A Great Starting Place to Simplify Your Life

A Great Starting Place to Simplify Your Life

Simplifying your life goes a long way to reducing stress, but where do you start?  Let’s start with hidden stressors. Believe it or not, one of the biggest hidden stressors is your closet (your wardrobe) and I’ll tell you why.

An overstuffed closet, drawers bursting at the seams or jewelry boxes with tangled necklaces and mismatched earrings are pure stress in the making.  First of all, it’s difficult to find what you want, not to mention you might not even know what you have in there anymore. An overstuffed closet/drawers also makes doing laundry and putting it away an added stress when there’s no space. And what about ironing?  Are your clothes so stuffed in your closet that, when you do select an outfit, it now must be ironed before you can even wear it?  And who has time to scavenger hunt for the other earring or detangle a necklace when getting ready in the morning? See what I mean – hidden stress. So, what do you do?

Let it go! Go through each and every piece of clothing you own and ask yourself some very simple but important questions. Do I wear it? How long has it been since I’ve worn it?  Am I keeping this because it takes me back to a happy time 20 pounds ago?  Will I ever wear it again? Etc., etc.

Many people have difficulty letting go of clothing due to financial appraisal. They think, “No, this doesn’t fit, but if it ever does, it would cost me more to replace it than to just keep it.”  Good point, but let’s be honest. If it’s a matter of fitting into something, what are the odds that you’ll want to go back to your old wardrobe rather than purchasing new items to fit the new, more svelte you? 

Let it go! If your items are still in good enough shape, consider consigning them. A little cash back can lessen the blow of letting go.  And things that aren’t in good enough shape to consign, can always be a tax deduction to a 501(c) charity.

Pair your closet down to what you REALLY wear that is congruent with your lifestyle now.  No longer work in an office?  Then why all the dress clothes?  How long has it been since you attended a formal event?  Do you really need 8 formal dresses when one Little Black Dress would do?

Really assess your lifestyle NOW and then let go of things that simply don’t fit into this chapter of your life. Having trouble letting go? Then do it in rounds. Let go of a few things, then pair down more in round two in a week or so.  A neater, more efficient closet will help reduce that ‘what to wear today’ stress which, when paired with other simplification techniques, will lead to overall increased energy, happiness and personal peace.

Author: Samantha Hall

Learn more here: https://bestamericanpsychics.com/listing/samantha-hall

September 13, 2019No comments, , , , , , , , , BAP | best american psychics | clean out | destress | samantha hall | simple | simplify

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