Psychic Reader

2020 Paradigm Shift

As we embark on this journey into 2020 and beyond, we have collectively come through a major paradigm shift for humanity. We may not see the effects of this shift concretely as of yet. However, those events will all begin to unfold on not only the world stage, but in our individual lives as well. We will all start to notice that both internal and external transformations are occurring on a huge level, as outdated beliefs, past conditioning, old patterns and oppressive and limiting structures disintegrate and fall apart. The significant conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn that we have been feeling and experiencing through 2019, was exact on January 12, 2020. This will eventually cause us all to look at our lives from a different viewpoint. It will become very clear, if it has not already, what is no longer working for us. Those things which no longer bring us joy or that are not for our highest evolution of spirit will fall away. If we don’t allow them to fall away with grace, the Universe will step in and crush them. Because what was, no longer is, and can no longer be in this energy.

This also has an impact on a global scale, specifically with the old order, the patriarchal system that no longer works for humanity, and Mother Earth. The time has come for us to be responsible for our planet. This will begin to take the forefront and in the coming months and years and will change the way we coexist with each other and Mother Nature. The old way of doing things and existing on Earth can no longer exist in the higher vibrations that we as a planet are entering.

If this paradigm shift has not become completely clear to you already, look at your life and the elements, people, situations, locations, and ask yourself: How do all of these things make me feel on a soul level? If there are things that still exist in your world that not only don’t bring you joy, but make you feel depleted or less than, then it is clearly time to move away from those elements. This can sometimes feel like loss, but in the biggest picture there is no other way. The greatest loss would occur if we stayed in the same old patterns and dynamics that no longer work in this new energy field. If we try to force the old to remain, we will surely experience a much greater loss than embracing the newer high vibrational experiences that we all came here for in this lifetime.

As I mentioned in my last BLOG post, this energy is also ripe for manifestation. This Saturn and Pluto conjunction heightens karmic attraction. So, whatever we have been focusing on and putting out to the Universe, is going to be returned in great magnitude. So, it is critical to focus on what is positive, healing and of the highest vibration in this new energy. Those that have already embraced this dynamic shift will see their lives abound with blessings and an ability to manifest all the abundance we can imagine. Therefore, welcome this transformational energy with an open heart, with courage and an understanding in faith that it is all for the highest good of not only humanity but for each and every one of us on this planet.

Author: Goddess Gillian

January 16, 2020No comments, , , , , , , , , , Blog
2020 Fabulous Feedback Award Winner

Since the day she became a member of our team (in 2013), Sally Rice has received wonderful feedback from her clients for her readings. This past year, more and more glowing feedback has rolled in, proving what a professional she truly is. We, at Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics, of course, have longed believed in Sally and her gifts. This year we honor her with our 2020 Fabulous Feedback Award. Sally is a highly experienced reader and possesses many talents and skills. She has a way of deeply connecting with any individual and, most certainly, her clients. She is described as an accurate psychic reader and medium, but her clients consistently remark about how having a reading with Sally leaves them feeling. They feel a deep spiritual connection and a sense of peace after their readings. Sally, and her work with spirit, really helps her clients to look within and move forward on their paths. This is the way she brings light into the world and we are proud to have her on our team. Here is one such example as an excerpt from submitted feedback:

“Hi Sally. First of all, I want to thank you so much for my session with you a few weeks ago- I cannot tell you the strength peace and understanding it has given me to get through the death of my son. I have listened to every word you said and it’s amazing how I went from deep deep sorrow to a crazy sense of peace and connection – it all started with that connection to you.”

Sally’s skills and gifts include Certified Psychic Medium; Remote Viewer; Clairvoyant; Medical Empath and channel for spirit guides, angels, and ancestors. She also works with law enforcement on missing persons cases, unsolved crimes, and those in crisis. Additionally, Sally is a published author.

Sally can read for anyone, regardless of their location, via the internet. She is an Immediate Reader on our site. Be sure to check her profile and/or follow her social accounts for updated information.

We are pleased to be able to offer this award to Sally!

