
Reality is Timeless

According to Albert Einstein “The dividing line between past, present and future is an illusion”. Then these 3 states, past, present, and future are “NOW”. Then how do we access these as they are NOW? The human consciousness could just be the catalyst of moving between this illusion. As space gives the perception of time, the going inward, is condensing the space/time. Do we in our brain, carry the history of man, how do we access this ancient history, that is still the NOW, being that reality is timeless?

From my experience as an aura reader, an empath, and a healer, I have found that our emotional layer is the aspect that connects past, present, and future realities into the NOW.  This is because our experiences, through our human personality, form our emotional reactions as a major influence in creating our interpretations along our life path, and these interpretations then create and form our world view and our reality as we perceive it.  It literally shapes who we are, how we feel, our reactions, and who and what we attract into that reality, and it influences the vibration that we emit out into the universe.

A good example of this is an unhealed inner child, when a situation occurring in the NOW, as an adult, can trigger the strong emotional response of the inner child.  Therefore, proving to us that this inner child is still existing in the NOW, as part of our consciousness, even as an adult. Thus, bringing the inner child across time and space, as we perceive it here, into our NOW.

When we explore the subconscious, emotional layer of the aura, and we identify an energetic lineal connection in relation to the triggered response NOW, this takes us “back” to a “time” in our life path of which we were, for example, traumatised. We can find a hidden part of ourselves as a child, that we unconsciously abandoned, to protect ourselves from the pain. And it is this very unconscious act of self-protection, that makes us all “unconscious”, and creates a Spiritual amnesia, as we unwittingly move away from our soul self or our authentic self.  

It is not a deliberate act, but one that is the only known way, as a child, when we are forced to be living an illusion. And until such time that actual soul level consciousness and healing has reached a critical mass on this planet, this will continue to happen.

It is important to remember that the unconscious self, is often insecure, and can be easily influenced by yet another “unconscious” and insecure self, and if you put millions of unconscious souls together, they take the power off one another to try to get back the feeling of personal soul power, and true connection.  This is how we as humans attempt to mimic what we have lost, (but we cannot remember what we have lost). So, while this happens, we only continue to create a mass reality which is in fact a mass illusion.

It is this illusion that we are currently living in, that drives people to look outwards for the very thing that is missing, and which is the underlying factor that creates the need for competition, drives the ego, and can even create wars.

The good news is that we can heal that part of us, and bring that part through to the NOW, into conscious awareness, to heal and find inner peace, and the true connection to our authentic self, our soul self, and the Divine.

It is through the good work of strong authentic souls who are reawakening and “remembering,” that this healing is happening.  As the people break free of illusion, the opportunity to heal is abundant, however the challenge is to be prepared to go within, to heal, rather than to go outwards, and continue the path of revenge or seeking power by hurting another person, or people.

We need to learn that anyone in pain or causing pain is caught in an illusion born from the unconsciousness of those past, present, and future. We need to learn to look at this from this viewpoint and with compassion.

And when we realize that by going within, and healing ourselves, we relinquish the illusion and can carry higher and true soul consciousness through to the next generations.  So, as they are born and incarnate here, they will remain open and conscious and will not end up with Spiritual amnesia.  They will know who they truly are, they will know their purpose, they will utilize their amazing talents and the amazing power of their connection to the divine and their connection to all of us.  And we who welcome them here, can connect with them to continue our healing on the path back to full consciousness so then we can ascend into the New Earth (of which we are here to create).

Author: ©Debra Sinclair Psychic Medium Empath Healer 2021 https://bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/deb-sinclair


March 29, 2021No comments, , , , , , , , , , , awareness | best american psychics | Blog | debra sinclair | illusion | perception | reality | timeless
Relationships: Illusional Change versus True Spiritual Growth

This article refers to the common theme of our personal and intimate relationships that we form with others.

