
Alert! Growth Opportunity Ahead

Mistakes happen for a reason. When you’re in the middle of having something horrible happen to you it doesn’t feel good. You feel like “How did this happen to me?” or, “I can’t believe I messed up so bad, what is wrong with me?” Self-blame. Criticism. The ego always goes to self-blame, never to what we can learn. Blame only comes from the ego – it doesn’t come from your source, or from your spirit self. There is no blame from Spirit, only lessons. I’m not saying if a natural disaster or other tragedy occurs that there is some meaning or reason for that. I don’t pretend to know everything. I think sometimes bad things just happen. The blunders I’m talking about are making a mistake at work that ends up costing you your job or giving a report to a client that you thought was fantastic, but they said it was way off base. Ugh. Red-faced. Embarrassed. Angry. It’s about the times that leave a trail of nausea in the pit of your stomach, making you feel about 2” high. These boo boos happen to us all but can make us feel alone in our mistakes. And, accompanying this feeling, there’s usually a sense of shame and regret. Note: These are your soul’s warning signs to *pay attention* because there needs to be learning and course correction. This isn’t the time to avoid the matter or to not take ownership. Often when we mess up, it is embarrassing, and we come down on ourselves harder than anyone from the outside. It is important to own up to our mistakes, to apologize if necessary and take the next steps.

What are the next steps? Be honest with yourself and ask, “What can I learn from this?” When we are in the throes of an issue or something has gone wrong (and something always does, at one time or another) we need to step back and understand the lesson. “Why did this happen to me now, at this time in my life?” This is so we can repair whatever broken pieces there are and move forward in a more complete and transformed way. It is essentially the process of life – finding the broken pieces and repairing them. It’s not always comfortable and it doesn’t always feel good, but it’s essential for our soul’s growth. That is why we are here – to make mistakes. After all, earth is the classroom of life. Nobody gets 100 on every assignment. At times, there are things circled in red on your paper and you say “Rats, I thought that was really good”. But there’s always room for improvement for everyone. I’ll tell you a little story. I was recently at the UPS store. I needed to mail a package and there was a line. I took my place in line and started to fidget on my phone, look around and wonder how long this was going to be. After waiting five – ten minutes I realized I had a choice to make. I could get annoyed, arrogant and wonder why *I* had to wait so long or I could settle into the waiting. I chose option number two. I asked myself why I was here at this moment. What was I supposed to be learning? As I stood in this line for close to 30 minutes, I realized this was all about patience. Believe it or not, I am not always the most patient person in the world and it is something I am working on. Instead of getting mad and being frustrated, I had an opportunity to work on myself. The Universe always presents you with opportunities, you just need to pay attention to them. As I stood in line for a good length of time, I was smiling because I had risen above the ego and the exasperation and was able to just be in the moment and be at peace. #Winning.

So next time something irritating happens and you feel disappointed or let down, take comfort in knowing that you’re not alone. Everyone on this earth has experienced something similar at one point or another. This is a signal from the Universe and from your soul that this is your opportunity to grow. It’s like if you were cooking an amazing meal. Before you set the meal out to friends, you do some tasting along the way. Perhaps it needs more salt, or there’s not enough vegetables or you need to cook it a bit longer. As you go along transforming your dish there are adjustments to be made. That doesn’t mean that you’re a terrible cook – it just means you’re imperfect and you are seasoning the dish as you go. That’s what we’re all doing here. We’re cooking ourselves until we’re good and ready to be served. Ok that’s a weird analogy, but you get the point. Just know that we’re all here learning and whenever mistakes are made, the important part is not to spend a lot of time getting down on yourself. Instead ask yourself, “What can I learn from this and how can I move on to make it better for next time?”. That’s my motto – Keep moving forward. Don’t stay stuck in the past ruminating on your errors – move forward and use each setback as an opportunity for growth and abundance. Don’t let the lack of seasoning in your dish hold you back. We’re all here standing at the stove trying to make the best meal we can. Don’t give up on yourself – your dish is already fantastic.