Links for Sally:   


January 13, 2020No comments, , , , , client reviews
2020 Awesome Accolades Award Winner

The 2020 Recipient of Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics Awesome Accolades Award is Tiffany Powers. Only a few days after joining our team, Tiffany was asked to participate in a fun marketing scheme and she jumped right in, quite willingly. This proved how she was keen to be a team player. Since then, she has repeatedly shown her support for BAP and its other members. Tiffany has grown in her practice and in her other business ventures. She works with clients in a variety of ways and they have become quite loyal to her as an advisor and coach, with good reason. She is dedicated healer, psychic, and lightworker. Her clients seek her out for intuitive business coaching, clearing, healing, and good old-fashioned psychic advice. Tiffany has served as an expert guest several times on Metaphysical Minds. She also produces her own radio shows. Sometimes she provides free readings on these shows. She was a major contributor to Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics’ 10 Year Anniversary Roundtable event as well.

Tiffany is a solid teacher and guide, and shares her knowledge with others, including her students. In this way, she keeps the lightworker glow alive and well.

Her path in life has not always been an easy one, giving her more empathy and understanding for her clients and the trials they face. This has been a great comfort to those that have submitted feedback on Tiffany.

In addition to the gifts and services already mentioned, Tiffany also offers Love/Health Coaching, Psychic/Intuitive Work, Remote Viewing, Clearing Blocks, Animal Communication, Home Blessings, Connecting You With Your Spirit Guides/Angels, Past Life Readings, Mediumship for People and Animals, and Thetahealing.

Tiffany reads for clients from all over the world. Be sure to check out her profile or links below to find out how to reach her for your next session.

Congrats to Tiffany from all of the team here at BAP!

Links for Tiffany:

January 9, 2020No comments, , , , , , , , award | tiffany powers
2020 Laser Vision

As we sit on the threshold of not only a new year, but a new decade, and more importantly, a paradigm shift for humanity, we must consider how we will maneuver in this new world dynamic. What do we want to contribute to humanity, and what do we want to manifest over the next several decades?

My name is Goddess Gillian and I have been a clairvoyant and clairaudient for most of my life. In addition, I have been actively focused on expanding my consciousness and my psychic abilities intensely over the last decade or more.

The last decade, and the last several years specifically, have been challenging in some aspect for every human on the planet. This global intensity helped me focus on training my mind to stay positive, in a state of gratitude and manifestation, even in the face of massive challenges. The lessons have been profound. During this time, it became clear to me that the reason that life on Earth has been so challenging and intense is because the planet and its inhabitants have been experiencing the growing pains that happen just prior to a paradigm shift.

What I’ve been seeing and feeling in my meditations, and readings, is that a massive energetic transformation is imminent for the entire human population. The last two years have been beyond what most humans have experienced in their lifetimes in terms of challenges and feeling thwarted. I’ve seen this across-the-board with my clients and have experienced it myself. But psychically, what I’m seeing now when looking at 2020 and beyond, is what appears to be a beautiful golden landscape that’s ripe for Manifestation! The energy of 2020 is like having laser vision after being in the dark for a very long time.

Validating this is the fact that the planet has actually moved into a place in the galaxy that has much more light. The light waves hitting the planet now are more than the human race has experienced in tens of thousands of years. This is causing shifts in the planet as a whole energetically and we, as its inhabitants, are transforming our DNA, and coming into a state of expansion of consciousness and spiritual growth and awareness.

2020 is a significant demarcation of this new energy hitting the planet and the vibrational change that it will bring. So, as you embark on this new year, new decade, and new type of energy, think about what you want to manifest Your life and the lives of your children and your children’s children. This is a turning point for humankind.

In this beautiful golden landscape of 2020 that is ripe for manifesting, are you going to throw out seeds of abundance, joy, financial success, amazing health, true love…Or are you or are you going to throw out seeds of fear, anxiety, and longing?? In this new energetic landscape, the seeds you throw out with your thoughts, words, and actions, will manifest faster and more expansive than anything you’ve ever experienced in your lifetime.