In this time of many changes, as individuals are exploring who they truly are, the topic of relationships is an interesting one because of the diversity that we face as souls set themselves free to find their authentic selves.

Relationships are a learning ground and as well as a playground, and the most personal relationships are a major part in our school of life as an experience as a human being.  This is where the greatest growth can be achieved, however it is also where the greatest illusion of growth can also be achieved.

The best way to explain this is to look at an example of growth and an example of the illusion of growth.


This is achieved when a person who has achieved a strong sense of self awareness, enters a relationship, and therefore is open enough to identify any common patterns that emerge, it may be things such as self-sabotage, insecurity, jealousy, giving too much, or becoming controlling.  There are many examples of this.

The key is to look at the self, look at your own responses and reactions, and to identify whether this behaviour is a common thread in your journey, and personal relationships.  If you identify your responses as something that you always do, then it is time to go within and to explore the very foundations of where this pattern developed.

An excellent example is that of the narcissist/empath attraction which has been identified as quite common, yet it is more than just that because there are so many variations of both empath and narcissist, and so many unique and individual life experiences, that to put a person in a box like that will not always provide the answers that they seek.

The important thing is that through going within and locating and identifying these patterns within your psyche and subconscious, you can then heal those responses, which clears out the mental, emotional and energetic  clutter to allow your light of your soul truth to shine!

When this is accomplished, you may feel that the relationship no longer fits you, or you may even see your partner as they are, and not who you want them to be, or you may see them as exactly who you really want after all!

“With True Personal and Spiritual Growth, the changes come from within you, and not from your reactions to your partner”.


Have you ever known someone who seems to change their personality, in response to whomever they are in a relationship with at the time?

Now to be fair we all know that our relationships will have an influence over us, however for an individual who has experienced true growth, you will find that they pretty much remain similar regardless of who they are with. Yes, there will be compromise, and subtle changes, but the person will have established their own boundaries, through their own self-awareness and healthy needs, and will feel a lot more secure in who they are. (If, of course, there is more growth to be had, that person will be continuing the path of seeking inner wisdom and healing).

The difference is in an illusion situation is that you “take on the energy of the other person and subconsciously adapt to that”.  This in turn takes you away from yourself, so when the relationship ends, you are left with a hollow feeling inside and then often will pursue another relationship to fill the void.

We all want to be loved, and to feel secure, however whenever you find yourself single, and you continue to feel hollow over time, then another person’s energy will always fill that void, for a while; but it is not a permanent solution. And you will find your patterns repeat themselves.

“Hollow feelings of emptiness are not the same as loneliness, hollow feelings run far deeper than just being alone, and come from a place deep within you, and your life experiences”. 

You may have seen people be boisterous in one relationship, yet quieter and demurer in another. People will say “oh that person is just what he/she needed to settle them down”.

Yes, that can be the case, but the point is, is that once boisterous but now demure person being truly authentic, or is the sense of having that void filled feeding a continuing co-dependency pattern?  And is that new personality just an act to hide the insecurities that have not been identified and an act to be something that their partner wants?

For example, you often see a person not treat another well in one relationship yet be a puppy dog to their partner in another relationship.  How many of you have treated a person so well, but not had it reciprocated, then are heart broken when you see that person go into another relationship, and they treat that person better, and seem to be happy?

The illusion is, in fact, the new dynamic being played out. For example, it may mean that your ex-partner needs a strong person that mimics a mother or father figure, who puts them in their place, so they respond to that, as they would have as a child, and their new partner needs to feel authoritative in order to feel secure, so whilst it appears to be working for them, there, in fact, has been no true growth whatsoever, it is a mere illusion.

Your personal illusion in this instance to be healed, would be to ask yourself why you keep doing this, why you keep being attracted to the same kind of person, and the illusion to be broken through is, for you to not give so much, and to look at why you do. Then you are on a true path of growth, that is far richer than an illusion of a great relationship that your ex has created in order to feel safe and not face their own soul truths.