Author: Mari Cartagenova

November 30, 2018No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , growth | learning | life | mistake | opportunity | purpose | self esteem | self growth | setback
Radical Self-Acceptance through the Akashic Perspective

The Akashic Records is the Divine Library of Light holding all the knowledge of who you are, across every lifetime of existence, written, in love, by the Universe. This is a space that can be accessed with the Higher Consciousness. Within our Records are a group of Souls dedicated to our personal growth, made up of Loved Ones and Master Teachers. They are our team of light that share compassion and unconditional love towards our unfolding soul evolution.

The vibration of the Records allows us to perceive our lives with a profound level of clarity. We learn to have deeper compassion for ourselves and begin to see how our choices have brought us tremendous growth and opportunity to know and be ourselves. This is a space and resource filled with empowering wisdom that allows us to see ourselves simply with love as we are and, simply put, fall in love with our souls. When we are in love, we have that glow, that magnetism that attracts joy and fulfillment. Part of the purpose of awakening humanity to connecting with the Akashic Records is so that you can fully embody all of who you are, live more consciously, and in full expression of your highest aspects. Can you imagine a world in which everyone is in love with their own Souls, sharing that joy and love with others, creating Heaven on Earth?

Some of the basic struggles we face in human life can become blockages from being in our best expression. Self-acceptance is a huge healing point on many challenges we have within. Often times, we have an internal war waging within us about embracing all of who we are. We have an internal judge or emotional abuser created from self-rejection.

If you think about all the moments in your life, can you trace back to those times through trauma or survival you abandoned yourself? Self-abandonment is very painful and often at the root of feeling lost or not knowing who you are. It is a power loss we experience and it’s not your fault. During trauma, ultimately, you do the best you can to preserve and survive. Our Souls will attempt to lead us back to take action, on our own behalf, and engage in healing. While we choose healing, the commitment to the growth during the healing comes one step at a time when we are best able to integrate the learning. This is why healing “takes time.”

There are moments when we get “stuck” in our healing process due to resistance. We may be so invested in resisting, unaccepting or judging of what is happening, it creates an energy blockage. From the Akashic Perspective we are urged to practice radical self-acceptance and appreciation.

Our resistance creates a stickiness to our struggle that may cloud our ability to accept higher consciousness within ourselves that will shift the challenge into healing. It’s very true that we cannot heal from the same level of consciousness that created the problem. We learn to stop resisting what is, and judging what is, and accept that it is. The journey is ultimately to guide you into a space of understanding your fundamental good and worth. Healing transformation requires us to look within for the answers as to what is getting in the way of us experiencing this good and falling in love with our own souls.

In the Akashic Perspective you are able to see, from the eyes of your Soul, why you made the choices that you did, or why that could happen with loving respectful insight. The very vibration of akashic guidance is the ultimate respect to the individual soul and its particular path of being. Every challenge serves the purpose of growth. Growth leads us to clearing away the energetic cobwebs and dust that get in the way of our true light shining through. A light that is tangible, practical, empowering, and available to us.

November 19, 2018No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , akasha | Akashic Records | bap blog | best american psychics | Blog | higher self | self acceptance | shay parker
Reclaiming Your True Energetic Integrity

The energetically aware human is deeply connected to their feelings. They are aware of vibrational energy in and around themselves. Our auras were made to blend and merge and experience each other as social beings. You are now awakening to your true power. In doing so, many truths will be revealed about the places where you are unconscious as the veil drops. From this space we can choose to make compassionate choices about how we engage our patterns and true transformation can be created. Dear One, It’s time to awaken from the slumber of unconscious living and patterns! It’s time to awake to the power of your True Awareness!

Here are 4 steps you can take to shift into a higher vibration of energetic integrity and clarity.

1.)We cannot heal from the same level of consciousness that created our old struggles. Engaging in practices that calm the mind become the first step in your transformation. The empathic nervous system is a beautifully refined system of awareness, which through repeated trauma or energetic overload may begin to shut down. You can be open and aware without resorting to shutting off your super power. So, let’s work on getting the body and spirit back to its healthy baseline. It’s time to limit your exposure to stress and energetically toxic triggers as you work on finding your new level of grounding. Get back to nature. The energetic connection between our bodies and nature helps us return back to a healthy, grounded cycle of being. Go on a negativity diet. You may wish to limit your exposure to toxic relationships and create stronger boundaries that promote healthy self respect. Be aware of physical triggers within addictive or allergic responses to food and beverages. Everything you read, see, engage in, and view can affect your energy field in the very beginning of your healing process. What we witness gets stored in our third eyes and can replay in our thoughts and dream time through nightmares and disturbing images. Often, we may create energetic cords that create loops of obsessive thinking as a result. All of these experiences are doors to re-enacting the pattern of unconscious reaction. The reaction can have an addictive quality on the emotional and physical body.

