
Just Over the Rainbow Bridge

Losing a beloved pet is surely one of the most painful moments we experience. It seems unfair that although our earthly bonds are strong, our furry friends don’t have the same lifespan we do. Their souls, however, are just beginning a new spiritual journey in the afterlife.

Our pets have spirit guardians and angels just like us. When their earthly life ends, their afterlife begins, and these wise and loving guides are there to escort them. As humans, we look forward to seeing our loved ones again when we pass on. So too our pets meet their best friends, both human and animal, once again. If they were limited by sickness or injury in life, their bodies are once again whole and healthy in heaven. A popular image in many animal rescue groups is “crossing the Rainbow Bridge” when animals cross over. This means they are free of any pain or suffering they experienced on Earth and are now able to experience divine love and comfort.

Many of our four-legged friends have important missions in spirit form. They may return to guide and comfort us through our own grief and sense of loss. If you lose a beloved orange cat, for instance, you may start seeing imagery of orange cats (on TV or a YouTube video, a picture in a magazine) or having vivid dreams of your cat. This is how animals’ spirits communicate with us. Because animals don’t use words to talk to us, listen for the sights, sounds, and smells associated with them to hear what they are telling us. They may also protect us from dangerous situations, like a gas leak in the house or a potential car accident. Some people report seeing glimpses of their pet after he or she has crossed over. They are looking after us right along with our angels.

It’s perfectly natural to grieve the loss of a pet. However, it is reassuring to know their soul will live forever in a place of peace and happiness. Their spirit will never leave our side and they are able to help us, and others who loved them, through life. You may wish to keep a favorite toy or another item for your pet as a touchstone of their life. They are never more than a gentle word away!

One of the most important things we can do to honor a pet who has crossed over is simply remembering the wonderful memories they gave us. Though they are all unique and can never be replaced, consider opening your heart to another pet in need when you feel the time is right. Maybe that orange cat (or big fluffy dog, or ferret…) will show up in spirit at your local animal shelter or rescue, in the form of someone else who needs you.

Pets never leave us even after their earthly life ends. Next time you think you hear a soft “woof” or the sound of a cat purring, smile and know that a four-legged angel has its paws wrapped around you with love and comfort.

Author: Mystic Shelley, https://bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/mystic-shelley

December 17, 2021No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , afterlife | bap blog | best american psychics | loss of pets | mystic shelley | pets | rainbow bridge
When Holidays Aren’t So Happy

None of us are ever fully prepared for losing a loved one, but the pain can be especially intense when the loss occurs during the holiday season. How is it possible to cope with grief when we’re culturally expected to celebrate and be happy during these times?

It’s crucial to take care of yourself in the ways you need. If you feel the need to scale back on holiday gatherings or skip the office party, there is no shame or guilt. Don’t be afraid to delegate tasks to others or skip them for a year if you don’t feel up to it. Finding someone objective (ideally, outside your family or circle of friends, such as a qualified grief counselor or member of clergy) to talk to may help through the journey of grief. They may show you useful skills like meditation or personal affirmations which you can use beyond the stressful holiday season. 

Because the holidays are a time to gather with family and friends, the person’s absence may be felt more strongly. Many people choose to create traditions to honor their memory: singing a favorite song, making their signature recipe, or reminiscing on happy times while looking through photos or videos. On the flip side, if there were traditions you shared with your loved one which now feel too painful, nothing says you must continue those traditions. If you wish to “pass it on” to others in need, consider a memorial donation to a charity both of you supported, or a day of service at a local soup kitchen, animal shelter, or anywhere else which holds meaning. 

Grief can be unpredictable and appear when we least expect it. In the holiday season, when many of us are already under added stress, this compounds the issue. Consider coming up with an “exit strategy” to gracefully bow out or just step out for a break. If you have a supportive friend or family member willing to listen during these rough times, keep their number handy for a quick text or call. A pet can also be a sympathetic listener; cats and dogs are natural grief counselors. 

Most importantly, it’s best not to burden yourself with “shoulds.” There is not one way you should feel, there isn’t a set number of events or gatherings you should attend, and there isn’t a designated period when grief takes place. Grieving is a lifelong process. If you lose a loved one during the holidays, you will likely associate the season with that loss forever. Allow yourself to feel everything. As much as you can, continue to consume nourishing food and drink, stay active, and (in winter climates) plenty of vitamin D/sunlight. No two people are alike and their grief processes can’t be either.