Becoming trapped into thinking about your ex-partner’s behaviour will keep you stuck in their illusion of which they have managed to cover up by a relationship that seemingly works on the surface but, through a co-dependent dynamic, hides their insecurities.

The way through to the Soul is through balance, so you see an illusion co-dependent relationship is to see it as a set of scales; one aspect is heavier than the other, so the other must give more energy in order to prop things up and create the illusion of balance.  A healthy relationship is one where two souls have found most of the balance, within themselves first, as an individual authentic soul and therefore one soul compliments the other.  The balance of energy and power is shared, and one is not dominant over the other.

This does not mean that an authentic soul is perfect, it simply means they know who they are, and have accepted all aspects of themselves, even their shadow self, and have found love of the self and wholeness through healing and self-acceptance. And, through that awareness, no longer feel empty or hollow, even without a relationship.

We are all on a path of growth, our patterns teach us what needs attention and healing and what is lacking.  Remember, too, to look for the achievement of growth and reward yourself and smile and be happy at how far that you have come!

Author: ©Debra Sinclair Psychic Medium Empath 2021 https://bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/debra-sinclair

Relationships: Ilusional Change versus True Spiritual Growth - Psychics
March 18, 2021No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , authentic | Balance | bestamericanpsychics | Blog | debra sinclair | growth | illusion | Love and Relationships | Relationships | self growth | shay parker
Empathy and Compassion with Healthy Boundaries

The question is how do we move beyond our own ego to show compassion when we have determined new boundaries when a relationship or friendship changes?

Change comes about through our path of personal growth. When we grow beyond the learnt perception of ourselves and therefore become more truly self-aware, we become more conscious of our authentic needs and more sensitive to what is no longer working for us.

These changes affect our friendships and relationships, there is no choice in that matter. What once suited you, no longer feels right or fits who you are.

Personal growth naturally brings about a change in our perception, and is accompanied by a new level of honesty, with ourselves first and foremost. The challenge lies in how to convey this to the other party in a compassionate and kind way. Because change can also make us feel like we are going a tad bit crazy too, and it is not comfortable bringing a new truth to the forefront, especially if the other person is likely to react badly!

The answer lies within the new boundaries that we set for ourselves in relation to another person. We must be compassionate and kind to ourselves first, be easy on ourselves when we feel fed up, angry, tired, or drained by another person, because your new boundaries cause a disruption to the energetic flow.

(Please see my blog titled The Inertia of Energy).

Now, here is the thing, the other person may not have the same conscious awareness that you do. The way they perceive things and receive things, can be by unconsciously acting out to get needs met by others.  (and we all can do this, not one of us is required to be perfect on this journey of life) This “acting out” often comes in the form of showing off, exaggerating things, and talking things up, or playing the victim, emotional manipulation, intimidation, being the bashful hero, or a martyr, passive/aggressive behaviour and the list goes on. 

(All of that is “Lower Third dimensional behaviour” by the way, but that is another blog).

Your new boundaries will be reflected in your change of reaction towards that person’s behaviour. For example, if you were always available to help that person, but now you realise that it is a waste of your time, you may not make yourself so available, or even not at all.

You may have reacted by trying to fix everything, or justifying yourself, defending yourself, and once you stop that, then that causes a change in the frequency of your energetic exchange and will, over time, play out into real life.

If you were drawn into a dynamic where you believed the other person’s lies, only to finally see through them, and you change your reaction, you have also broken the long-term energetic exchange, and this is seldom comfortable.

The key is subtlety – and change of perspective. For example, it is easy once we outgrow a situation to become angry or resentful, however it is important that we look at our new perspective with compassion, for ourselves first, and then when ready to, the other person’s view as well.

Now this can be a big challenge, because as in all life transitions, our own personal issues can also appear from our subconscious to be recognised, accepted, and healed. Self-awareness will help with recognising what has come up for you.