2.)Once you have created a peaceful environment, it’s time to reset your chakra system back to its naturally vibrant space. Work on clearing your chakras of psychic debris. Energy work is great for creating balance in your energy system. You can do this with a reputable Energy Healer or through the many chakra clearing meditations available online and in print yourself. This allows you to get back into your balance and you begin to feel an internal awareness of yourself. Bring this practice into your daily ritual and you will notice a dramatic shift over a week’s time. As you become more clear, you begin to have that natural intuitive awareness once again.

3.)When energetic connections are made these are usually healthy and life affirming. However, sometimes these connections to people and situations become stagnant, dysfunctional and need to be cleansed. These cords can drain us and cause unnecessary anxiety or depression. You can create a simple cord cutting ceremony to release old energy by writing the name or situation on a piece of paper, burning the paper, and stating you now release this person or situation to the Light for the highest good. For more intense connections that make you feel overwhelmed seek out an energy healer who can help you move the energy out of your space. Just remember, if you are still learning from the situation, the cord may then release when the lesson is integrated on it’s own.

4.)Holding the highest possible vibration in and around you creates a natural shield of energy that repels lower thought forms and prevents you from over processing emotions and energy not your own. A high vibration is a peaceful, calming, heart-centered space. You may still be aware and feel what is around you but, in this state, you move from being reactive to proactive. You can do this by calling down Divine light to surround you, starting from your head down to the bottoms of your feet, then back up to the head again, sealing your aura. Do this slowly and with conscious breath. You may have a noticeable shift in mood when you do this as your energy is uplifted. These practices alone will create a healthy balanced and aware aura. Brought into the daily self-care ritual, you will easily be connected to your internal integrity. Over time, there will be a sense of clarity and freedom in your intuitive sensing. You will be clear on what is yours and what is energy outside of you.

Auther: Jeanne Crescenzo Jeanne Crescenzo BAP November Blogger 2018

November 7, 2018No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , , aura | best american psychics | chakra | empath | empathic | energy | energy clearing | Energy Healing | jeanne crescenzo | tips
Everything To Everyone

I’m a people pleaser. I like to make others happy. That’s part of why I do this work. And, of course, if you’re an empath you might have the exact same issue as well. And no, people pleasing isn’t all bad of course, it’s what makes a lot of good things happen in the world. But, if you’re striving to keep others happy at the expense of yourself there’s a problem. Anyone that is very sensitive or an empath knows when this becomes an issue because we can usually feel it. However, sometimes this situation might not be so obvious to us – it might be a nagging feeling that just won’t go away or we might feel dissatisfied, resentful or even angry. We might struggle within ourselves – “Even though I feel yucky, this is right because …” And, at times, we feel guilty for even considering not helping out so-and-so. But the little voice in our head (aka The Ego) continues with more justifications as to why we should over extend ourselves and burn ourselves out – “But I have to, they’re counting on me, but I need to take care of this, etc etc”. Does this sound familiar?

It sounds familiar to me because it something that I used to do a lot of. What I’m also talking about is boundaries. People who want to make others happy all the time sometimes have difficulties with boundaries or, they have them, but they’re rather “flexible” let’s say. Now you probably know what I’m already going to say but I think it’s important to say it anyway. You can’t be everything to everyone. When you do that you just get burnt out and angry and you’re really not going to be very much good to anybody and especially not yourself. A lot of sensitives, empaths and even general folks suffer from this because it feels good to help others feel good. Some people like this even have difficulty receiving kindness at all. Yes, I’m talking about you. When you have a hard time accepting compliments, doing nice things for yourself or even just allowing yourself to sit in a chair and relax then you definitely have a problem with boundaries and self-care. I know it’s hard because you like to help and, honestly, sometimes it easier to focus on the needs of others instead of your own. BUT – you need to put yourself on that list. I know as a mom, as a therapist, as a medium I can end up pretty far down on that list- like 475th. And, of course, I don’t usually even make it that far down on my list. But I’ve learned and, especially doing this spiritual work, that you *have* to be on your list. This is part of our lesson here on this earth. You matter. Only you can take care of you.