It’s all right if you’re not feeling so jolly in the wake of a loss. Finding the right balance between self-care and meaningful acts to give back can help alleviate the absence of your loved one and share a little bit of hope with others who need it…chances are some of them are grieving too, and you may be the one they need most right now.

Author: Mystic Shelley https://bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/mystic-shelley


December 16, 2021No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , , death | family | Grief | Holidays | pain | unhappy holidays
Across the Years: Spirit Bonds with Ancestors

Rituals to honor our ancestors are practiced in cultures around the world. Each of us comes from something, or someone, else, and it’s a natural human trait to want to know our history and pay tribute to those who came before us. Although special days in different cultures (such as Dia de los Muertos, Samhain, or the Obon Festival) are observed to specifically commune with our ancestors, it’s important to make these rituals a daily part of our lives. 

Probably the most important connection we have to our ancestors is that of guardianship. Our loved ones (and even pets) who have passed on look after us even after they are gone. In fact, some of your guardians may be people you have never met in the physical world! They have a lifetime of wisdom to share with us along with the lessons they have learned in the afterlife. Communicating with them can take many forms: prayer, meditation, free journaling or drawing…the possibilities are endless. If you receive “synchronicity” in your own life, such as your favorite song playing at just the right time, or the smell of your loved one’s perfume, these are examples of the ways they send messages to us.

A good way to keep a loved one’s memory strong while honoring their life is to keep a tribute altar (in Spanish, an ofrenda). This can include pictures of the person, personal effects, or offerings of their favorite foods, along with candles or incense. Meaningful days (Days of the Dead, anniversaries of birth/death) are excellent times to honor relatives, though any day is suitable. You may also choose to visit the person’s gravesite or other place of rest. If you are honoring someone you don’t remember well or never met, ask them to speak to you in their own words. Including older family members in these ceremonies is a perfect generation-bridging activity and may help spark happy memories of the loved one who has passed.

Many people today also choose to research their family’s history through genealogy or ancestry research. Keep in mind if you do this that not every ancestor discovered may have had a happy ending or a pleasant life. We, the living, can also honor these ancestors by helping them find peace in the afterlife. Try writing a letter or postcard, dedicating a special crystal, or making a piece of art to honor their memory. The more we get to know them, the greater insight we will have into ourselves and the story of our families. 

Of course, the greatest honor we can give our ancestors is keeping their memories alive. Keeping family traditions alive-your grandmother’s soup recipe, your uncle’s football game day rituals-connects the generations. If you don’t know where to start, look through a family album or home movies. Better yet, sit down with a senior member of your family and talk about ancestors. As a Latino proverb goes, unless we know where we come from, we cannot know who we are. Each of us has many ancestors who watch over us and are waiting to share their accumulated wisdom.

Author: Mystic Shelley https://bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/mystic-shelley

December 6, 2021No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , ancestors | Blog | blog post | mediumship; spirituality; gateway portal; psychic rebel; angels; spirit; spirit messages | mystic shelley | psychic abilities | psychic readings | spirit bonds
Gratitude – Powerful Tool for Transformation

In my final blog post for the month, I’d like to talk about one of the most profound and powerful manifestation tools available to us. As we begin the process of expansion of consciousness, we begin to notice all the little synchronicities that spirit brings to us. The fact that we are currently experiencing the American holiday of Thanksgiving, which centers around gratitude, is no coincidence.

Emotions are powerful amplifiers of our personal manifestation energy. Therefore, when we spend time being in a state of fear or anger, or any low-vibration emotion, those emotions go out to the Universe to amplify and increase manifesting exactly the opposite of what we want.

Using the other tools in my previous blog posts will help us stay on track so that we don’t get into these lower vibrational places very often. However, the tool of staying grateful, can be very challenging when we are faced with unexpected and/or significant obstacles in our lives. If we can embody a state of gratitude under any circumstances, even challenging ones, this will raise our vibration to a state of literally unconditional love and acceptance. The vibration of unconditional Love is the highest vibration that a human can embody. Mastering a true state of unconditional Love takes focused intention and practice, especially when circumstances are challenging.