Here is where we move beyond ego and into compassion. To begin this process; we must consciously state that compassion is what we wish to achieve. Your goal is to achieve and maintain a higher state of compassion, awareness, and balance. 

Once we commence this process the rest will take care of itself. If we have expected outcomes, then we may not always get the outcome that our ego thinks is right. However, once we move into and learn to hold within, a true higher level of compassion, not much else really matters, and any expectations, and ego all melt away.  We get to enjoy being, and feeling calm, centered, in the present moment.

Energetic boundaries are a step further and I touch on this subject in my blog titled Feeling Energy and Creating Energetic Boundaries.

Author: Debra Sinclair

March 12, 2021No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , BAP | bap blog | bestamericanpsychics | Blog | boundaries | compassion | empathy | Relationships
Energetic Inertia & Relationships

Inertia is defined as “a property of matter or energy by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion unless that state is changed by an external force” ….

Every interaction, action, and reaction between people over time establishes a dynamic where, for example, one is often dominant over the other. This dynamic creates an energy all its own.  This is the energy that stays set in the background and forms the very basis behind the relationship, and therefore people become so lost and stuck in such relationships. Both the dominant and the submissive become addicted or co-dependent.

“This energy is often mistaken for Soulmate energy, as it is often intense”.

The energy created from a relationship dynamic and the interactions with another person, for instance, will continue that way even after the relationship has ended. For example, if you were with a very manipulative partner and you found yourself trapped into this manipulation, you will have found the relationship in time to end up being extremely toxic, and you also will have found that you lost a large part of yourself in this. 

Recovery from this type of scenario can take a long time, however as more and more of us become aware of the fact that we are all energy, we will all then see when our energy has been diminished or stolen, by another person in order to prop themself up, and so we can all learn how to shorten our recovery time and accelerate our Spiritual and personal growth, to move on to happier things.

The manipulator will feel energised from having controlled you, and even though you may have broken free from them, it is important to understand that you must now consciously begin the healing process to grow beyond, not only this relationship, but to also grow beyond this energetic dynamic and raise your vibration

The reason I mention that it must be a conscious effort, is because we must then increase our awareness and our understanding of the pitfalls of that relationship, how you got drawn into it, how your past experiences and upbringing is what created a similar energetic dynamic, and this energy is what attracted you to this person in the first instance.  Also important is how you felt in the first attraction, and how that attraction became a mere illusion. We then must also look for the answers and solutions of how to grow beyond such a dynamic.

This process begins with our own self-awareness, looking at ourselves, to critique ourselves and be very honest with ourselves and our contribution to such a relationship.  Once we identify and then take responsibility for our side of things then we can look at ways of which to grow and change and move to a higher path.

“It is so important to keep bringing conscious awareness back to the self when in healing and growth mode, it is too easy to keep casting our awareness back to the other person, if we keep reverting our awareness back to them, we remain stuck”.

The more sensitive that you are the more you will feel this energy and, unless very aware, it can be very confusing. Your logical mind tells you that you have moved on, yet you still feel drawn back to this person, which makes no sense as you know that the person is not good for you.

This is because the inertia of the energy is still behaving in the same pattern. Like waves on a beach, it withdraws back and then moves forth again trying to make an imprint on your energy.

So, the question is, how do we stop this energy from doing this? The self-awareness tool is the secret to this. You consciously choose to change your reaction to that energy. The energy is attracted to your vibration formed in the old dynamic so therefore being aware and making a conscious choice to do anything other than the way you would have previously reacted, causes a distortion in the energetic flow.

There is not a requirement to be perfect, you need to feel what you need to; however, the secret is your intention to advance your level of consciousness in the bigger picture. Intention is formed by being completely honest with yourself and your willingness to change and grow.

