psychic - Mediumship

April 12, 2023Comments Off, , , , , , , , , , , , Astrology | astrology forecasts | BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | Blog | Kathy Biehl | online astrology
Making Friends with Your Intuition

Intuition is not just for professionals. It’s something everyone has—even you. And the more you get to know yours, the stronger it will be.

Oh, but you’re not intuitive, you say? Maybe you don’t think of yourself that way, but your intuition has been working for you all your life. It’s been in every hunch you followed. It’s there when you text a friend who answers saying she was just thinking about you. It’s the funny sensation that inspires changing your route or departure time or plans. It’s behind any strong reaction you have when you meet someone (especially if you immediately think of a person you had a bad experience with).

There are many ways intuition may communicate with you. They are not mutually exclusive, and you might be stronger at some types than others. You might hear. You might see images or visions. You may get feelings. You might simply know.

The form doesn’t matter; what’s important is an open and trustworthy line of communication between your mind and your intuition. You can shore up this line and build trust. The more you act on your intuition, the stronger the link will be.

An easy way to pump up your link is to follow through on even the simplest messages. Try this for a few days: When a simple idea comes to you out of the blue, act on it. Does a particular coffee shop cross your mind? Go to it. Don’t try to force anything; don’t expect a magical event in flashing neon lights. Just go, and be open. You may never know why dropping in was important. That’s not the point; showing your intuition you’re listening is.

Or you’re driving down a street and wonder about turning right when you’d normally continue ahead? If you’ve got the time, turn right. Change your route. Once when a friend of mine did this, she ended up at a store filled with buckets and buckets of her deceased mother’s favorite flower – her way of saying hi.

Another easy way to build your link is by actively monitoring your energy and listening to it. The second part is essential. Suppose you get a weird or anxious feeling in your core. In that case, that’s a warning signal to tread lightly or, better, turn back, even if what you’re walking toward makes sense logically. The most recent time I ignored this, I was trying to clean up my end of a misunderstanding. Unfortunately, I walked into a minefield from which the relationship never recovered.

Your energy can tell you how to proceed. Excitement or enthusiasm means “This way, please!” A sick or weird feeling, dread, or anxiety means “No!” (See my earlier example.) If you’re neutral, that could mean “not worth it” or maybe just “not now.”

Paying attention to your energy will also help you learn to distinguish your thoughts from your intuition. If something is running through your head again and again and again, check how it feels. How it makes you feel? Are you anxious? Worried? Tense? Obsessed? That’s probably not your intuition.

Do you feel calm? Do you have a strong sense of knowing independent of logic or empirical evidence? There you go; that’s your intuition. Here are some other ways it may show up. Does a notion fall into your head that has nothing to do with what you’d been thinking? Sure smacks of intuition. Does an idea or impulse wash over you? Bubble up from deep in your body? (I once heard “This isn’t going to work” rise up from my core and knew instantly my new live-in relationship was hopeless. Which it was.) Again, not your thinking; your intuition.

Don’t assume intuition is always quiet, though. Sometimes it comes with a fierceness that makes sure you pay attention. Does it call out your name? Listen to that, tout suite. Do you have an urgent impulse? Definitely not your mind, but your intuition. Hop to it!

All these approaches, little or big, respect your intuition and encourage it to grow. Think of them like watering a plant. Have fun with the process. You’re building a tool for life that may end up amazing and amusing you.

Author: Kathy Biehl  https://bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/kathy-biehl


April 4, 2023Comments Off, , , , , , , , , , , BAP | bap blog | bestamericanpsychics | blog post | Intuition | Kathy Biehl | Psychic
Overcome Fear & Build Intuitive Resilience

Overcome Fear

Build Intuitive Resilience by Checking your Fear-o-Meter

This third-dimensional reality is how most humans know of life as it is, without question. This dimension is predominantly driven by fear in a systematic global society which can make us very vulnerable. Many people accept it as it is and endure it. Many also don’t accept it and try to fight it.