However, once this ability has been mastered, over even a short period of time, your high vibration energy will travel out into the universe to bring you more of what you are grateful for. In my practice I have seen clients literally transform their lives in no time at all just by focusing on and being grateful for the blessings in their lives.

Some may say that the situation that they’re having to deal with or endure makes it impossible to be in a state of gratitude. Based on my previous blog post, just making that statement to the Universe will continue to keep you in the state of lack.

In response to that, I developed a simple but miraculous exercise that I teach clients in order to embody a state of gratitude in our daily lives:

Daily Exercise: For 5 minutes before you go to sleep, and also for 5 minutes after you wake up, spend that time giving thanks and expressing deep gratitude for your blessings. If things have become so challenging, that you feel there is nothing in life that you are grateful for, although unlikely, that may be your perception at the time. Therefore, instead of performing this exercise being grateful for blessings you have, spend the time being grateful for things you would like to manifest as if they have already come to fruition. Being grateful for them will supercharge these positive transformations into existence.

Another aspect of overcoming difficult times is having faith in a benevolent Universe, aka Spirit, aka God/Goddess, aka All that Is. When we’re faced with challenging times in our lives, it’s the Universe’s way of showing us that our life is out of balance. This absolute faith takes the burden off our shoulders and fills us with the Knowing that everything will work out for the best. That is when our lives can truly turn around for the better. It is impossible to be simultaneously in a state of fear or anxiety and also, at the same time, have Faith.

With this understanding, my wish is that over Thanksgiving weekend we can be grateful in the knowing that our futures are bright and full of blessings, have unconditional love in our hearts, and rise above any of the challenges that we are all facing.

Happy Thanksgiving!

In gratitude, Goddess Gillian

Author: Goddess Gillian, https://bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/goddess-gillian-la-psychic

November 25, 2021No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , , #Gratitude | BAP | bap blog | best american psychics | Goddess Gillian | gratitude practice | Transformation | Transforming
Mantra – A Powerful Tool for Transformation

In my last blog post, I spoke about tools that we can use to help stay on a high vibration path of manifesting what we want in our lives. I am passionate about helping my clients during readings and so over the course of several decades, I have taught clients about tools like this that will literally transform your life. Interestingly enough, like the cobbler with no shoes, I went for years without taking my own advice.

While we try to stay on the path of gratitude and manifestation, we can be incredibly and deeply tested by the universe. Times of struggle are when we need to use these tools the most. They are very effective when used in our daily life and that is important to remember, but when we fall off our proverbial horse, these tools can help us get back on track.

We all recently experienced the incredibly potent and powerful full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus several days ago. This particular lunar event may have caused significant endings and or bumps in the road. Certainly, things that we thought were secure may have fallen apart. There was a significant amount of Pluto influence in this transit and the planet Pluto is about transformation. Transformation, especially when unexpected can be very challenging. Primarily, it is the fear of the unknown that keeps us from freely and gracefully moving through transitions without drama.

Over the last few days, I have personally experienced several deeply emotional and unexpected events. And it was no wonder that I’m writing articles about how important it is to use these tools, especially during times of stress. There was another point in my life when I was going through a transition and experiencing overwhelming fear of the unknown. The energy manifested into a pretty chronic constant anxiety, and absolute lack in my life. It was at that point that I realized that I had to take control of my thoughts. Because I am an Aquarius, I tend to run things through over and over in my mind. If these thoughts are negative in nature, it can literally manifest the most negative outcome, and that is what was happening.

That is when I began using one of the most important and powerful tools to gain control of my thoughts. I created and began using a Mantra!

The definition of a mantra is as follows: (originally in Hinduism and Buddhism) a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation.
“a mantra is given to a trainee meditator when his teacher initiates him”

I created a personal mantra that I would repeat over and over, even in silence whenever I found my thoughts racing through my mind in a flurry of anxiety producing, never ending circles.

My personal mantra is: I am Healthy, Wealthy, Wise, and Worthy.

By starting this practice, in a very short amount of time, I was able to catch myself before I even started with the endless worry. And after practicing for only a few weeks, I noticed that my anxiety had decreased immensely, and my situation had improved exponentially! It was literally miraculous!

Another excellent byproduct of this very positive habit is that you start to sense your vibration going down even before you start to worry. The moment you begin to feel it in your body, is the point when you start repeating your mantra over and over.