To that end, you cannot do your work, the work you were put here for, without your own source of light. Whether it be connecting with spirit, teaching or anything else if there’s nothing left for you to give, then you are empty. And empty doesn’t help anyone. It’s not selfish to take care of yourself. Even getting a massage once in a while is not selfish! Spending time alone is not selfish. Taking a vacation (even if you want to take one by yourself!) is not selfish. These things are hard to hear for some of us, but they are true. These activities replenish us and not only is it not selfish, but it’s actually mandatory. What? Did Mari just say it’s mandatory that I get a massage? Well, you know if that’s what you want and that makes you feel replenished, then yes, I am giving you permission to get a massage.

I hope by this time you’re getting my point that it is ok to take care of yourself and do whatever will fill up your cup. And you don’t need anyone’s approval. You are doing this for you. And once you step away and give yourself that much needed, that much required, time to fill up your own tank you’ll see how more relaxed and how much easier it is to do the things you need and want to do. Your steps will be a little bit lighter and your mind a little clearer. And who doesn’t want that? From one ex-people pleaser to a soon to be ex-people pleaser, enjoy your massage.

Author: Mari Cartagenova bestamericanpsychics

October 24, 2018No comments, , , , , , , , , , , boundaries | empathy | mari cartagenova | massage | people pleaser | stress
Soul to Soul Readings

I wanted to chat with you a little bit about Soul to Soul readings. You might be asking, “What is that Mari?” Well, they are different than a regular psychic or mediumship reading and are really beneficial when a client is struggling in their life. Essentially, how I view Soul to Soul readings is that the medium will connect with the soul of the client through a merging of energies as a way of gleaning answers. Yes, I know that sounds weird, but stay with me. Once they have made that connection, the medium is able to see and feel what that person’s soul needs. It could be what that person needs to be doing right now, what their soul purpose on this earth is during this lifetime, or a variety of other things. This type of reading may be a little newer and perhaps you might not have even heard of it before. But, trust me when I say that sometimes this type of reading is just what the doctor ordered when you have a lot of “stuckness” or you just feel lost.

I would recommend a Soul to Soul reading when you are wondering these types of things: What should I be doing in my life? Or, if you have a feeling like there’s something you’re supposed to be doing but you just don’t know what it is. Or if you ever have that “soul itch” and it’s like you’re spinning your wheels but not getting anywhere. This type of reading is also helpful if you need some specific advice about a situation that keeps happening over and over or is of a more spiritual nature. In all these instances the Soul to Soul reading would be very beneficial. Sometimes during a Soul to Soul reading your past lives make an appearance. When the medium is doing this type of work it’s all about connected energies. And, as we know, all of our energy and lives (past and present) are intertwined. So, if your medium is doing a Soul to Soul reading with you and a past life comes up, it’s because whatever happened or was unfinished in that past life has a direct impact on your current life. This also usually means something there needs to be worked on and corrected during this lifetime. I know this may sound overwhelming but just remember you only need to keep taking one step forward every day. That’s all anyone can do.

We are all energy and, as such, this energy is always changing. There are always things to work on, things to change and to evolve to move to a higher soul level of consciousness. It may sound daunting but as long as you keep moving forward then I feel like you are doing your job. All you, or anyone, can expect is to keep making progress at whatever state you’re at. Some days it feels like you’re not making any progress at all. The next day you may feel like you’ve moved ahead only a foot even if you expected to move a mile. The bottom line is with these type of soul readings, it gives you additional insight and a greater connection to your soul that will help you move forward. Another benefit of the Soul to Soul reading is that by connecting the energy of the medium to the client there is a type of healing that occurs. It’s almost as if when you connect to the soul of another and you give the reading, healing to both parties happens. It is almost like a soul catharsis. It may be hard to explain or understand if you haven’t been through it, but I can tell you after giving these readings there is a change in the client and even sometimes in the medium. After connecting to the energy of the divine it would be hard to not feel a shift in your soul. As the amazing medium, mentor and teacher, Tony Stockwell has said before, we are like the Soul Therapist, which is actually really beautiful. With all the endeavoring we Lightworkers do, I know we are only barely even skimming the surface of the soul and there’s so much more for us to learn. I want to encourage you-if you feel stuck in your life or need some answers to some deeper more profound questions-to seek out someone who does the Soul to Soul reading. I think you will be very surprised and pleased at what you come to discover.