The way to control people’s minds is first through fear, which promotes self-doubt and vulnerability. Then to offer them a solution in a loving manner, making them feel special and important. When you buy into this often-subtle manipulation, you are lost well in the illusion-driven third dimension. And once lost in this, your mind can take you places so far away from your soul that it is very concerning. 

In recent years with the changeable environment we have endured, people’s fear-o-meters were through the roof. With nowhere to turn, we literally saw people fighting over toilet paper while shopping and buying guns during the pandemic. I remember watching this with interest. Have these people got no concept of Spirituality? Why are they so very fearful? Toilet paper? Is this the way through? Guns won’t kill off a virus, threaten or hurt as many people as you think (all in the name of fear, fear of what? Not having enough supplies? Or just fear itself?) Neither toilet paper nor a gun will stop you from catching a virus. In the aftermath of the pandemic, we have watched many areas of society go into a vast nosedive, with significant increases in crime, add to that the more prevalent natural disasters and environmental challenges, the volatile housing market, and the rising cost of living . . . and more . . . all this is third dimension driven.

So why the considerable fear reaction? The pandemic was something not expected by most and denied by many. Health authorities wanted strategies in place so we would be prepared; sadly, this did not happen. So, we were left in a global scramble and mess to sort it all out. (We were living in a safe illusion, a bubble of misconception). And just like a house of cards, it only took one aspect to fail, and it all fell to pieces. Life has not challenged us to build an intuitive resilience.  

My own experience has made me feel that we, as humans, must absolutely become more in tune with our intuition, and therefore live more according to the internal guidance that this provides. So we can survive and thrive and evolve in a positive direction. We should build a solid resilience to fear by looking at it as fear itself, regardless of the circumstances. 

To stay balanced and on track intuitively, we must check what I term our fear-o-meter. The way to do this is through self-awareness. Seeing the self and becoming in tune with our emotions. To many, owning and admitting that you are scared and afraid is seen as rendering us powerless. However, it is not. On the contrary, it is very powerful because once we admit and surrender to the fact that we are fearful, we then open intuitively to the higher flow. I like to acknowledge the fear, then I visualize a fear-o-meter (mine looks very much like those signs you see near forests and in the country that rate the fire danger), but yours can be whatever works for you. The more intense the fear, the more likely you are to become irrational. Your thoughts may take off in a direction seeking power and control. Then you have completely lost touch intuitively. So if you rate your fear, this will indicate how out of balance you are.

Our fears are often linked to our conditioning and beliefs, previous life events, past lives, and worries about what may happen, so I also like to do a past, present, and potential future fear rating. That way, you have a good sense of navigation. The past and the potential future sits away from us energetically (it’s not in our energy field until it becomes reality in our present), so once those fears are acknowledged, they often just transcend into a neutral state. The present is where most of the fear exists.

Now I need to emphasize that we also must employ common sense. This should not be difficult because, in my view, common sense and intuition partner up together very well. Common sense keeps us grounded, and if we find ourselves being pulled in a direction that does not sit well with our intuition and common sense together, then we are heading off track. Nothing should pull you anywhere. You should feel relaxed and clear, not stressed, anxious, or even on a high. 

I was lucky. I was not fearful in the pandemic. The only time I felt my intuitive vibration lowering was when a relative of mine on Facebook posted about how afraid he was, and this is terrible, and if you say you are not afraid, you are lying, and so on and so forth. I began to doubt myself, then quickly recognized it was only his fear being projected onto me, and therefore was an illusion. So, I came back to center and intuition.

Self-awareness is, in my opinion, one of the most powerful tools in the universe. Of course, surrendering from fear to the higher flow takes time and practice, but as you build up your resilience, it will become easier and, in time, second nature.

