Seasons of Life

Seasons of Life

Our time on earth is comprised of seasons that make life meaningful. Every trip around the sun is complex and unique. There are periods of stillness, followed by action. There are moments of rest that birth deep reflection. There are seasons of hope that give way to change. There are also times for letting go.

Letting go is never easy. Especially, when we love someone and want to make it work. Or, when we don’t get a chance to say goodbye or send them one last text.  When friendships fall apart, or families are at odds, letting go is the hardest thing to do.

Sometimes, it’s the only thing to do. All we can do is take a step back, accept what is happening, and release it to the divine. It’s incredibly challenging to relinquish control but as we move deeply into 2022, life will ask us to do just that. Let go of what is no longer in our hands and watch the future unfold.

This is a profound time of growth for all inter-personal relationships. Some connections will break and the ending will be inevitable. Other relationships will blossom and give way to new beginnings. Some souls will be reborn and will make their transition to the other side.

The point of it all is not to look away, but to surrender. Give in to what is happening and allow life to flow. Allow it to move in a turbulent, chaotic, crazy, sort of way. Allow yourself to grieve, laugh, and rejoice as life ebbs and flows. Let go of the past, embrace the present, and have hope for the future.

Keep going. Keep living. Keep loving.

That is how you move forward and honor the seasons of life.

“To everything turn, turn, turn

There is a season turn, turn, turn

And a time for every purpose under heaven.”

-The Byrds

Author: Nicole Bowman,

January 24, 2022No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , best american psychics | Blog | change | let go | move on | nicole bowman | seasons | seasons change | turn

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