Author: Mari Cartagenova October BAP Blogger - Mari Cartagenova

October 18, 2018No comments, , , , , , , , , , Consciousness | energy | mari cartagenova | Medium | Psychic | Readings | Soul | soul to soul

Let’s talk about fear. We all encounter it, but I am talking about fear of your own success. When working as a medium, trust is the most important thing you can possibly have. I know it sounds obvious, but unless you trust what you’re getting from Spirit, you can get all in your head and cannot get a clear message. I find this to be the most difficult hurdle to cross for new students. Everyone says to me, “How do you know it’s from Spirit and not from your own mind?” With practice, you’re able to distinguish between your own thoughts and things that are coming in externally from Spirit. But the only real way you can do that is to let go of your fear and allow Spirit to work with you. When fear is in the way it makes this almost impossible.

This can be applied in many aspects of our life, not just mediumship. People are afraid to step out of their box or comfort zone, to do things that their soul really wants them to do. Everyone’s been told by other people in their life or their family/friends that they should do this or they should have this kind of job etc. But, only each individual’s soul knows what is actually correct for them. People sleepwalk through life – going to work, going to school, or taking care of kids without ever really touching what their soul yearns for. I feel the most sad for these people. Maybe you are one of them. But I can guarantee if you’re reading this blog, your soul is ready for an awakening. I congratulate you on finally listening and taking the next steps. So keep reading….

I believe that everyone is on this earth to do something. I truly am convinced that whatever gifts you have, you are here to use them to better mankind and help others. I realize this sounds incredibly trite. But honestly, if we’re not here to make a difference in the lives of others and the elevation of humanity then what are we here for? I know that fear is scary. I work with so many clients who stay firmly planted in their heads because the fear will not let them move where their soul wants to take them. I understand. I’ve been like that myself. But you must realize that you are in this incarnation, in this body, in this particular life, only once – you only get one chance. I do believe in reincarnation and feel we get many chances to live over and over again. But, this is as different people. We only get this one chance to be who we are now. You’ve heard all the commercials: Nike “Just do it” or “Feel the fear and do it anyway”. If something sounds cliché usually it’s because there’s some truth to it. I encourage everybody that’s reading this blog to really take some time to ponder this idea. Just take 5 or 10 minutes to sit with yourself. Sit in a quiet place, or walk in nature, and try to get out of your head. What that means is try to let go of what’s in your head and drop down into your body or soul self. I believe you can feel your soul, your spirit more in your heart center, but definitely not in your head.

Try to get into your body and feel what it’s telling you. Not about its aches and pains but more about what will nourish your soul. If you jump back into your head and start hearing “oh you should do this, you should do that” then you know it’s not your soul. It’s just the voices of all the people that you’ve met over your lifetime telling you what you “should” be, which is not necessarily what you were meant to be. Know that you are an eternal being and that you can actually do *anything* if you decide that’s what you want to do. I see you there, shaking your head saying “No, that’s not possible, I can’t live my dreams”. But I can tell you can. Why? Because I’m doing it myself. Once, I couldn’t ever imagine giving messages from Spirit. I thought “How could I possibly do this? I’m just a mom, I’m nobody”. Well I’m here to tell you that if you decide that you want to follow what’s in your heart, then Spirit and the Universe will not let you down. I promise you, if you start to follow your true path, doors will open, windows will open, secret passages will open – there will be openings if you look. It’s only when you find roadblock after roadblock and you know deep in your gut that what you’re doing isn’t right for you that you will realize you need to take another path.

When you start listening to your soul, the once insurmountable looking obstacles will soften a little. I’m not saying that when you’re on your path that everything is easy breezy and there are no challenges. This is not true. There’s always challenges, but when you’re pushing in the wrong direction those roads are really bumpy and ultimately closed. When you’re pushing in the right direction there will be some bumps here and there and you might find some resistance from others, even yourself. However, what you will feel in your body, your heart and your gut chakra is that it’s right. So keep going. Don’t give up on yourself. I wish you all tremendous success on your new journey.