People that have really been wallowing in self-pity, blame, and playing the victim role will likely suffer exponentially in this new energy, as they will manifest more of the same on a grand scale. Therefore, it’s critical to focus on what is positive, and what is abundant, and what brings you joy. Those things will manifest into the most abundant time that you’ve ever experienced in your life and will trickle down to generations to come!

Knowing this, all light workers are being called forth at this time to focus on positivity in order to assist in the ascension of humanity into this higher vibration and frequency. The laser beam energy of 2020 will allow us to focus our minds to beam out positivity to the collective. This will help humanity take a quantum leap into our highest manifestation as Light Beings.



Author: Goddess Gillian

January 6, 2020No comments, , , , , , , , , , 2020 | Goddess Gillian | laser vision | Shift
Chakras, Energy and Relationships

Energetically we are built with 12 chakras. Our physical body is constructed around seven chakras. These seven chakras are our core essence. Then there are two chakras above our heads, one chakra below our feet, a chakra in each palm of our hands and soles of our feet. Each of these chakras is connected to a life-line, or Hara line that reaches from the Akashic field of energy to deep into the earth. Finally, an energy system, called the 12th chakra, connects the meridian points of your body to your auric field, what I call your energy bubble or the energy sphere that surrounds you.

The 12th chakra extends all the way to your energetic edge or bubble. There are filters on the edge of the energy bubble allowing information through to the 12th chakra which then carries the information to the physical body and the chakras. This energy passes through etheric layers before reaching the core self. It is made up of a mental layer, emotional layer and physical layer, with the physical layer being the closest to your body.

The seven chakras make up the core of your energetic self. This core is the energy that runs your “ship.” It is unique to you, it is precious to you. If the core melts down, the ship (your body and consciousness) is going with it.

In a healthy relationship we blend our energies with another, we give and take energies in the form of communication. We do this through our energy bubble and our 12th chakra.  This information flows to our core.  The person’s personal core energy stays with them and yours with you. You are connected, but you are not draining vital force energies.

You are meant to interact through your energy bubble and the 12th chakra that surrounds you. If there is a break, breech, or tear in your core energetic system you may begin to exchange and “bleed” your vital forces. When that happens you become vulnerable to negative outside influences and can be affected in many subtle and out-of-balanced ways in relationships before you even realize it.

Breaks can come from trauma and unresolved issues in our lives. Other people can make tears in our energy system.  They can throw energetic tentacles into our energetic system to drain or control us. We can also unconsciously do the same to others.  When we are in a relationship or beginning a relationship, these out-of-balance energies affect us and they affect the way we interact with another person.

  • You loose track of who you are.
  • You may loose personal power to the relationship.
  • You may make choices that are not in your best interest for your highest good.
  • You become addicted to the relationship.
  • Your personal perceptions become skewed.
  • You engage with the wrong person for you BECAUSE your energy is out of balance.
  • You feel depleted.
  • You are attracted to people who are not good for you.

You can change that pattern through personal work and with an energy healer.

Understanding yourself energetically is immensely helpful at the early phases of a relationship. “Who am I?” resonates with your solar plexus chakra – the energy center between your ribcage and your navel. “Who am I sexually?” resonates with your sacral chakra – energy center just below your navel. You broadcast (unconsciously) from these centers to magnetize/attract partners to you. What if these energy centers are broken and not functioning to their highest best? Who would you be attracting then?

When you find yourself out of your personal power, pull back. Open your Akashic records and connect with your Angels and guides. Make your intention to be in the healing mode in Akashic Field of Energy. Begin the session.  Imagine you are sitting in a bubble of your own energy. Imagine the bubble contains your core essence, Imagine expanding that bubble beyond your body. How does it feel? Now imagine pulling the bubble in close to your body.  Do you sense any subtle pulls or tugs physically or emotionally? That is a cord.

Disengage any core chakras that are involved in the relationship. Imagine disconnecting from the force that is pulling at you.  Ask your higher guidance to assist you. Then, ask your spiritual team to build a layer of protection and healing around you and your core essence. Ask your spiritual team for assistance on how to engage in a balanced exchange from your 12th chakra and energy bubble.