Author: Debra Sinclair

Debra Sinclair March Blogger

March 25, 2023No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | Blog | debra sinclair | Fear | fear-o-meter | Intuition | shay parker
The Energy of Cognitive Dissonance and the Link to Spirit

Cognitive dissonance is the occurrence of actions that do not marry up to the thoughts of the individual. The old “do as I say don’t do as I do” type of behavior, however the behavior is unconscious, because even though aware of it, the person cannot seem to stop themselves from this behavior. You can find this energy everywhere, it is found in generational beliefs, in different cultures, in our sexuality, our gender roles; it is pretty much everywhere in the human experience.  It is from learned or forced beliefs bestowed upon us about ourselves, how we should behave, and the world and people in it. It is heightened in those who have an illusionary view of themselves, and those who are not grounded.  (The majority of people are not grounded).

An illusionary self-view also contributes to this, and this may come from low self-esteem or delusions of grandeur, or a need to win, those are just a few examples. It is found where we play out our psychological control dramas, that of which we have learned to survive. When we become aware of what we are doing but cannot seem to stop it, then we are in cognitive dissonance.

Humans are naturally intuitive beings, and through generations of being taught what to believe, how to behave, being caught in family trauma and dynamics, we lose a large part of our intuition and find ourselves locked in the condition of cognitive and spiritual dissonance.

Once we lose ourselves to this, we find ourselves repeating patterns over and over and over, until such time that we wake up and break this cycle. When we wake up, we see what we are doing, our thoughts and actions, and there is a surge of lighter energy as this breakthrough is made and we are self-aware. Many people call this a light bulb moment, other people may experience a breakthrough, and others who have endured a particularly difficult path may even have a nervous breakdown.

In this moment of break through our consciousness is suspended in time and space (in the world of Spirit), as our minds process this new realization, and therefore find new ways of doing things. It is from here that we choose to create out new reality. This is not always easy, because in this physical reality, although we see things from a new Spiritual perspective, and we open more, which means our natural psychic abilities and empathetic abilities are heightened. The creation of our new reality can be limited, due to the everyday structure of the societies that our humanness has created. So even though we see what is real or not, we can be left to endure the old ways out of necessity to survive. This moment can also bring to consciousness a whole myriad of feelings, intuitions, good and bad, it can be confusing because it is condensing everything that has happened to a person into one energetic porthole, which is much like experiencing a lifetime in a moment.

For example, we may see through someone’s manipulative behavior, where others have not yet woken up to it, and may have to continue to tolerate this behavior and navigate our way around it until such time that it is safe to make the actual change that lines up with our new level of consciousness. We may also feel very different like we do not belong, yet we do not know why. Or we may have suffered abuse so painful that our mind has sheltered us form those memory by blocking it and suddenly it pops up.

Sometimes when we have a breakthrough, the answers do not always present themselves immediately and we may find ourselves falling back into dissonance and repeating the same pattern again. Sometimes the newfound awareness is scary, because in many ways it can be like letting a bird out of a cage that has only ever known life inside that cage. It can be overwhelming.

When we understand that these light bulb moments or breakthroughs and change of perspectives, are taking us through to the world of Spirit and Higher Consciousness then we can slow down and ask Spirit for guidance. We can understand that we are not losing our minds, we are actually finding our true Spiritual mind, and we can be comfortable in seeking help. It is wise to question everything as you go forth on this process.

This is where the support of top-level tested and approved psychics, such as those on BAP (Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics), healers and readers the unconscious as well as therapists are needed. In these troubled times, we can literally observe the patterns of others, however it is more important that we learn to observe our own patterns. Once we see what we are doing, we can ask Spirit to help us to grow and change.

To summarize, the world is Spirit is that place between Spiritual cognitive dissonance, and a new potential reality. This is like that place we go to as we are falling asleep, the place between our learned consciousness, and our dream state, as we travel over to the world of Spirt in our sleep. It is pure Spirit.

As a healer and transcendent psychic reader,  meaning that I read both the learned consciousness and the unconscious (the hidden thoughts, beliefs and patterns that bind us), I have helped many with these breakthroughs, as we link energies to connect with Spirit for guidance along the journey of our life path.

Author: Debra Sinclair


March 2, 2023No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | cognitive dissonance | debra sinclair | energy | Psychic | Spirit