Author: Mari Cartagenova October BAP Blogger

October 10, 2018No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , Fear | Intuition | life path | soul path
Oracle Cards

A Gateway to Connect with your Inner Divine

Feeling restless? Anxious? Bored? Confused? Are you excited? Peaceful? At a precipice or turning point? Then it’s a great time to get out your oracle deck of cards, or Tarot cards to have a chat with yourself and the Divine.

I feel fortunate to have grown up surrounded by tarot cards. My mother used the Rider Waite deck, and I would sit and watch in wonder as she laid them out whenever she did a reading for one of her college students. She didn’t do it often, a hobby really, a source of calm and clarity for herself, for friends, and for her drama students. There was always an electric feeling in the air for me when she would have the cards out. Excitement and possibility abounded. I would later, after her time reading them, hold each card in my hands and study the images.

When I grew up and went off on my own I acquired my own cards, a beautiful Oracle deck, different than a full tarot card deck as it has fewer cards and doesn’t run in suits like Tarot does. I didn’t practice psychic reading yet at that time in my life. I had no idea I would later become a professional reader, healer and medium. I would simply go to my deck when the feeling moved me, and sit and drop into a quiet state of mind, and ask for a message through the cards. I found, and still do find, it to be calming, comforting, and always aligned with what I was needing to hear at the time. It was as if there was a wise loving guardian with me, advising me and reassuring me that I was not alone. It still happens like that today.

Some people are afraid of oracle and tarot cards, finding them creepy, or too “woo woo”. The truth is, they are simply a tool, an extension of your own higher consciousness and the Universal energy that surrounds you that is always available to help you with clarity if only you will open to it. There is a helpful setting of the tone of intention when an oracle deck is used to center yourself. You can always just sit quietly and receive guidance from spirit, the Universe, or whatever you like to call it, but using a beautiful deck of illustrated cards that resonates with you based on its theme and design will quickly transport you to a lovely and deeper connection to your own spirit. It’s as if a key gets turned in your consciousness, and you find a deeper wisdom and calm place inside yourself. That calm place within is always there, and the practice of doing it often will open your intuition and help you to feel more connected spiritually with yourself.

Try this any time you can take a few minutes for yourself in a quiet place. Morning, with my tea or coffee, is my favorite time:
Take your oracle cards and hold them in your hands while you focus on your intention – a general message or a specific situation you want guidance on. Take a deep breath and shuffle the cards a few times in your hands. Now pick one card for a shorter reading, or two or three for a more expanded one. You can also choose another card to expand on the message of the cards before it. You will find that the card (s) you pick will resonate with whatever you are needing to understand or be made aware of in that moment about your situation, or for your higher guidance. There is always a written guide explaining the meaning of the cards with each deck.

A great place to find your own special deck that really feels right for you is in a good bookstore, or a metaphysical bookstore. You can also find them online when you search Oracle decks and Tarot cards. I highly recommend this practice of connecting with your inner self and Source, Divine, Universe, for support and wisdom to assist on your journey here on Earth.

Happy Divining!

Author: Katherine Glass

August 28, 2018No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , Divination | divine | Guidance | Mediumship | Metaphysical | Oracle Cards | Spirit | tarot cards | Tools
Love Is All That’s Left

The Value of Mediumship

The other day I went with my dear friend to visit her father in a rehab/nursing home facility. I hadn’t seen Paul, her 83-year-old dad, in almost a year. When we arrived he was asleep, seeming to be somewhere between worlds. When my friend gently woke him, he startled and moaned. Lori then greeted him, told him who she was, and asked how he was. “Not good” he said. He seemed to be off somewhere in a distant place, a bit confused. Then, all at once, he brightened as he gazed at his daughter and said, “I love you sooo much!” The rest of the visit continued much in that same vein; vagueness, chit chat from my friend, and many times over, the clear, sincere, heartfelt gaze and exclamation from Paul, “I Love you. I just love you so. I love you so much”. My friend has a rocky relationship history with her father, which she has completely made her peace with over the years. As I sat with them and witnessed this sweet authentic interaction between them, I was inspired to write this piece. Being a professional medium, this is the bottom line of every message delivered from loved ones who have passed. “I Love You.” Yes, of course there are variations of it, “I am ok” I am with you always” “Please forgive me” etc. But the resounding communication is always and only Love.