Now you can re-engage with the relationship with your 12th chakra. Imagine pulling your core essence close to your physical body.  Imagine a separate, flexible bubble surrounding you. This is your 12th chakra.  Allow this separate bubble to now engage in this relationship. This will help you get some distance.

Invite your sacred witness self to observe the relationship. This quiet observation will help you clearly discern what is going on. Observe the difference in your viewpoint of this relationship when you engage your energy differently.

Love deeply, love well and stay balanced!

Author: Nancy Smith

February 25, 2019No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , chakra | energetic cords | Love | nancy smith
The Art of Loving Self-Talk

From the moment we are born, love and nurturing are the elements we need to thrive in life. Our Spirit thrives and grows in this healing, nurturing environment as well. We tend to look at the world outside of our self, our parents, family, friends, romantic relationships to fulfill this need. When our need isn’t met, when all else fails, the only way out is to go IN.

We need to – have to – love and nurture our Self. When we are actively loving ourselves, the outside world improves magnificently.

The conversations we have with ourselves and the actions we take through our daily activities are true messages to ourselves. Whether we are consciously aware of our messages to ourselves or not, everything we say or do is heard internally and taken seriously.

Who is listening? The answer is that our unconscious self, who contains our inner team of children, our inner problem solvers, protectors and critics, are all listening to us and learning from what we do.  Your inner team is taking into account your conscious reactions, decisions, attitudes and actions. What we say and do consciously is what they believe and “know to be true.” If we want to change what they, our inner team of helpers, know to be true, it is important to listen and monitor our self-talk, observe our reactions, and choose wisely what actions we take.

Where we point our conscious “shoes” is exactly where our inner team goes.

Carol Tuttle, a renowned expert on children and spiritual development, says “The messages your children hear from you today will influence the beliefs they hold about themselves as adults.” Now that you ARE an adult, guess what, you are still sending messages to your inner child.

Who are your inner children?  Carol writes there are 4 types of children. Fun-Loving, Sensitive, Determined, and Serious. Each child type needs specific nurturing messages. A determined child is hands on and needs to hear, “It’s ok to move, touch and explore. A serious child needs to hear, “It’s ok for you to observe and think first before jumping in.”  A sensitive child needs to hear, “Trust your emotions and Intuition.” A fun-loving child could really use hearing, “It’s ok for you to make noise and laugh and play.” EVERY Child needs to hear “You can be you and I will always love you.”

Do you remember what your nature was as a child? Take some time to look back and observe yourself as a child.  What was your nature? Shy? Outgoing? Magical? What kind of encouragement worked best for you? What didn’t work at all? Imagine what you would have benefitted from hearing as a child. Write some message ideas down and see if they resonate.

If you didn’t hear empowering messages as a child from your parents, it’s ok, not all is lost! You are your own parent now. YOU are in charge. Create some messages that are just right for your inner child. You can find all kinds of ways to send those messages to your inner child. Children learn through hearing, touching and sensing. Be creative on what you are saying and how you are sending your messages to your inner child.

Create a receptive relationship with your inner you! Play music, your favorite music and sit quietly to listen and FEEL yourself as you listen. Draw and color with pencils, markers, paints and let yourself express freely, in whatever way resonates with you. Learn who your essence is as you play. Walk, run and jump. Skip rope. Be curious about everything around you. Observe and get to know what resonates and what doesn’t. Sit quietly in meditation with the intent to simply feel and listen to you, your own heart.

Remember to tell that inner little self, “I will always love you,” and then show your inner child that same love though actions and attitude.

Your Spirit and Soul will blossom and thrive, your creativity will expand as you truly and compassionately love and care for yourself!

Author: Nancy Smith

February 7, 2019No comments, , , , , , , , , , , empowerment | inner child | nancy smith | self-love | self-talk | Soul
Are You Open to Receive?

One of the most important lessons that I’ve learned in my life has been to receive. While this can be easy for some, for others it doesn’t come as naturally. As a child growing up, receiving wasn’t safe. I grew up in a household where love may be given at times, but then it could equally be taken away in an instant. I also had so many struggles with my family being abusive and my mom being an addict that, to me, life was hard and that’s all it would ever be.