In conclusion, everyone experiences hardships in their lifetimes here. Using these tools, and especially a mantra, will immediately raise your vibration and transform your life for the better in limitless ways.

Happy Manifesting!

Author: ~Goddess Gillian, https://bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/goddess-gillian-la-psychic

November 24, 2021No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , BAP | bestamericanpsychics | change | Goddess Gillian | mantra | Transformation
Your Word is Your Wand

While my primary career and passion in life is being a “Psychic Medium”, I also explain to my clients that it is not my job to predict their future. I explain that we all have the gift of free will and must be accountable for everything going on in our lives. When I “see” a potential future, I explain that is what is most probable in THIS moment. I teach people that we all manifest in every moment and give them tools to change their lives for the better. Some people will listen and utilize these tools and will have expansions of consciousness and never go back to the “way things were”. And some will continue in their old patterns which will worsen over time, the more the situation becomes engrained and continues to be manifested.

One of my favorite and most powerful tools for literally transforming your life for the better is to clearly understand that “Your Word IS Your Wand”. Science says that everything is energy. All energy follows thought. If we think about something, it will literally bring that thought into existence in a non-physical realm. Science has proven in the laboratory that a scientist focusing on the outcome of an experiment can change the outcome of the experiment.

Therefore, what we think about constantly, but moreover what we SPEAK and even more so, what we WRITE, will literally go out into the Universe to manifest in our lives. When we speak negatively about anything, it will be energetically called into existence and will eventually manifest into physical form, depending on how much we reinforce it by continuing to discuss the topic. When we write something, the writing it down literally brings it into physical form. Emailing or sending written world out into the ethers even furthers this phenomenon. When we have emotion behind a topic of discussion, energetically that emotion acts as a powerful amplifier to help with manifesting the topic with more force and speed.

If we become conscious about what we speak or write about as we go throughout day, we will get a clear picture of what we are manifesting in every moment. Do we go around complaining about people, places, and situations? Are we constantly looking at the glass half empty? Even and especially if we are going through tough times, it is critically important to make a point to transform our thoughts and then our words both verbal and written into positive affirmations as opposed to complaints. This is especially true if those complaints involve anger or other negative emotions.

I had a long-time client who liked to spend most of his readings with me complaining about a situation. He did not use the time to get clarity in order to help solve the problem at hand. Finally, at the end of a reading, I told him that I had homework for him. He was to take 1 week and literally not complain about anything. If he found himself complaining or feeling aggravated about someone or something, he should do or say something positive instead. The important thing was to recognize the pattern as soon as it started and to immediately change it to positive. After a week he reached out to me to tell me that his life had changed so dramatically that literally everything had turned around for the better! He was ecstatic!

Some clients just want to know their future and not be interested in helping a positive future come to fruition. They stay in the same old patterns and then wonder why they aren’t attracting financial abundance or the right partner, or whatever the case may be. It is my opinion that the goal of a psychic medium is to help people see that they can literally create their very best life by making these types of positive changes. The idea is to teach them how to raise their vibration, and therefore the vibration of the planet. So, remember Your Word is Your Wand!

Author: Goddess Gillian, https://bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/goddess-gillian-la-psychic


November 23, 2021No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , Blog | blog post | Goddess Gillian | happiness and success | manifest | Positive Energy | Positive Vibes | wand | word
The Archangel Hall of Fame

Quick…can you name any of the Archangels? You may know one or two of them, but each of them has a name and a specific role to play as a spirit guardian. There are 12 major Archangels; the number 12 is often seen in spiritual matters: the signs of the Zodiac, months of the year…the list goes on. Although some of these Archangels may be referred to as “he” or “she,” it’s important to remember that they are beings of pure energy/light and don’t have to be exclusively male or female when you call upon them!

          Perhaps the two best-known Archangels are Michael and Gabriel, both of whom appear in Judeo-Christian and Islamic traditions. Michael, the warrior angel, is appropriately the protector of physical types like soldiers and firefighters. Gabriel, on the other hand, might be said to live by the saying “the pen is mightier.” He watches over the writers and philosopher types of the world. Almost equally well known is Raphael, the healer. If you are in a medical or healing/spiritual profession, get to know this Archangel better.

