In my last blog post, I spoke about tools that we can use to help stay on a high vibration path of manifesting what we want in our lives. I am passionate about helping my clients during readings and so over the course of several decades, I have taught clients about tools like this that will literally transform your life. Interestingly enough, like the cobbler with no shoes, I went for years without taking my own advice.
While we try to stay on the path of gratitude and manifestation, we can be incredibly and deeply tested by the universe. Times of struggle are when we need to use these tools the most. They are very effective when used in our daily life and that is important to remember, but when we fall off our proverbial horse, these tools can help us get back on track.
We all recently experienced the incredibly potent and powerful full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus several days ago. This particular lunar event may have caused significant endings and or bumps in the road. Certainly, things that we thought were secure may have fallen apart. There was a significant amount of Pluto influence in this transit and the planet Pluto is about transformation. Transformation, especially when unexpected can be very challenging. Primarily, it is the fear of the unknown that keeps us from freely and gracefully moving through transitions without drama.
Over the last few days, I have personally experienced several deeply emotional and unexpected events. And it was no wonder that I’m writing articles about how important it is to use these tools, especially during times of stress. There was another point in my life when I was going through a transition and experiencing overwhelming fear of the unknown. The energy manifested into a pretty chronic constant anxiety, and absolute lack in my life. It was at that point that I realized that I had to take control of my thoughts. Because I am an Aquarius, I tend to run things through over and over in my mind. If these thoughts are negative in nature, it can literally manifest the most negative outcome, and that is what was happening.
That is when I began using one of the most important and powerful tools to gain control of my thoughts. I created and began using a Mantra!
The definition of a mantra is as follows: (originally in Hinduism and Buddhism) a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation.
“a mantra is given to a trainee meditator when his teacher initiates him”
I created a personal mantra that I would repeat over and over, even in silence whenever I found my thoughts racing through my mind in a flurry of anxiety producing, never ending circles.
My personal mantra is: I am Healthy, Wealthy, Wise, and Worthy.
By starting this practice, in a very short amount of time, I was able to catch myself before I even started with the endless worry. And after practicing for only a few weeks, I noticed that my anxiety had decreased immensely, and my situation had improved exponentially! It was literally miraculous!
Another excellent byproduct of this very positive habit is that you start to sense your vibration going down even before you start to worry. The moment you begin to feel it in your body, is the point when you start repeating your mantra over and over.
In conclusion, everyone experiences hardships in their lifetimes here. Using these tools, and especially a mantra, will immediately raise your vibration and transform your life for the better in limitless ways.
Happy Manifesting!
Author: ~Goddess Gillian,

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