Every part of my being and body believed this and, because of what I believed, everything in my life was continuously difficult and situations were constantly dramatic and chaotic. It was like I was tuned to a frequency of not receiving, with an addition of life being hard. Something that always stuck with me was my mother giving me gifts after she abused me. She would consistently do this and I always associated gifts with abuse, leaving me with the mindset: if someone gives you something they are going to abuse you.

About 9 years ago, when I started my spiritual journey and doing my professional spiritual work, everything did change for me. I realized that I didn’t want to be tuned into these frequencies of life being hard as well as being scared to receive. I saw people manifesting things in their lives and I was fascinated by what they were doing. After working with some spiritual mentors to heal my past and open myself up to this new life and way of living, I was shocked to realize that abundance is available to all of us.

The first time that I ever manifested anything I was blown away. I had manifested around $10,000.00 to come in as fast as possible. It did come in right away! I looked in my mail and there it was, exactly the amount I was asking for and I was pre-approved for a loan. I’d never even seen a letter or an offer like this at the time. I was so excited and amazed that it actually worked. My next manifestation was asking the universe and the divine to help me start my own spiritual business and to assist me in attracting clients. During that time, I was working in the medical field and all of a sudden I started having requests from my coworkers to work with me for readings and healing sessions too. So, I would work with them right at my kitchen table – at home. The month I decided to leave my medical career, a Psychic Australian company hired me and I had access to hundreds of clients instantly. Again the universe and the divine had my back and things that I was asking for were happening! I was shocked and delighted.

The key to everything was that I decided I didn’t want to live in the frequency that I grew up in anymore. I had to let go of my past and see the gifts in it. I had to learn to love myself and know that even though my family hurt my self esteem so badly, I could love myself and create my own self esteem. Although my family didn’t have my back, the universe and the divine did. I’ve learned to have a powerful “ask and receive” relationship with the universe and the divine. The more I received, the more I saw that I wasn’t going to get hurt and that bad things weren’t going to happen. There were no more abuse ties with money. Now, to this day, when I wake up in the morning I ask the universe, “What gifts can I receive today?” I ask what would it take for me to feel amazing, happy, and love the clients that I work with. I don’t answer these questions, but I do let the universe and the divine answer them for me. The answer is incredible and the amount of joy that I have in my life is incredible. I also keep getting surprised because it gets better and better. The beauty about this is that I can help my clients to do the same.

Photo of Tiffany Powers, our January BAP Featured Blogger
January 9, 2019No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , Blog | open | receive | tiffany powers
2019 Psychic of the Year Award Winner

Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics proudly announces Katherine Glass as our 2019 Psychic of the Year Award winner! Woot! Katherine is one of our longest standing members. She has been the recipient of several honors over the years and was even named BAP’s Psychic of the Year back in 2013. She is being awarded the honor again this year due to her consistency in embodying a true Best American Psychic. Katherine has not faltered in her support of our company, its objectives and her commitment to being an A-list lightworker.

Katherine continually receives wonderful feedback from her clients, is a supportive member of our team, and an upstanding member of the psychic community. This year, in particular, Katherine has devoted a great deal of time and energy to her support of BAP by offering her expertise as a recurring guest on Metaphysical Minds, being a BAP Featured Blogger, offering tips and tricks for our Instagram followers and more!

Katherine is active in the media world, as she guests on radio, internet TV, and Livestreams. She regularly teaches, as well as demonstrates at her Healing Essence Center in Concord, Massachusetts. She offers live reading events in different areas of the US, including charitable events. She has been known to offer a few retreats as well. In addition, although she has been immersed in this field of work for over 20+ years, Katherine never stops educating herself and improving her craft. The client testimonial below is an example of how all her dedication pays off:

“Gifted doesn’t even begin to cover the extent of Kathryn’s (Katherine’s) abilities. She named so many of my loved ones in spirit that I couldn’t keep up with them. She even talked by name about my daughter who is still living, whose name is incredibly rare. The advice given by my guides and by those helping me from the other side was spot on and we had an incredible act of synchronicity occur after the reading. Kathryn (Katherine) went above and beyond to help me and to get the message to me after the fact. She is such a blessing to the world.”