You must also be tenacious and persistent. You have learnt this pattern in your life, and this has now come to conscious awareness through your experience with the other person, but you must also realise that energy can also be persistent, especially if this is a lifelong pattern, so you may feel as though you have an inner and outer battle raging at times. Just when you think you are free of it; it will come back to test your resolve.

Much like a virus needing a host, the energy too needs hosts and if this is not present, in time it will fall away.  Your ex-partner will feel a disconnect, once this energy is forced to withdraw from yours and, unless he/she is ready to grow, they will simply repeat their pattern and find a new person to create that energy to feed off. You, however, by freeing yourself of that energetic dynamic means, you step into the realms of opportunity to consciously create the future that you desire.

Author: Debs Sinclair, Psychic Medium Clairvoyant 2021


March 3, 2021No comments, , , , , , , , , , , BAP | bapblog | best american psychics | debra sinclair | energetic inertia | energy | inertia | shay parker
Ancestral Clearing and Healing

Do you understand how deeply your Ancestors care about your life and are invested in your time on Earth?

Your Ancestors are just some of the non-physical support available to you, and it is important to understand how you can best work with them and allow them to support you.

I first started working with my Ancestors and my Ancestral Lineage when I was a Therapist. My specialty was Generational Dysfunction. I continued with this interest and passion when I moved out of therapy and into working as a Psychic, Medium, and Healer.

Your Ancestors’ ability to support you and help you through this life is profound. They can guide you and teach you in very practical and powerful ways. Imagine what strengths, gifts, talents, and traits flow through your Ancestral Lineage and through your bloodline. When you tap into this and allow yourself to receive these, you are able to be more of who you are.

Your Ancestral Line is a part of your Personal Power that runs through you and gives you the capabilities you need to be here and do the work you are here to do, the work you are made to do. The land your Ancestors stood on holds power for you, as well.

Become aware of this support and the calling within you to carry your lineage forward. When you agree to do this, you carry the Power of your entire line and can heal backward and forward 7 generations. Think of that! You can positively and profoundly affect and impact 14 generations in your bloodline.

You gain so much Power when you learn how to draw energy from your Ancestral Lineage. Many people have shut off all access to this, because of the clearing and healing that has not been done and the issues that remain unresolved and create continued pain and wounding.

When you learn how to work with your Ancestors through first Clearing and Healing and then through Reclamation and Assimilation, your world absolutely transforms.

Every generation is called to carry forward the Evolutionary trajectory of their Ancestral Heritage. It becomes their duty to make the best use of their Ancestral Blessings as they look to the future while healing what no longer serves them from the past. This healing addresses generational dysfunction, trauma, wounds, behaviors, limiting beliefs, resistance, toxic energetic patterns, and ways of being, doing, and having.

Understand that, as a Soul, you selected a specific family lineage. This lineage was chosen to provide tremendous opportunity for Spiritual Growth and Enlightenment. When you are able to break free from the limiting patterns of the past, it will allow your Ancestors to break free from their bonds, also.

You are able to connect with your Ancestors, heal what needs to be healed, reveal what needs to be revealed, and honor them with your own personal Spiritual practices. You can allow the Ancestral abilities and knowledge to flow through you when you clear the blocks you have put in place as a way to protect yourself.

This is a powerful step for you in moving forward, making peace with your past and paving a way for your better life and a better future for you and all those who come after you.

Author: Michelle Barr https://bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/michelle-barr

February 7, 2021No comments, , , , , , , , , , , ancestors | ancestral | ancestral healing | bestamericanpsychics | Healing | michelle barr | shay parker
BAP 2021 Social Activism Award Winner

Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics is proud to announce Cate Coffelt as our 2021 Social Activism Award Winner. Cate repeatedly demonstrates a generosity of spirit, donating her time, effort, and energy on pro-bono cases and readings. As a gifted psychic medium, Cate has repeatedly volunteered to be an Expert Guest on our monthly Facebook Livestream show, Metaphysical Minds. She freely gives her education, experience, and knowledge to our listening audience.