I was so moved by this intimate innocence from Paul to his daughter. I teared up at the universality of the soul connection between them, between us all, and in my opinion, between ourselves and the Divine, Source, God, Oneness. The core of most souls is pure love. Why, then, does it get so obscured while we are here on Earth living out our lives and relationships? I have said to my audience at every public demonstration of mediumship I do, and I’ll say it here: tell them now! Tell them while they are here with you, heal the rifts and pride that separates and guards your hearts! But even if, for whatever reasons, you can’t or don’t do this, know that at the end of your life and theirs, perhaps after passing, the core will reveal itself one way or another. When you bring a medium in to help you to connect with that loved one in spirit, the main message you will leave the session with is the love that never dies. Why not, then, make the effort now to allow this deep soul level connection to bubble up to the surface and flow out from your heart to theirs? The key is NOT to be attached to their response, or their receptivity to your love. Give it anyway! Receive it anyway! There is no obligation or etiquette on how to respond to “I love you”. Simply allowing it to wash over you in silence is enough. Or, if you are the giver of it, allowing it to flow out from you toward your mother, father, sibling, spouse, child, friend etc. Try offering it to yourself as well! A sincere, heartfelt, uninhibited “I LOVE YOU” right into your own eyes. Soul to soul of Self. Go on, I dare you! Love is our core, and love does heal the soul.

That day at the nursing home, Paul didn’t talk about his career, or his accomplishments in life. He sat and ate the chocolate pudding his loving daughter brought to him, and gazed at her like a child and said, “I love you soooo much!” over and over again.

The beauty and value of the ability to communicate with our loved ones who have passed, the value of the gift of mediumship is just for this. This simple essential core expression of the soul’s “I love you.” For what else is there, really? That, and the proof of the soul’s continuation, of course.

My wish for you is that you take advantage of the gift you have of your loved ones still living in the physical world and the opportunity to let them know that at your core, even with any difficulties and hurts that need clearing work, you love them so much. If your loved ones have gone on to the other side of this life, the next best thing is the use of mediumship, through your own spirit to spirit communication, or through the assistance of a genuine medium to guide you.

Author: Katherine Glass

August 20, 2018No comments, , , , , , , , , , , , end of life | Healing | Love | Medium | Mediumship | Psychic | Relationships
Are Entity Attachments Real?

How Do I Know If I Have One?

In the world of psychics, healers and metaphysics, inevitably the topic of “entities” or “attachments” will arise. It will come up in classes about healing and psychic development, in a discussion or when you visit your own reader or healer, and certainly if you are a working psychic or healer yourself. But what exactly IS an entity attachment, and why might it attach to you? I will begin by saying there are many beliefs on the subject and conflicting thoughts. For years I was taught by esteemed teachers of healing and psychic development how to clear and protect my energy field when doing this work because when you are empathic (as many people are) and working with, relating to, and in the presence of other humans, it’s important to clean out your energy field and space because you can pick up “stuff” and energies that don’t belong to you. This topic can get multi layered and branch off into all kinds of directions. I will keep it as concise as I can speaking from my own experience.

I have been trained in and I teach multiple techniques for clearing the human aura, and physical space. I have worked for 30 years in the healing arts, and have a thriving private practice as a psychic, medium, energy healer and spiritual counselor. I discovered that I had picked up a foreign energy (entity) that was attached to my energy field. I had been feeling rather “off” for quite a long time. I was experiencing low energy, was weepy a lot, and more negative and drained than I had ever felt for such a continued period of time. I was behaving in ways that weren’t usual, like desires to do things out of character for me, such as zoning out and escapism behavior. I was putting things off that I normally enjoyed, isolating from others, and feeling a big lack of motivation to do my work, which is my true passion in life! Admittedly, I had become remiss in managing my energy field carefully, both in my work and personal life. As the awareness of how “off” I was becoming intensified, I just “happened” (there are no accidents!) to come upon an article with a list of symptoms of an entity attachment. I found it hit me like a frying pan over the head and I realized that was what was probably going on. Me? A trained professional psychic healer? That same day, we had good friends over and one of them was a healer whom I came to find out cleared attachments through a technique using the akashic records (a topic for another day). I followed the protocol she gave me after doing her assessment and I truly experienced a total shift and reversal of the symptoms. It has been a reminder of the importance of taking care of my energy field.