Katherine reads for clients from around the world, which truly makes her a blessing to the world. ???? She is a Psychic Medium, Spiritual Coach, and Energy Healer. She teaches psychic development courses. Clients can schedule an in-person reading with her or book a session or through her website. If you’d like to catch an event with her, be sure to watch her page for updates.

We, at BAP, are thrilled to have Katherine on our team and as part of our BAP family. We are excited to offer her this award!

Links for Katherine:

January 2, 2019No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , BAP | best american psychics | healer | katherine glass | Medium | Psychic | psychic of the year | psychic readings | shay parker
2019 Fabulous Feedback Award Winner

Mari Cartagenova receives positive feedback from her clients and lots of it! For this reason, we at Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics bestow the honor of 2019 Fabulous Feedback Award Winner to Mari. Mari is known for jumping directly into her readings and making her clients feel at ease. She has been described as “truly authentic.” In their feedback submission, her clients often mention her positive energy. We have noted how many folks she has helped with her work. She brings a great sense of peace and closure to her clients. She has made true believers out of skeptics, amazed clients with accurate details, and provided concrete, beneficial guidance to those seeking direction.

Mari has the all-around skill set of psychic medium, card reader, channeler, healer and more. She also particularly adept at animal communication. All one has to do is take a peek at her website testimonials to read of the amazing connections she has made with crossed over and missing pets. She has had significant success with locating missing animals.

Additionally, Mari is a co-host to the radio program “Lightworkers Unite”, along with New Hampshire Medium June Elaine Evans. She has been featured on the TV show “The Medium Next Door” and in the Boston Voyager Magazine.

Mari reads for anyone that can reach her via the internet, but also provides in-person readings in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. She is an Immediate Reader on our site and schedules several events throughout the year. Be sure to check her profile and/or follow her social accounts for updated information.

We are happy to be able to offer this award to Mari and delighted to have her as a member of our team.

Links for Mari:   


January 2, 2019No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Animal Communicator | BAP | best american psychics | fabulous feedback | mari cartagenova | Medium | Psychic | psychic readings | shay parker
2019 Awesome Accolades Award Winner

The 2019 Recipient of Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics Awesome Accolades Award is Samantha Hall. BAP is proud to say that Samantha has been with us for some time now. Samantha is a breath of fresh, honest air! She is an integral part of our team, offering support when needed and participating in group and company activities on a regular basis.

At Best American Psychics we are a team of lightworkers, normal humans that have been called to use our natural gifts to help mankind. We have answered the call and invested time, energy, funds and more to develop our gifts and skills to do this work. However, we still face the same issues, obstacles, and life events as everyone else.  We strive our best to journey through this incarnation helping others and bringing the light.

We think Samantha Hall does this in a way that warrants our Awesome Accolades Award. Samantha has invested countless hours educating herself and delving into the mysteries of her field of expertise. She is continually working on herself personally and professionally to offer the best services to her clients. She is always pleasant and willing to offer an assisting hand to her colleagues as well as her clients. She is involved in “giving back” through charitable donations and raising money for charitable causes.

She is a guiding light and educator and has been a recurring expert guest on Metaphysical Minds as well as a BAP Featured Blogger.

Samantha is a psychic medium and animal communicator. Her background includes a B.S. Degree in Human Services from Troy State University, a 6-year stint in the U.S. Army as a Psychiatric Technician (counselor) and Combat Medic, numerous Psychic Development and Healer courses such as Reiki, Yuen Method, Animal Reiki and the Anastasi System of Psychic Development, she is also a Certified Herbalist and ordained minister. You can find her on our Immediate Readings page or you can book an in-person or phone session with her.

We are proud to have “The Sensible Psychic” – Samantha Hall as a member of our esteemed directory!

Links for Samantha:

January 2, 2019No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , awesome accolades | BAP | best american psychics | Medium | Psychic | psychic readings | samantha hall | shay parker