As a service to the community, Cate is a provider for two non-profit groups: Find Me and Helping Parents Heal. With Find Me she uses her intuitive skills to help locate missing persons or pinpoint circumstances around unsolved cases. With Helping Parents Heal, Cate is able to put her gifts to use in bringing peace and closure to parents when the unthinkable happens.

Cate is also an avid animal rescuer and donates her time and money, consistently throughout the year, to help animals in need. She is an animal communicator, so she is aware of the needs of our furry friends.

Always giving more than she receives, Cate is an inspiration to us all, and is a true role model, and this is why she has, once again, earned our Social Activism Award.

To learn more about Cate and her services, please visit one of the links below.

Links for Cate Coffelt: https://bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/cate-coffelt/



January 15, 2021No comments, , , , , , , , , , , best american psychics | best psychics | cate coffelt | shay parker | social activism
Start the New Year Knowing Your Gifts On Hand

Gift Markings show up where your particular talents are meant to have a spotlight in your life.  These gifts come with a penalty marker if you dont use them.  Its like added pressure to keep you from hiding out as a chick in the shell.  You do have to knock through the limitations around you so that your light can shine.  When you know whats required, the effort isnt a struggle though.  It feels more like a hike that leaves you with a great view feeling pleasantly tired.  Ready to get to that peak of your talent this year?


Stars:  There are both five pointed and six pointed stars that show up in your hand in all kinds of places.  Regardless of where they show up, the five pointed stars are of Venus and they tend to draw attention to the areas of the hand they land on without you lifting a finger.  What is required is receptivity and gratitude to fuel the firesof the attractor factor.  The better you are at receiving and enjoying the light, the more of it you attract.  Use the hand sample to see which mythological figures you can search to learn what themes or psychological arenas are highlighted by your star.  


Six pointed stars are of Mars and they require effort.  When opportunity shines a light on you, its time to take the torch and run your lap of the Olympic run.  You dont want to be the runner that drops the torch on the way to the Olympic stadium, do you?  So based on what light comes your way, take it in and make it your own so you can run your true race and make your contribution stand out in a way that pleases you while it stretches you to do your best.  

Healers Lines or Intuitive Lines are vertical lines side by side like pickets in a fence that arent connected horizontally.  They run between the heart line and the top of the hand under the little finger.  Sitting between the heart and Mercurys finger they show that these people can literally feel what another feels and communicate it with some effect.  Healers can often struggle with feeling badly and not knowing why when they dont have healthy ways to disconnect from anothers emotional flow.  It lands like it is in your body and causes confusion.  But it makes a very effective intuitive who can help another sort out the difficult swim of feelings.  


The Apollo Line gets a lot of attention because it means you are meant to stand out in some arena in your life.  Your gifts are meant to take center stage.  It doesnt automatically mean you will be on a real stage but it does mean you are a gifted storyteller.  How you do it depends on you and there are as many ways to be that communicator in the spotlight as there are people.  I know one whos an attorney who advocates for those who dont have a voice.  


If you have one of these then you have a little more insight into how to use it this coming year.  But dont despair if you dont.  Your gifts may not be underlined in this post, yet gifted you are.  Check out TruthinHand.com to see if you resonate with a different kind of talent, shown on your hands.  Wishing you a safe and Happy New Year

Author: Lisa Greenfield https://www.bestamericanpsychics.com/advisor/lisa-greenfield



December 30, 2020No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , Lisa Greenfield | new year | palmistry | TruthinHand
Conflict Growth in December

Week 4 of the Fork in the Road December Series

Okay, if you’ve been following along, you now know what your conflict style is and what stretch is ‘on hand’ this month. If you need to catch up then you can do that HERE. () Now that you know a bit more about what’s required, let’s have some fun with how you do it. This December we have the meet up of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius which heralds a new 200 year cycle of expansion that highlights the element of Air, or the mind.

