Our Spirit Continues after death, we all go to Heaven!
God saw everything that God had made, and indeed, it was very good.
—(Gen. 1:31)
“The heavens are telling the glory of God;
And the firmament proclaims
The divine handiwork….
In the heavens God has set a tent
for the sun, which comes out like a bridegroom
from his wedding canopy,
and like a strong man
runs its course with joy.
Its rising is from the end of the heavens,
and its circuit to the end of them;
and nothing is hid from its heat.
—(Ps. 19:1-6)
Closing time
Time for you to go out: go out into the world.
Closing time
You don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here.
Closing time
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.
Closing time
Time for you to go back to the places you will be from
I know who I want to take me home.
I know who I want to take me home.
I know who I want to take me home.
Take me home
I have heard it said that death is the opposite of life, but I believe this to be a misunderstanding. If one believes in opposites, then physical death is the opposite of human birth and this is a progression of your spirit. Death is the gateway to our spiritual conscious self. There is no opposite of life. There is only continuation of life. In fact, Life is interwoven and interrelated between our human physical form and our spiritual form in a magnificent intricate weaving of thought, love and energies.
What happens when we die? How do we heal, learn and grow once our physical life has ended? Once we are in our spiritual form, we see who we are at our essence, when all the illusions that we built in our earthly life and the things we did are removed, we stand in the blinding light and love of the creator. We can become broken in our human lives. People can make horrible choices when they are broken. Their lives, all of our lives actually, are built around making sense of our pain in order to survive. When we pass to the other side, we are lovingly taken apart, healed and slowly put back together so that our experiences and choices can be seen with compassion and wisdom.
After our passing from physical form, when we are re-united with our Soul and the Creator we are home, we are valued, our human lives matter. Our experience, knowledge and understanding from our magnificent human lives are so very cherished.
We are given ample time to review and assess and evaluate our life based on those experiences. This time of review includes healing, atonement and many chances to explore what we created with our lives.
During this time of review, we are guided with love and compassion by our Soul, our Guides that have stayed with us throughout our life, and by our loved ones who were in human form when we were. We are asked to make an honest assessment of what transpired in our lives. After this review, we, as conscious Spirit forms, are given opportunities to grow and learn from the experiences of our human life. When the consequences of our actions in life become overwhelming and seem to swallow us up, our Creator, Our Soul, Our Loving guides will gently hold us and help us bring back to balance that which we have torn asunder. We may need to make amends, and that is up to us and our creator as to what that will be. The door will always be open to atonement, to learning and to growing into the highest potential of our Souls.
In many a mediumship reading, I have felt the new interests and learning some spirits embark on after physical life. Some are very curious to study the events of their lives that caused them pain. These spirits want to help those left behind to create something different and with healing. Some desire to explore and travel and enjoy things on earth they were not able to. Some return to the people they caused pain and damage to and work to bring healing and balance as guides or behind the scenes. It is often clear from these spirit messages that their own learning and growing is continuing, with the veil being pulled aside they remember the healing nurturing love they forgot when they were alive. The Message to us from spirit is to embrace yourself now in compassion and forgiveness. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and accepting of yourself in this moment. Do the best you can. You are important, you matter, just the way you are!
Author: Nancy Smith https://bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/nancy-smith

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