What exactly IS an entity attachment? It’s an energy in another dimension that is of a low vibration and feeds on the energy of living animals/people. It can be a collective of negative thought forms but not with a soul. Like a bacteria or parasite on the astral (unseen) level. An entity can be a negative human soul who is vibrating on a lower level frequency and stays hanging around the Earth plane out of fear to move onward. These souls attach to people or animals to gain energy and to live vicariously through the incarnated being. There are many other types of entities such as dark force (demonic) and ETs who have a different energy to them and attach for different reasons.

The most important thing to know about this subject is how to prevent it and how to clear it if you find you have one. According to some research I did, a large percentage of people have attachments at some time in their lives and don’t know it, and some have them for their entire lifetime. They come from other people who have them, and go to other clear people who have an opening in their aura to allow them in. An opening can happen when a person is weak emotionally due to trauma, in fear or negativity, too open energetically and merging with another’s energy field, through sex with a person who has entity attached, or when using drugs or alcohol. To stay clear in the aura, a person has to be soul empowered and not in fear to remove and to keep the entity away. The assistance of the Angelic realm, (also known as High Entities) and the Divine (God/Goddess)-a higher vibration than the entity is needed to escort it out to another realm where it belongs.

Some things to be aware of to stay clear of entity attachment:
Stay healthy physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Clear negative people out of your life, check your thoughts and belief systems for low vibration (shame, fear, self-loathing, over giving, martyrdom, giving your power away,) and protect your home, office, car etc. with healing thoughts, cleanliness and high vibration music, light, sincere meditation and positive relationships. Burning white sage and incense clears space, and water and salt keeps the aura clear.

Author: Katherine Glass

August 13, 2018No comments, , , , , , , attachment | aura | energy | entity attachment | Medium | Psychic | vibration
Rockin’ The Work, Part 2

Here’s a Powerful Mantra Meditation:

“In Kundalini Yoga, there is a mantra for healing and the way that it heals is to tune to the soul of the universe, which is pure and without disease or pain.

This is one of the most powerful healing mantras on this planet and the power of this mantra has the ability to connect Mother Earth and the Ethers. This mantra will offer healing specially to you, your families and the whole world.” (Yogi Bhajan)

Ra – means connecting with the Sun that gives you Energy
Ma – means connecting with the Moon that aligns you with receptivity
Da – is the energy of the Earth grounding you in your roots
Sa – means infinity as you draw in the healing energies from the universe
Sa – this second chant brings the universal energies to you
Say – means honoring ALL that is and how you personally perceive the Source Energy
So – means the vibration of the merger of Earth and Universal Energies
Hung – means the Infinite and the vibrating Source within me

Let’s begin…

Sit in a comfortable position.
Bring your hands in prayer position with the tips of your pointer finger aligned with the tip of your nose.
Look down at the tip of your finger.
Gently close your eyes.

Take a deep breath in… and exhale
Take a deep breath in… and exhale
Take a deep breath in… and exhale

Visualize the person you’d like to receive healing – if it’s yourself, make that image in your mind very clear and see a glowing green light in and around yourself, or that person, as you pace yourself to recite this mantra.

Ra.. ma.. Da.. sa.. Sa.. say.. So.. Hung
Breathe in and out

Ra.. ma.. Da.. sa.. Sa.. say.. So.. Hung
Breathe in and out

Ra.. ma.. Da.. sa.. Sa.. say.. So.. Hung
Breathe in and out

Ra.. ma.. Da.. sa.. Sa.. say.. So.. Hung
Breathe in and out

Ra.. ma.. Da.. sa.. Sa.. say.. So.. Hung
Breathe in and out

Ra.. ma.. Da.. sa.. Sa.. say.. So.. Hung
Breathe in and out

Ra.. ma.. Da.. sa.. Sa.. say.. So.. Hung

Take a deep breath in and exhale.

Open your eyes gently and come back into the room.

Lay in Savasana (Corpse position) to allow the healing to integrate with your body.

Sun, Moon, Earth, Infinity I AM
The Service of the Source is within me.

Sat Nam

July 31, 2018No comments, , , , , , , , , energy | Healing | mantra | meditation | Spirituality