It helps to slow down this month and NOT react right away to what stirs us up. It’s too easy to be triggered into old habits instead of drawing from the growth you’ve achieved over your lifetime.  A slow approach allows room for new information to come into view and inform you about options your old reactions may not factor in when you jump to conclusions or actions.  

Pause, reflect, remember what your strengths are.  If your Head Line ends under an inside finger, you require time to find your backbone to pushback on what doesn’t fit who you are now. That’s not comfortable, since you underestimate yourself more often than not.  Add to the picture that you also overestimate the person opposite you, and you have a recipe for conflict avoidance.  

One step at a time, you have a better chance to see your gifts and strengths.  Instead of snapping closed like a sea anemone, you can reach for your talents and trust that your point of view is worthwhile and needed!  Especially since you understand what it feels like to be overwhelmed, you show others how to be generous when you practice speaking up for yourself while considering them, too.


If your Head Line makes it to an outside finger under that little finger, then it can be easier for you to be dismissive of the other’s inability to articulate their argument or stand up for themselves.  When you slow down, you can actually help bring about a better conversation by giving them the space to think, feel and come back to you on a slower pace than you operate normally.  

The ability to slow down can also give you added insight that may open their eyes to where they can see the whole picture more clearly when you aren’t doing it from a place of being right and making them wrong.  Instead of dominating a moment or an exchange, you can help light the way for a longer lasting win that includes others in that victory. 

As I mentioned the first week of December, January dials up the pressure to change. So do take what helps and apply it to a slower, kinder pace right now. You’ll be very glad to reap the rewards of that for years to come.  With a 200 year cycle of Jupiter and Saturn meeting up in Air signs, we have to learn how to level the playing field better so that we all benefit.  

If you want to find out what that looks like for you this coming year, you can check out TruthinHand.com and sign up for the newsletter.  You get a special introductory reading at almost half off.  Or, you can request a Year Ahead Reading and find out just what preparations serve you best.  Thank you for tuning in and wishing you all the best, always.

Lisa Greenfield TruthinHand.com.

December 22, 2020No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , Aquarius | BAP | best american psychics | Blog | december | Jupiter | Lisa Greenfield | Saturn
Fork in the Road December – Week 3

We are in Week Three in a month of reward or conflict, you decide which it will be. This blog post shares how you navigate conflict well using the palm of your hand. This week we look at how to win with a Head Line that more easily takes the ‘upper hand’.

When your Head Line reaches the outside edge of your hand, anywhere under the little finger, you more naturally speak or stand up for yourself with facts and intuition. It can feel frustrating when others won’t join you in a discussion or debate. bestamericanpsychics

In fact you can be the big picture person that sometimes despairs when others can’t see it too. Patience is required and you have to watch for that inner demon of superiority. Be mindful you don’t dismiss others who aren’t wired to feel safe or comfortable with disagreement. Keep in mind conflict can feel overwhelming, not because they are weak but because they’ve been wired to fear it. How you handle it can help another step into that arena and discover their courage, or you can send them fleeing you and seeing you as the bully even when you aren’t. bestamericanpsychics

Let’s start first with the Air Head Line that stays higher up in the hand. This line ends under the pinky region on the outside of your hand. Since you have the strongest mental ability, you can win with words and ideas all the time. Your challenge is to learn to listen and care what others think. It’s not just a win/lose opportunity. It’s a chance to be curious and connect with others, even when you see things differently. You can do the most growth this month when you measure success differently. Let your mind find bridges between people instead of widening the gap with right/wrong thinking.

Now it’s time for our great visionary explorers, the Fire Head Line. Your Head Line travels to the bottom outside quarter of your hand. This month you have to check what your vision serves up and question your interpretations on what you see. It’s too easy to jump to conclusions, and while you may discover some completely unexplored region, let’s do it safely. You can be the most impatient with those who don’t get it and respond with some heat. You are Fire, after all.