          If you’re a lover of nature, get to know Chamuel, the guardian of the natural world/environment, and Ariel, who watches over animals and pets. Call upon them when you want to develop a deeper connection to nature and its gifts. Maybe indoor pursuits are more your speed? Sandalphon is the Archangel of the creative arts, especially musicians. Jophel, also called Jophiel, can help you see inner beauty in yourself and others.

          When it’s time to really roll up your sleeves, call upon Haniel, guardian of grace and passion for life. She will help you restore joy in your daily practice. Metatron, on the other hand, is a more serious type; also called the Angel of Life, he will get you focused and back on track when life goes awry. Zadkiel, the fire Archangel, can light a flame of righteousness and clear away harmful energies whenever they appear.

          We all want love in our lives…Chamuel, the guardian of love, helps us build deeper spiritual relationships. Jophiel reminds us to always keep joy and light in our lives, and Raguel, whose symbol is Libra/the scales, keeps the balance between darkness and light, justice and mercy.

          Perhaps the most misunderstood Archangel is Azrael, also called the Angel of Death. His name literally means “whom God helps” and he is the one to call upon through difficult transitions in life. He’s also able to show us ways to get rid of negative energies…so that we may remember to live.

          The major 12 Archangels each have special purpose, and there are others as well. You may want to invest in an Angel card deck to really reflect on the meanings of each Archangel and meditate on the image and meaning of each card. These eternal, powerful beings are looking out for us each day on earth and they want what is best for us. Never be afraid to call on one or more of them by name so they can guide and comfort you. They are messengers and you’ll find they always have something meaningful to say.

Author: Mystic Shelley https://bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/mystic-shelley

September 22, 2021No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , Angels | archangel metatron | archangel Raphael | archangels | Blog | blog post | mystic shelley
Angels Calling: Spiritual Messages and You

When was the last time one of your angels spoke to you? You may not know this yet, but angels are continually sending messages to us. The secret to hearing them is knowing how, and where, to listen and observe. There’s no “secret frequency,” like a radio show between stations…instead, the secret lies in our ability to tune in spiritually.

          Angels, who are beings of Spirit, send messages to us in subtle ways. Have you ever heard your favorite song when you needed cheer? Maybe you’ve observed a string of meaningful numbers on the license plate in front of you? These are perfect examples of angelic communication at work. Most of us lead busy lives and we’re not inclined to pay attention to these small details. Once we start seeing patterns in the chaos, though, we may wonder how we never saw them before.

          There have been countless stories about people who have suddenly heard a “little voice” offering advice or followed a gut feeling. Some may call this simply human intuition. However, angels are also known to communicate in this way. The messages may not always make sense at the time, or they may simply be snippets of information. Let’s say the name “Caitlin” came to you. You may not know anyone by that name…only to discover later that it’s a person you’re meant to have in your life. Perhaps you meet a Caitlin at work or school and strike up an immediate friendship. Maybe Caitlin is a manager who wishes to hire you for your dream job. That’s the power of an angelic message!

          Likewise, images and dialogue from dreams can be angels speaking to you. Dreams are the borderland between the physical world and the spiritual realms. Not everything we experience in dreams makes sense to us when we wake up. In a dream world, angels often serve as go-betweens between deceased loved ones and the living. They may also show us glimpses of a future which has not yet taken shape or a past we’ve forgotten. If you are someone who dreams vividly, consider keeping a bedside diary to find patterns in your nighttime visions.

          Not all angelic communication is vague or undefined. Once you have learned to focus spiritually, the angels’ voices will become clearer. Another way by which they speak with us is channeling, a more direct form of communication. There are different tools we can use for these purposes. Some psychics use crystals, some may prefer Tarot or Oracle cards, and still others may be ink or tea leaf readers. The common theme among these practices is to allow the angel(s) to speak through us. We are the interpreters, not the messengers. The word “angel” itself comes from the ancient Greek word for “messenger,” which should tell you a lot!

          Angels make it their mission to give us hope, light, and guidance through life. You don’t have to have any special talent to hear their voices. If you’ve never stopped to truly listen, start doing that. You will start seeing and hearing your angels as they whisper their eternal wisdom to you, whether you are asleep or awake!

Author: Mystic Shelley https://bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/mystic-shelley

September 12, 2021No comments, , , , , , , , , , , angel communication | Angels | bestamericanpsychics | Blog | blog post | messages | Signs
What is the Difference Between a Psychic and a Medium?

