Losing a beloved pet is surely one of the most painful moments we experience. It seems unfair that although our earthly bonds are strong, our furry friends don’t have the same lifespan we do. Their souls, however, are just beginning a new spiritual journey in the afterlife.
Our pets have spirit guardians and angels just like us. When their earthly life ends, their afterlife begins, and these wise and loving guides are there to escort them. As humans, we look forward to seeing our loved ones again when we pass on. So too our pets meet their best friends, both human and animal, once again. If they were limited by sickness or injury in life, their bodies are once again whole and healthy in heaven. A popular image in many animal rescue groups is “crossing the Rainbow Bridge” when animals cross over. This means they are free of any pain or suffering they experienced on Earth and are now able to experience divine love and comfort.
Many of our four-legged friends have important missions in spirit form. They may return to guide and comfort us through our own grief and sense of loss. If you lose a beloved orange cat, for instance, you may start seeing imagery of orange cats (on TV or a YouTube video, a picture in a magazine) or having vivid dreams of your cat. This is how animals’ spirits communicate with us. Because animals don’t use words to talk to us, listen for the sights, sounds, and smells associated with them to hear what they are telling us. They may also protect us from dangerous situations, like a gas leak in the house or a potential car accident. Some people report seeing glimpses of their pet after he or she has crossed over. They are looking after us right along with our angels.
It’s perfectly natural to grieve the loss of a pet. However, it is reassuring to know their soul will live forever in a place of peace and happiness. Their spirit will never leave our side and they are able to help us, and others who loved them, through life. You may wish to keep a favorite toy or another item for your pet as a touchstone of their life. They are never more than a gentle word away!
One of the most important things we can do to honor a pet who has crossed over is simply remembering the wonderful memories they gave us. Though they are all unique and can never be replaced, consider opening your heart to another pet in need when you feel the time is right. Maybe that orange cat (or big fluffy dog, or ferret…) will show up in spirit at your local animal shelter or rescue, in the form of someone else who needs you.
Pets never leave us even after their earthly life ends. Next time you think you hear a soft “woof” or the sound of a cat purring, smile and know that a four-legged angel has its paws wrapped around you with love and comfort.
Author: Mystic Shelley, https://bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/mystic-shelley