Keep in mind that you are meant to help unleash all the potential fire power between people when you use warmth to bring them closer, instead of blow torch those who don’t ‘get it’. If anyone can see how to use all the different points of view and actions to improve the situation, you are the most visionary of solution finders when you temper your approach with a dollop of patience and faith.

To dig deeper on your type, you can watch Metaphysical Minds’ discussion of Head Lines here with Shay Parker and Lisa Greenfield outlining what you can do best.  https://www.facebook.com/TruthinHand/videos/910192732725517

Next week we put it all together, just in time for the holiday conversations. I’m with the Dalai Lama who said ‘anyone who thinks they’re enlightened, spend a week with your family’. While me might not be there in person it could be a great time to break old patterns!

Author: Lisa Greenfield       https://www.bestamericanpsychics.com/advisor/lisa-greenfield


December 17, 2020No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Fork in the Road December – Week 2

December serves up a month of reward or conflict, you get to decide which it will be. One key to which way you goes is there in the palm of your hand, literally. So let’s explore more on how to use your ‘martial’ talents to put you in the winner circle instead of on the floor in a knockout.

How you were taught to think, speak and act on your behalf shows up in the Head Line (which travels through the Mars region on your hand). The left hand is your internal or personal process, the right hand reveals what the world sees.

bestamericanpsychicsThe further a line travels, the more it picks up steam. Shorter and/or curved lines that end under the Apollo finger absorbed challenges in speaking up or acting on their behalf in a conflict.

Now comes the important bit. You have to stretch this month. Growth is not optional, resistance is painful – so let’s give you a hand there.

If you usually give in to others, you will be required to stand up for yourself better. This doesn’t mean fight, rather it means stretch a bit.

Circumstances pop up to help provoke you to flex a new muscle. The Universe isn’t mean, it’s offering practice to consider both yourself and others in disagreement.

Disagreement is important, even necessary in times of great chaos or change. It helps us consider points of view from a bigger range of possibilities than agreement ever would. We have to let go of simple solutions that pit us against each other. All hands on deck are needed now, pun intended.

So time to find out more about your particular style…

If your Head Line ends under the ring finger (aka the Apollo finger) time to open up to the world a bit more. Be curious about where you missed seeing your power and impact on others. Good news, you don’t have to shout, even soft voice carries power when you speak your centered Truth.

The shorter, straighter Head Line is an Earth Head Line. You prefer actions to words and prefer familiar to unfamiliar. You also jump to conclusions that underestimate your own strength. You tend to leave the conversation and head back to safe familiar space


or come out swinging fast. Familiar is survivable, so when that’s threatened you can react quickly. You actually represent the bedrock on which life stands, but may miss seeing your strength which is when you pull back OR swing first to ‘stay safe’. Time to see more of the real you.

When your Headline is longer and curves down but stays under that ring Apollo finger, you aren’t quick to act. Instead you can imagine a million different things that can go wrong. You drown in worst case scenarios before you open your mouth. Instead of imagining the worst time to trust your enormously mind to help have that deeper conversation.

Risk is hard on you and conflict is so uncomfortable when your head line ends on the inside of your hand. Yet you have to practice the discomfort of speaking your truth instead of resentment for those who don’t automatically know it or see it. Remember, water wears down a rock, so use your artfully expressed point of view that is hardest to resist, when you persist!

Next week we dive into the outside lines and how to win the change game and land on the high road for you. If you want more on this subject check out Metaphysical Minds Broadcast here where Shay and Lisa dive deeper.  https://www.facebook.com/TruthinHand/videos/910192732725517

Until next week, where we tackle the outside head lines.

Author: Lisa Greenfield  https://www.bestamericanpsychics.com/advisor/lisa-greenfield


December 9, 2020No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , best american psychics | Conflict | december | Lisa Greenfield | palmistry | Psychic | Reward | Truth in Hand