The difference between a psychic and a medium is something that can be confusing to many people. This is a question I am asked by almost every person who sits down for a reading with me and the difference between the two is very important.  It’s important to know because mediumship is involved and requires a deeper level of connection. It can also be a more intense experience and you will want to be prepared for it emotionally.

One of the most important things to note about the difference between these two ways of connecting is that one cannot happen without the other. It is also important to note that who you are connecting with is different as well because the medium isn’t connecting to guides or creator – they are connecting with a very specific person on the other side of the veil.

The first thing to understand is that you can be a psychic without being a medium. However, you CANNOT be a medium without being a psychic.

A Psychic will have all of the basic skills that you need for a reading. They will be able to provide messages about what is going on in your life, potentially they will be able to provide insight into your future and most importantly they can provide divine guidance, direction and advice from God and Creator…or whatever or whomever you connect with as your higher power or higher level of creation. A Psychic has the gifts that will allow them to see, hear, feel and know what is important for you to grow and flourish in your life. How a Psychic connects to the information can vary. Some Psychics use oracle cards or Tarot cards and some Psychics will not need any tools and will have the ability to connect using only their intuition (This is how I read. I don’t need to use cards or tools…I only use them when my client asks for them.)

A Medium is a Psychic but they also have the ability to connect with your loved ones who have passed and exist on the other side of the veil, and they will use all of their psychic gifts to be able do this.  A good medium will be able to connect to your loved ones and provide you with enough evidence that will let you know that they have connected with your loved ones. Some of the evidence that they may be able to provide is names and dates, how your loved one passed, along with shared memories and experiences that you may have had together.

A mediumship reading can be a truly beautiful experience that can bring you peace, clarity and closure after the loss of a loved one.

Author: Jody Higgins, Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics https://bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/jody-higgins

September 1, 2021No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , afterlife | best american psychics | jody higgins | Medium | Mediumship | Psychic | psychic medium | psychic readings
Your Loved Ones Are Connecting With You

My Dad loved to do diy projects around our house and I remember puttering around with him fixing things. I learned how to do things like installing a new shower with a hand held hose, hanging and mudding seams in new drywall and painting walls “the right way”…instead of just slapping the paint on in the faster more efficient way that I preferred. My personal favorite project he worked on was a plastic whale he turned into a fountain. He was so creative, and it was so cute. The water for the fountain pushed up through where the whale’s blow hole would have been and was situated in the middle of a pond in my parents’ yard.

He has been gone now for 12 long years. And ever since he passed, I can’t seem to pick up a hammer or a power tool without feeling him step up next to me energetically. And just like when he was here physically, he wants to make sure that I “do it right”. I often hear him say “don’t jimmy rig that”, “don’t half ass it” or my favorite “damn it…go get an anchor. A nail ain’t gonna hold that.” All in my dad’s voice in my head. It’s comforting to know that he still expects me to half ass most of the diy projects that I work on in my own home (LOL) but I know it doesn’t come from a place of expecting me to mess something up. Instead, I know that he is beside me…gently nudging me to do things right the first time just like he did in life when he was still here in physical form. And it comes from a place of love. Letting me know that he is here watching over me even if it is just to tease me about doing a project right the first time.

And that is how it happens. Our loved ones on the other side will connect with us in the most mundane ways in physical life because that is how you experienced them in life.

The energetic connection to your loved one can be very subtle and is usually connected to something about them that you would recognize. Some obvious ones might be smelling their perfume or cologne or cigarette smoke. But others could be less obvious. Did your Grandmother love gardening and so do you? When you are gardening pay close attention…any thoughts or memories you experience may be brought up because she is near you. One person I know was making a favorite family recipe and wondered out loud what the secret ingredient was because her mother would never share this secret and hers just didn’t taste the same. Suddenly she started smelling lemons. So, she added a touch of lemon juice to the recipe and it made the flavor in her dish just right and It turned out exactly the way her mom made it.

So, pay attention and trust yourself. Most importantly, ask your loved one to come in close to you and connect with you. They are with you and want to let you know that they are around and still connected to you.


Author: Jody Higgins, bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/jody-higgins

August 6, 2021No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , afterlife | best online psychics | connecting | jody higgins | life after death | loved ones | Mediumship